Detailed cycle log (Testosterone, Deca, Superdrol)


Hello, this is my first thread here aswell as my first cycle log. I will update daily around 10pm for the duration of the cycle. Thank you and I hope you enjoy. I will be starting my cycle tomorrow. before this I ran a testosterone/dbol cycle and I only ran it for about 2 months, I separated my AC in my shoulder and had to go to TRT dose and have been out for 6 weeks or so. Got depressed and stopped caring for myself with a crap diet and no training. I am now about 170lbs, about 14% bf, 6 foot. I gained about 3% or so of bodyfat while staying about the same weight which is not good on my part. I'm done waiting for someone to pick me up, I'm tired of feeling bad for myself. Time to get the fuck up and try again. I am going for hypertrophy as my main and goal, no PR's. Just lean gains with minimal bloat(i hope).

I will list vitamins, supplements, medications and steroids being used throughout this cycle here so I don't need to post it every update. I will update if any changes are made.

I take the following prescribed medications (beta-blockers, heartburn medication and mood stabilizers)

These are the vitamins and supplements I take: BCAA, Protein Powder, Weight Gainer, Creatine, Garlic, Lecithin, Omega 3, Coenzyme Q10, Niacin 500, Turmeric Curcumin, VitaMode Multi Vitamin, Silymarin Complex, Organic Spirulina, MSM, TUDCA.

1-4 Superdrol 30mg ED (15mg first few days)

1-16 Test-E 500mg/wk

1-16 Deca 300mg/wk

1-16 Cialis 10mg pre workout

Aromasin as needed aswell as Pramipexole on hand(Most likely won't need it I heard)

I will be using Citadel Labs (Canadian Domestic) for my gear. (No I'm not a shill i just like their gear).

I will be eating very bland like a robot, eating the same food, sorry it just works for me. I will be posting what I have eaten, macros and calories total, and how much water intake I had that day at 10pm everyday. Aswell as side effects experienced throughout the day. I will be checking my blood pressure several times during the day and adjusting medications and whatnot accordingly if needed. My training will consist of PPLPPL 6 days on 1 day off, 60-70 minutes a day in the gym, 20 minutes of cardio every couple days. If I feel like I am overtraining I will simply eat more food or sleep more. I personally want leg size, delt size and back size. I will be doing weigh ins every Friday, aswell as progress photos with measurements taken(example: +0.85 inches to biceps since start of cycle). I may have missed something critical in this intro, if I have let me know, also if you have any questions feel free to post, aswell as any tips or pointers will be greatly appreciated! Wish me luck, I hope you guys follow my 4 month journey :)

This thread will not be abandoned, I won't let you guys down. Time to bounce back!
Because nothing exciting was happening I didn't bother updating yet. Time to get this kicking in full gear.
The first day I did a short cardio session and bodyweight exercises to get my body ready.
Days 2-4 Went very light weight with all exercises. DOMS is absolutely unbearable almost. Can barely walk from leg day. Day 5 rested to recover from the "warm up sessions". So now that I am on day 6 every night will be an update like I said I would. I will update every day with a note on things not stated. This is the following format I made to track some stuff, it may become more detailed in the future but this is what I am working with. Will update tonight at 10pm ish.

Day 0

Name Dose
Example 0.0mg
Example 0.0mg
Example 0.0mg
Example 0.0mg
Example 0.0mg
Example 0.0mg
Blood pressure

Time Sys/Dia Bpm
0AM 0/0 0
0AM 0/0 0
Symptoms/Side effects

Weight change

Weight since start of cycle +0.0lbs
Current weight 0lbs
Body measurements

Body part Current / Since start
Example 0.0inches/+0.0inches
Example 0.0inches/+0.0inches
Example 0.0inches/+0.0inches

Food intake

Food Calories/Carbs/Fat/Protein
Example 0 / 0g / 0g/ 0g
Example 0 / 0g / 0g/ 0g
Example 0 / 0g / 0g/ 0g

Total 0 / 0g / 0g/ 0g
Water consumption 0L
Workout routine
Exercise Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest

Example 0lbs / 0 / 0 / 0s
Example 0lbs / 0 / 0 / 0s
Example 0lbs / 0 / 0 / 0s
Example 0lbs / 0 / 0 / 0s
Example 0lbs / 0 / 0 / 0s

