MESO-Rx Sponsor DEUSPOWER - official distributor of Deus Medical (INDIA)

Same here. Always got pip on second day-third after injection TESTOMED E 1ml. I used to apply heparin ointment and it helped to speed up healing/ Tried different sites/preheat in hot water/slow injection/different needles - none of them helped to avoid pip. But stuff was working, idk what is wrong with oil. I had used SP Labs MastP (which is also now with carrier miglyol 840) and hadn't got any pip at all.
Came here for answers lol, I've got the same problem, tried Deus Test Enanthate for the first Time 2 days ago, pinned 1ml, and only a few hours After I've got a crazy pip that is still there today, didn't really reduce, stayed kinda the same.
Didn't pin for around 2 weeks before that, I usually would get a super mild pip in this situation but the Pip is really bad
Usually I go with Hilma and except the first Time I pin, I dont get much of a Pip, even with tren.

Really am Wondering why, heard Deus Medical use mig 840 which is a kind of "all or nothing" oil regarding pip, if someone knows more about it ?
Came here for answers lol, I've got the same problem, tried Deus Test Enanthate for the first Time 2 days ago, pinned 1ml, and only a few hours After I've got a crazy pip that is still there today, didn't really reduce, stayed kinda the same.
Didn't pin for around 2 weeks before that, I usually would get a super mild pip in this situation but the Pip is really bad
Usually I go with Hilma and except the first Time I pin, I dont get much of a Pip, even with tren.

Really am Wondering why, heard Deus Medical use mig 840 which is a kind of "all or nothing" oil regarding pip, if someone knows more about it ?
Yeas its beacuse of the mig 840 , when I used them the pip lasted for 5 days and couldnt sleep on the side I pinned. Atleast theyre legit but Id just go for Hilma instead.
Yeas its beacuse of the mig 840 , when I used them the pip lasted for 5 days and couldnt sleep on the side I pinned. Atleast theyre legit but Id just go for Hilma instead.
Good to know thanks, thought it was actually caused my glass microparticules cause where I live it seems like no one even medical professionals use filter needles so I couldn't buy some to use it with the ampoules, that's kinda reassuring knowing I'm not the only one.
Seems like the pip very mildly reduced today.

I wonder if the body Can adjust to the mig ? Usually with other labs when I would get pips it would last for a few injections then it would stop hurting

Used Deus caused they were the only lab to have hcg but gonna do as I used to, now that Mactropin isn't there anymore I'm gonna continue with Hilma, always had good resultas with them without horrible pips + vials are so much more pratical than ampoules

Ps: never Seen better stealth than with Deus one though
Good to know thanks, thought it was actually caused my glass microparticules cause where I live it seems like no one even medical professionals use filter needles so I couldn't buy some to use it with the ampoules, that's kinda reassuring knowing I'm not the only one.
Seems like the pip very mildly reduced today.

I wonder if the body Can adjust to the mig ? Usually with other labs when I would get pips it would last for a few injections then it would stop hurting

Used Deus caused they were the only lab to have hcg but gonna do as I used to, now that Mactropin isn't there anymore I'm gonna continue with Hilma, always had good resultas with them without horrible pips + vials are so much more pratical than ampoules

Ps: never Seen better stealth than with Deus one though
You wont get used to imo I mean i never did , the stealth is good but ive seen better , Mactropin was aight but their DNP was underdosed , Hilma was always decent even tho some people say their orals are bunk. I thought human-labs was pretty good based on all the reviews and lab results but I think its bunk or atleast pretty underdosed. Liberty labs also seems nice but idk anymore. Ill do bloodwork on both of them b4 and after injection to see how much my TT is going to increase.
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As always, working hard and getting bigger! Let’s grow together!
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As always, working hard and getting bigger! Let’s grow together!
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As always, working hard and getting bigger! Let’s grow together!
This is my first order at Deuspower. It has good quality, legitimate Deus products at a good price. Every week they have products with discounts, you have discount coupons and also reward points when buying products.

The order came very well wrapped and protected. However, I will not buy more from Deuspower since their page says that shipments to Europe take approximately 5-15 days.

I placed an order on April 5, and it was not shipped until April 12. It took 7 days to send it!!!. My order arrived yesterday, after more than a month of waiting! (to Spain)
It is the worst courier service I have ever seen (Asendia). If one day the shipments improve, I will buy again at Deuspower.Captura de pantalla 2023-05-11 a las 2.27.50.pngIMG_4054.jpeg
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Instructions ,Pleas
Thanks guys

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i want to highlight that .

My package was seized by customs
i contact DeusPower , they replay fast to my email ,
i did explain that my package was seized,
they understand my situation,
they offer me reship another parcel.
Today i got my package delivered;

I especially recommend to guys that live in EU Country

Thanks a lot team


i want to highlight that .

My package was seized by customs
i contact DeusPower , they replay fast to my email ,
i did explain that my package was seized,
they understand my situation,
they offer me reship another parcel.
Today i got my package delivered;

I especially recommend to guys that live in EU Country

Thanks a lot team

View attachment 260711
Did you use another address for the reship?
This is my first order at Deuspower. It has good quality, legitimate Deus products at a good price. Every week they have products with discounts, you have discount coupons and also reward points when buying products.

The order came very well wrapped and protected. However, I will not buy more from Deuspower since their page says that shipments to Europe take approximately 5-15 days.

I placed an order on April 5, and it was not shipped until April 12. It took 7 days to send it!!!. My order arrived yesterday, after more than a month of waiting! (to Spain)
It is the worst courier service I have ever seen (Asendia). If one day the shipments improve, I will buy again at Deuspower.View attachment 257468View attachment 257469
Yeah it kinda sucks, there are very few sources that ship fast, if i recall correctly, deuschem ships faster, they are my go to for Deus but it has been a while since i ordered from them, but yeahh all sources should improve the shipping, this is 2023