DeusChem - Official Distributor of Deus Medical | AAS, SARMs, PCT, Peptides&HGH | Worldwide Delivery

5 to 10 days inside the EU, Is this delivery time accurate as when I have previously ordered from a Deus Reseller it has ALWAYS taken 30 days to reach the UK? If so that is great and I will place an order.
Your site is not working....what a joke of a source lol
The site is still not working for like 2 days already! LOL

hope nobody ordered from those clowns
Maybe they are working on it dipshit? It’s a possibility I would think
Don't worry, our website is under maintenance. We have found some problems with hosting, and we are already solving them. Our website will be opened as soon as possible.

At the moment, you can contact us by email: or

Thanks for your understanding!
5 to 10 days inside the EU, Is this delivery time accurate as when I have previously ordered from a Deus Reseller it has ALWAYS taken 30 days to reach the UK? If so that is great and I will place an order.
We have already sent many times to UK, and estimated delivery time is 7-9 days.

At the moment, our website is under maintenance, but you can contact us and place an order directly by email:

We will respond to your email within 10-20 minutes. Thank you!
Last edited:
Post a price list while your shitty site is down
Our website will be opened as soon as possible. Please check below our full product list with prices. All products are in stock, but without WINIMED SUSPENSION 50.

Let us know if you will have any questions!

• Injectable Steroids

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
3-TRENBOMED 150Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate45 €
DECAMED 250Nandrolone Decanoate38 €
DECAMED PP 100Nandrolone Phenylpropionate31 €
DIANAMED 100Methandienone36 €
EQUIMED 250Boldenone Undecylenate38 €
MASTERMED E 200Drostanolone Enanthate50 €
MASTERMED P 100Drostanolone Propionate40 €
PARAMED 76.5Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate50 €
PRIMOMED 100Methenolone Enanthate59 €
SUSTAMED 250Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Decanoate32 €
TESTOMED 100Testosterone Base Water Suspension28 €
TESTOMED C 250Testosterone Cypionate30 €
TESTOMED E 250Testosterone Enanthate30 €
TESTOMED P 100Testosterone Propionate26 €
TRENBOMED A 100Trenbolone Acetate41 €
TRENBOMED E 200Trenbolone Enanthate50 €
WATERMEDBacteriostatic Water10 €
WINIMED 50Stanozolol33 €
WINIMED SUSPENSION 50Stanozolol Water Suspension33 €

• Oral Steroids

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
ANADROMED 50Oxymetholone27 €
ANAVAMED 10Oxandrolone23 €
CIAMED 5Tadalafil20 €
DIANAMED 10Methandienone10 €
HALOMED 5Fluoxymesterone45 €
PRIMOMED 25Methenolone Acetate75 €
PROVIMED 25Mesterolone23 €
SUPERMED 10Methyldrostanolone41 €
TURIMED 104-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone17 €
VIAMED 20Sildenfail citrate11 €
WINIMED 10Stanozolol11 €

• Post Cycle Therapy

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
ARIMIMED 1Anastrozole27 €
AROMAMED 25Exemestane30 €
CLOMIMED 50Clomiphene citrate21 €
EVIMED 60Raloxifene Hydrochloride25 €
FEMAMED 2.5Letrozole35 €
NOLVAMED 20Tamoxifen citrate23 €

• Fat Burn

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
CLENOMED 40Clenbuterol11 €
CYTOMED 25Liothyronine Sodium (T3)12 €
THYROMED 50Levothyroxine Sodium (T4)9 €

• Sarms

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
GW501516 10Cardarine35 €
LGD4033 10Ligandrol60 €
MK2866 10Ostarine33 €
MK677 10Ibutamoren40 €
RAD140 10Testolone50 €
S23 10S-2335 €
S4 25Andarine45 €
SR9009 10Stenabolic35 €
YK11 5YK-1155 €
Don't worry, our website is under maintenance. We have found some problems with hosting, and we are already solving them. Our website will be opened as soon as possible.

At the moment, you can contact us by email: or

Thanks for your understanding!
understanding my ass, not trusting your clown site anymore, going with buydeus or power

also arent u guys thunder chuck? wtf? u guys are sus
understanding my ass, not trusting your clown site anymore, going with buydeus or power

also arent u guys thunder chuck? wtf? u guys are sus
Yes, Thunder Muscle is our domain too, and it was closed permanently. name is not very suitable for distributor, that is why we have moved to another domain name.