Total Time : 0 Minutes
Additional notes

Just ran 250 test, 525 tren, 20-30mg superdrol last 5 wks. The superdrol took me from 234 to 255lbs in 5 wks eating clean. My favorite AAS. Good Luck!
Just ran 250 test, 525 tren, 20-30mg superdrol last 5 wks. The superdrol took me from 234 to 255lbs in 5 wks eating clean. My favorite AAS. Good Luck!
Thank you, great progress by the way. I always hear of everyone talking about the crazy amounts of weight piled on, gets me very excited. You're one heavy guy that's forsure!
So i am currently experiencing gyno on day 6, been using aromasin 12.5mg EoD. I don't have nolva or clomid on hand (ofcourse i don't... ) Going to bump to 12.5mg ED. I know it's the superdrol as im only on day 6, my test and deca haven't kicked in yet, sorta freaking out. Ran dbol and didn't get signs of gyno this quickly even though dbol aromatizes. I'm running the superdrol at 20mg ED. I will be getting letrozole at the end of september, but by then my superdrol will be finished.
So i am currently experiencing gyno on day 6, been using aromasin 12.5mg EoD. I don't have nolva or clomid on hand (ofcourse i don't... ) Going to bump to 12.5mg ED. I know it's the superdrol as im only on day 6, my test and deca haven't kicked in yet, sorta freaking out. Ran dbol and didn't get signs of gyno this quickly even though dbol aromatizes. I'm running the superdrol at 20mg ED. I will be getting letrozole at the end of september, but by then my superdrol will be finished.
You started your cycle without you pct and ai stuff?

Edit: my mistake it says you TRT
You started your cycle without you pct and ai stuff?

Edit: my mistake it says you TRT
Aromasin isn't needed on my TRT and I used it with my dianabol and testosterone cycle just fine so I made an educated guess to assume I would be alright if I just used a low dose of aromasin. Which realistically would make sense, I thought wrong.
Aromasin isn't needed on my TRT and I used it with my dianabol and testosterone cycle just fine so I made an educated guess to assume I would be alright if I just used a low dose of aromasin. Which realistically would make sense, I thought wrong.
Yeah there is a big misconception that SD doesnt aromatize.
I am almost certain that it does. I'd love to do an sd only cycle for a few weeks just to prove it to everyone.

I always get Gino flare ups on sd. Totally fucking worth it though. Sd is the shit
Yeah there is a big misconception that SD doesnt aromatize.
I am almost certain that it does. I'd love to do an sd only cycle for a few weeks just to prove it to everyone.

I always get Gino flare ups on sd. Totally fucking worth it though. Sd is the shit
I did plenty of research that pointed towards it not aromatizing, apparently the claims must be anecdotal. For me anyways; dianabol at 30-40mg aromatizes less then Superdrol at 20mg. My blood pressure was bad on dbol and it's unaffected on Superdrol, unless I die from Superdrol, I doubt I will switch back. I think the claims of Superdrol toxicity are a little exaggerated in my opinion aswell. Who knows, maybe ill get jaundice in a week
Forgot to upload these when I started, made a video of me standing front, side and back but I was too lazy to do the screenshots. I did them so I didn't forget to post them. These are the starting images, 169lbs same morning as pics. Was out of the gym for 6 or so weeks in this picture. I will always take measurments and pictures without pump and fully relaxed. I may upload flexing pictures but not on my weekly updates. Thanks, more progress pictures every Friday.
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Yeah there is a big misconception that SD doesnt aromatize.
I am almost certain that it does. I'd love to do an sd only cycle for a few weeks just to prove it to everyone.

