Detecting fake steroids

Litterally the only steroid that would theoretically come out of sulution is propianate and only if it was severely overdosed or the brewer cut the benzel benzoate down thinking it cuts down the pip( of course the truth is cutting bb in prop ups the pip.) So muh miss information.
go back to your mommy you don't belong here with the men.
perfect example of a forum shill/bully right here lol. You proved in one comment you are a complete tard. How would test enanthate fall out of solution in ba and bb? Unless of course the brewer forgot to ad it lol. Also doesnt it seem funny that a raw powder that was never crystal in form would fall oit of suspension and CRYSTALIZE?
You want to know what happens to legit steroids when you freeze them? The oil thickens up, lol. Benzel benzoate isnt descrinating towards tempurature. Meaning freeze it burn it, if made properly it does not fall out of solution.
Freezer test.

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It never works. In fact ive been scratching my head as to what is in people gear that is crystalizing. Maybe its pig dewormer the stuff they were cutting cocain with in there who knows.
Litterally the only steroid that would theoretically come out of sulution is propianate and only if it was severely overdosed or the brewer cut the benzel benzoate down thinking it cuts down the pip( of course the truth is cutting bb in prop ups the pip.) So muh miss information.
perfect example of a forum shill/bully right here lol. You proved in one comment you are a complete tard. How would test enanthate fall out of solution in ba and bb? Unless of course the brewer forgot to ad it lol. Also doesnt it seem funny that a raw powder that was never crystal in form would fall oit of suspension and CRYSTALIZE?
You want to know what happens to legit steroids when you freeze them? The oil thickens up, lol. Benzel benzoate isnt descrinating towards tempurature. Meaning freeze it burn it, if made properly it does not fall out of solution.
It never works. In fact ive been scratching my head as to what is in people gear that is crystalizing. Maybe its pig dewormer the stuff they were cutting cocain with in there who knows.

Try to consolidate your argument into one post.

In any case, you've lost me. Solubility is temperature dependent, and will decrease with decreased temperature, until the solute precipitates out of solution. This is fundamental knowledge and certainly applies to all steroids, not just propionate. Of course enanthate will precipitate out of solution, if the concentration is too high for a given solvent temperature (at manufacture), or vice-versa, if the temperature is lowered sufficiently at a given concentration (after manufacture).
I understand what you are saying after all you need to heat the solution when its made to get it into solution. What you said still does not explain this crytalizing phenomenon. Ive seen gear that has sat still for month on end form a slight cloud sometimes but you can hold it in you hands and it go clear again.

Putting it in the freezer the oil gets cold but never freezes and the most that happens is the oil get viscous and any clouding is just from the oil as ive froze just gso and exact same thing. When you hold it in your hand it quickly goes completly clear never at any point havimg anything resembling a crytal or anything coming out of solution.
I understand what you are saying after all you need to heat the solution when its made to get it into solution. What you said still does not explain this crytalizing phenomenon. Ive seen gear that has sat still for month on end form a slight cloud sometimes but you can hold it in you hands and it go clear again.

Then the solute was just (slowly) beginning to precipitate out of solution at room temperature, and increasing to body temperature dissolved it back into solution.

Putting it in the freezer the oil gets cold but never freezes and the most that happens is the oil get viscous and any clouding is just from the oil as ive froze just gso and exact same thing. When you hold it in your hand it quickly goes completly clear never at any point havimg anything resembling a crytal or anything coming out of solution.

Then the solute concentration was sufficient(ly low) to be held in solution by that given solvent, at the freezer temperature.

There is no mystery phenomenon at play here.
Then the solute was just (slowly) beginning to precipitate out of solution at room temperature, and increasing to body temperature dissolved it back into solution.

Then the solute concentration was sufficient(ly low) to be held in solution by that given solvent, at the freezer temperature.

There is no mystery phenomenon at play here.
So my gear must be fake? If i freeze my gear next to gso and neither do anything except go slighty clouded( exactly the same) with no crytalization my gear is fake?
So my gear must be fake? If i freeze my gear next to gso and neither do anything except go slighty clouded( exactly the same) with no crytalization my gear is fake?