In fact you are trying to humiliate us, but you are not paying attention to our advantages. We respond very quickly to emails, very fast process orders and send them to our customers worldwide. Yes, our website is not working 2 days, but we are working on it and as an alternative you can contact us or place your order by email:

We are constantly trying to improve our service, maybe you can give us any advice?
Our website will be opened as soon as possible. Please check below our full product list with prices. All products are in stock, but without WINIMED SUSPENSION 50.

Let us know if you will have any questions!

• Injectable Steroids

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
3-TRENBOMED 150Trenbolone Acetate, Trenbolone Enanthate, Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate45 €
DECAMED 250Nandrolone Decanoate38 €
DECAMED PP 100Nandrolone Phenylpropionate31 €
DIANAMED 100Methandienone36 €
EQUIMED 250Boldenone Undecylenate38 €
MASTERMED E 200Drostanolone Enanthate50 €
MASTERMED P 100Drostanolone Propionate40 €
PARAMED 76.5Trenbolone Hexahydrobenzylcarbonate50 €
PRIMOMED 100Methenolone Enanthate59 €
SUSTAMED 250Testosterone Propionate, Testosterone Phenylpropionate, Testosterone Isocaproate, Testosterone Decanoate32 €
TESTOMED 100Testosterone Base Water Suspension28 €
TESTOMED C 250Testosterone Cypionate30 €
TESTOMED E 250Testosterone Enanthate30 €
TESTOMED P 100Testosterone Propionate26 €
TRENBOMED A 100Trenbolone Acetate41 €
TRENBOMED E 200Trenbolone Enanthate50 €
WATERMEDBacteriostatic Water10 €
WINIMED 50Stanozolol33 €
WINIMED SUSPENSION 50Stanozolol Water Suspension33 €

• Oral Steroids

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
ANADROMED 50Oxymetholone27 €
ANAVAMED 10Oxandrolone23 €
CIAMED 5Tadalafil20 €
DIANAMED 10Methandienone10 €
HALOMED 5Fluoxymesterone45 €
PRIMOMED 25Methenolone Acetate75 €
PROVIMED 25Mesterolone23 €
SUPERMED 10Methyldrostanolone41 €
TURIMED 104-Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone17 €
VIAMED 20Sildenfail citrate11 €
WINIMED 10Stanozolol11 €

• Post Cycle Therapy

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
ARIMIMED 1Anastrozole27 €
AROMAMED 25Exemestane30 €
CLOMIMED 50Clomiphene citrate21 €
EVIMED 60Raloxifene Hydrochloride25 €
FEMAMED 2.5Letrozole35 €
NOLVAMED 20Tamoxifen citrate23 €

• Fat Burn

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
CLENOMED 40Clenbuterol11 €
CYTOMED 25Liothyronine Sodium (T3)12 €
THYROMED 50Levothyroxine Sodium (T4)9 €

• Sarms

Product NameActive SubstancePrice
GW501516 10Cardarine35 €
LGD4033 10Ligandrol60 €
MK2866 10Ostarine33 €
MK677 10Ibutamoren40 €
RAD140 10Testolone50 €
S23 10S-2335 €
S4 25Andarine45 €
SR9009 10Stenabolic35 €
YK11 5YK-1155 €
Just ignore them mate, none of these people giving you abuse will buy Deus products anyway. They are just looking to give someone a hard time on an internet forum.
Cant make head or tail out of who to contact here. Pm me if you get it sorted
Hey! Please contact us directly by email: and we will reply to you very quickly! Also, please feel free to ask any questions in this thread if you need any additional information.
If anyone is still reading this thread they sent me the rep contact within 2 minutes. Now i can read what they have without trying to use the web page.
is there still the 3+1 promo for viamed ?
Hey! Unfortunately no, this promo is not available. But, Valentine's Day is coming up, and we are planning to make a promotion for our customers. We will notify you about the promotion in advance :)
Dear customers! Our website is now working and all problems are solved! We accept orders as usual and without any delays.

You can place your order directly on our website:


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