I always get Gino flare ups on sd. Totally fucking worth it though. Sd is the shit
Why would it aromatize? It's a dht derivative like winstrol or masteron. Anadrol is also a dht derivative but gives some people gyno through a different route than normal. Maybe superdrol is like anadrol if gyno prone? I get big, hard, and dry from superdrol but I'm not gyno prone.
Why would it aromatize? It's a dht derivative like winstrol or masteron. Anadrol is also a dht derivative but gives some people gyno through a different route than normal. Maybe superdrol is like anadrol if gyno prone? I get big, hard, and dry from superdrol but I'm not gyno prone.
I thought the same thing, but I'm gyno prone, we will see on Friday when I do updated pictures if the gyno is noticable in a side picture. I took 25mg aromasin today and I'm going to wait 2 days, if it goes down even the slightest then it's forsure gyno. Who knows, it could be fat gain, water retention, or gyno. All of which are not common with Superdrol. I guess time will tell.
Day 6

Name - Dosage
Cialis - 10mg
Superdrol - 20mg
Aromasin - 25mg
Propranolol - 30mg
Pantoprazole - 40mg
Creatine - 5g
Garlic - 2,000mg
Lecithin - 1,200mg
Omega 3 - 1,000mg
Coenzyme Q10 - 100mg
Niacin - 500mg
Turmeric Curcumin - 600mg
VitaMode Multi Vitamin - 0.5 servings
Silymarin Complex - 1 serving
Organic Spirulina - 500mg
MSM - 1,000
TUDCA - 250mg
Blood Pressure

Time Sys/Dia Bpm
11am 119/64/66
10:30pm 121/71/81
Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Headache, Calf pip, No motivation
Bedtime:Headache, Loss of appetite, Calf pip, Chest pains
Weight change

Weight since start of cycle +4lbs
Current weight 173lbs
Body measurements

Body part Current / Since start
Waist 33inches/+0.0inches
Chest 39.5inches/+0.0inches
Arms 14inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches
Shoulders 46.5inches/+0.0inches
Hips 37inches/+0.0inches
Thighs 23inches/+0.0inches
Calves 15.25inches/+0.0inches
Neck 16inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches

Food intake

5 Whole eggs / 350kcal/0g/25g/30g
4 Pieces of toast / 360kcal/70g/3g/12g
12 Perogies / 630kcal/123g/7.5g/21g
400g Pasta / 1412kcal/296.5g/7.1g/56.5g
400ml Milk / 440kcal/40.6g/16.9g/27.1g
Protein / 180kcal/8g/3g/30g

2,700mg Sodium
Total : 3371kcal / 538g C / 62g F / 177g P
Water consumption 3 Litres
Workout routine

Exercise Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest
Decline Bench - 135lbs / 10 / 3 / 90s
Barbell Shoulder Press - 65lbs / 12 / 3 / 90s
Dumbbell Bench - 35lbs / 10 / 3 / 60s
Dumbbell Fly -12.5lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Dumbbell Lateral Raise - 15lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Barbell Skullcrusher - 30lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Tricep Pushdowns - 30lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s

Total Time : 60 Minutes
Jogged 15 minutes home.
Additional notes

¶Headaches throughout workout, ouch.
¶Irritated shoulders on lateral raises.
¶Felt like my muscles were only working at a maximum of 60-70% but I was a little freaked out while pushing weight because of my shoulders, I would have been fine I was just scared.
¶Next time I'm giving it all I got, I'll keep my bench press a little lighter and go heavier on accessories, bench press always puts a little bit of extra pressure on my shoulders.
¶Insane calf pip from yesterday
¶Since my 25mg aromasin dose earlier today my nipples have calmed down a bit and it seems like they are pulling in tighter, Personally I've never had aromasin do it's work this quickly. Odd, maybe I acquired some acid instead of aromasin and I'm just trippin. ;)
¶My wife was eating perogies and I couldn't help myself so I had that with my pasta, tisk tisk.

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Why would it aromatize? It's a dht derivative like winstrol or masteron. Anadrol is also a dht derivative but gives some people gyno through a different route than normal. Maybe superdrol is like anadrol if gyno prone? I get big, hard, and dry from superdrol but I'm not gyno prone.
I get gyno from what I beleive to be related to superdrol.
I did plenty of research that pointed towards it not aromatizing, apparently the claims must be anecdotal. For me anyways; dianabol at 30-40mg aromatizes less then Superdrol at 20mg. My blood pressure was bad on dbol and it's unaffected on Superdrol, unless I die from Superdrol, I doubt I will switch back. I think the claims of Superdrol toxicity are a little exaggerated in my opinion aswell. Who knows, maybe ill get jaundice in a week
I've run superdrol 2 times before and bloodwork was normal 2wks after cessation. I ran it at 40mg a day once too! I think the toxicity is overstated as well. Although I did feel like shit the final wk at 40mg but I was doing low carb. I just got done with an sdrol cycle on Monday and felt great but I was eating 10+ cups of jasmine rice a day. I think that you eating all that pasta will help.
Day 7