No, I'm not sure how you're drawing that conclusion from my post.

As I said before, the only way to know if gear is fake is testing, either blood test, or analytical testing of the compound itself.
This thread is super gay. @1gramaday you sir are also very gay. Get over yourself man. You're not saying anything new and yes you are brimming with Labmax shill confidence. Labmax is a joke. Real lab work is and always will be the best way to test. It's not debatable in anyway unless you're trying to sell something. Debating it actually drops your stock as an intelligent member quickly.

You have been typecast. Good luck shaking that.
This thread is super gay. @1gramaday you sir are also very gay. Get over yourself man. You're not saying anything new and yes you are brimming with Labmax shill confidence. Labmax is a joke. Real lab work is and always will be the best way to test. It's not debatable in anyway unless you're trying to sell something. Debating it actually drops your stock as an intelligent member quickly.

You have been typecast. Good luck shaking that.
Where the fuck did i say this thread is all about labmax? Take that shill bullshit and stick it up your ass tuff guy. Calling me gay? You wouldnt say shit toy face so why dont you quit pretending to be tuff. See this is whats so flawed about these forums. A bunch of dumb ass kids make friends on the forum and form a team of goofs who bully other members because you think you have some kind of seniority. Loose your attitude you fucking goof.
"Your not saying anything new unless you are trying to sell something" the delusions and assumptions on here are fuckig amazing. A couple posts in im a labmax shill or a prior member. All you goofs better get back on your meds you paranoid skitso goofs. Type cast? Oh no a bunch of goofs with high school mantality are hatimg on me bro, what am i gonna do they dont like me. Lol listen to yourself you sound like a total goof dictatimg to me.
your entire agenda has been leaning in that direction. And yes, this thread and you are gay. I would say it to your face and you would sit there and take it. It isn't about friends or who has been here the longest. I'm still the new guy here in reality. You wanted an answer to your question and all you do is redirect those answers over to Labmax as the only solution. Labmax is shit. get a real lab to test things for real results. You seem to be on a crusade to exploit the things that every single person on Meso already knows and your answer to the entire thing is Labmax. You're a faggot with an agenda.
Guess a person who wants to know whats in there gear is better of paying for expensive labs to do that is best right. Me id rather not ever inject something and rely on blood work, thats like eating a chicken before you cook it.
Yah id sit there and take it, right up until i greased my woodchipper with your dumb ass. See this is what you want to get me mad so you can get me banned. That way you and your spineless shit talking friends can sit back and talk shit when noone is there to defend.

Also really, who the fuck shills for a fucking reagent test kit? If i was in here yapping on aboit a lab then i could understand but, fucking lab max? Jesus you needs meds asap.

There now one of you or your pussy friends can go tell a moderator im threatening you like that goof loser cndguy did to my friend months ago for tellimg him to meet under the patulo bridge.
Coward behind a keyboard just like you.
Guess a person who wants to know whats in there gear is better of paying for expensive labs to do that is best right. Me id rather not ever inject something and rely on blood work, thats like eating a chicken before you cook it.
Yah id sit there and take it, right up until i greased my woodchipper with your dumb ass. See this is what you want to get me mad so you can get me banned. That way you and your spineless shit talking friends can sit back and talk shit when noone is there to defend.

Also really, who the fuck shills for a fucking reagent test kit? If i was in here yapping on aboit a lab then i could understand but, fucking lab max? Jesus you needs meds asap.

There now one of you or your pussy friends can go tell a moderator im threatening you like that goof loser cndguy did to my friend months ago for tellimg him to meet under the patulo bridge.
Coward behind a keyboard just like you.
You're hard as a rock man! What a threat lol. No, you're not getting banned for that. Nobody cares about you that much.

Yes, people shill labmax. You look like someone that is in the running.

My first response to you was the most accurate way of ensuring that you get good gear, pharma or UGL. It is RESEARCH. if you know who you are buying from you will not get burned. Plain and simple. But you don't trust your own leg work so you rely on some form of tangible testing. Pity that you fall short in your own eyes.

If you need a better assurance you should get a script from a doctor.