Name - Dosage
cialis - 10mg
Superdrol - 20mg
aromasin - 0mg
Propranolol - 30mg
Pantoprazole - 40mg
Creatine - 5g
Garlic - 2,000mg
Lecithin - 1,200mg
Omega 3 - 1,000mg
Coenzyme Q10 - 100mg
Niacin - 500mg
Turmeric Curcumin - 600mg
VitaMode Multi Vitamin - 0.5 servings
Silymarin Complex - 1 serving
Organic Spirulina - 500mg
MSM - 1,000
TUDCA - 0mg
Blood Pressure

Time Sys/Dia Bpm
11:30am 124/69/69
10:30pm 129/62/80
Symptoms/Side effects

Day:Calf pip
Bedtime:Calf pip, Loss of appetite, Dry throat
Weight change

Weight since start of cycle +5.8lbs
Current weight 174.8lbs
Body measurements

Body part Current / Since start
Waist 33inches/+0.0inches
Chest 39.5inches/+0.0inches
Arms 14inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches
Shoulders 46.5inches/+0.0inches
Hips 37inches/+0.0inches
Thighs 23inches/+0.0inches
Calves 15.25inches/+0.0inches
Neck 16inches/+0.0inches
Forearms 12.0inches/+0.0inches

Food intake

6 Whole eggs / 420kcal/0g/30g/36g
4 Pieces of toast / 360kcal/70g/3g/12g
420g Pasta / 1,482kcal/311.3g/7.4g/59.3g
Mutant Mass Gainer / 530kcal/88g/8g/26g
400ml Milk / 440kcal/40.6g/16.9g/27.1g
Protein / 180kcal/8g/3g/30g

1,584mg Sodium
Total : 3,412kcal / 518g C / 68g F / 190g P
Water consumption - 2.5 Litres
Workout routine

Exercise Weight/Reps/Sets/Rest
Rack Pulls From Knee - 205lbs / 12 / 3 / 90s
Barbell Bent Over Row - 135lbs / 10 / 3 / 90s
Wide Grip Lat Pulldown - Lvl7 / 10 / 3 / 60s
Iso Row Machine -70lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
Ez Bar Reverse Curl - 30lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s
One Arm Preacher Machine - Lvl1 / 12 / 3 / 60s
Cable Rope Facepull - 50lbs / 12 / 3 / 60s

Total Time : 50 Minutes
No cardio
Additional notes

¶Oh no, I forgot my wrist straps, my grip was slipping on my rack Pulls. I wanted to rack pull 255 or more but my grip couldn't hold. Next time i won't forget!
¶Best workout yet, I felt absolutely amazing in the gym
¶Mouth and throat were dry throughout the day, not peeing often, I am going to try to drink 4-5L from now on.
¶Starting to feel very strong, my muscles want me to throw more weight on but I think I should wait until week 2 to try any weight increases so I have a starting point o what to go off of.
¶4 blisters ripped off my hands on the rack pull trying to hold on, I need to increase grip strength!
¶Heart racing really bad throughout workout because I forgot to take my beta blocker pre-work out.
¶Irritated right shoulder slightly on face pulls.
¶Very surprised on how vascular I was in the gym, I had veins popping on places I didn't even know I had veins.
¶Shoulders are actually starting to feel a little better, hmm.
¶Nipples were sore in the morning but they feel fine now.
¶Pip in my calf from tuesdays injection has turned into something worse, I can no longer flex my left calf. I am walking on my tippie toes on my left foot, pain moving into back of my kneecap and hamstring slightly and front of my shin. This all happened since this morning. I may have to visit the ER. Any suggestions? I do have antibiotics on hand I believe.
IMG_20190829_213619_0.jpg This picture is calves flexed, my injected calf won't flex at all.IMG_20190829_214706_6.jpg
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Daily update is awaiting moderator approval unfortunately. Also;I suppose my updates are going to average out around 11pm-12am because I'm home from the gym at 10:30pm and it takes roughly 30 minutes to an hour to do an update.