MESO-Rx Sponsor DEUSPOWER - official distributor of Deus Medical (INDIA)

Is the Ukrainian war affecting your shipping and do you have 2022 lab tests?
Dear David44,
As answered in email.
No, war in Ukraine is not affecting our work in any way as our business has nothing to do with Ukraine.
All newest lab tests are on our page. If the batch is still the same it was in 2021. then there are no new lab tests made by us, but there are many lab tests done by members on forums.


The kaatsu method, also called the occlusion training system, is basically a high-intensity training technique invented in Japan by Dr. Yoshiaki Sato, in which low loads are used while a tourniquet or occlusion bandage is applied to the muscle group being trained, promoting the hormonal and anabolic responses (normally in the arms and legs) that occur when training a muscle under ischemic conditions.
Its main function is to reduce blood flow, causing a great anabolic and hormonal stimulus through a condition of ischemia at the local level, making it possible to achieve a great stimulus in the muscle without the need to use high loads or volume, therefore it can be a technique to use in volume deload phases, during a cutting phase or in injured or hospitalized people (in the latter case under the supervision of a professional).

Initially, it was thought that the % occlusion would have to be adjusted according to the person, but since most studies apply the same level of occlusion to all participants, and the effects are extremely good, it will not be necessary to personalize the level of occlusion depending on the person, for the arms normally 70% is sought and for the legs 50%, as we normally do not have the equipment to measure this, it is advisable to go by sensations (basically avoiding that the muscle group has a purple hue or falls asleep).
This technique should not be applied for more than 15 minutes, it is normal for this technique to cause pain or a burning sensation.
It is recommended, especially at the beginning, to use the Layne Norton protocol, which basically consists of using Kaatsu for 7-10 days in a row (obviously only the days that can be used) and then resting for the same number of days and repeating cyclically.
It can/is recommended to use it in the following muscle groups:

• Biceps
• Triceps
• Quadriceps
• Forearms

The recommended loads to use are between 20 to 50% of the 1RM, basically between 30-60 repetitions, although normally, at least in my case, I avoid reaching so many repetitions and try that the 25th repetition is to failure.
The recommended rest time is 30 to 60 seconds.
It is recommended to do between 3 and 5 series, and it can be applied in different ways, for example:

In an exercise at a local level and not multi-joint, we would use the following scheme: 2x30-10-10-10, resting 15 seconds between repetitions.
In fact, I personally like to use Kaatsu in John Meadows' Mountain Dog routines.

In an exercise at a local level and not multi-joint, we would use the following scheme 1x30-20-20-20 resting between 20-30 seconds between repetitions, we could add an isohold in the last repetition until reaching total failure.

Intra workout
In an exercise at a local level and not multi-joint, we would use the following scheme: 2x30-15-15-15, resting 30-45 seconds between repetitions.

Layne Norton Advanced Protocol
Although Layne Norton is a trainer who directs his training only for natural athletes, from my point of view his protocol could be very useful for advanced athletes:
• Set 1: 30 repetitions with 20% 1RM
• Sets 2 to 4: 15 repetitions with 20% 1RM, 30 seconds between sets
• Sets 5 to 8: Sets to failure, with 50% 1RM, 30 seconds between sets
• Sets 9 to 12: Sets to failure, with 50% 1RM, 60 seconds between sets

The greatest danger is inherent in the basis of this training system, self-induced ischemia and blood flow restriction.

• An occlusion greater than recommended or for a prolonged time beyond the maximum of 15 minutes can cause thrombosis or pulmonary embolism.
• If an adaptive progression is not followed (such as the one recommended by Layne Norton), or if you aren’t already an advanced user, rhabdomyolysis could happen.
Both of these problems can be easily avoided by following the tips and guidelines outlined above.

• It generates great fatigue and muscle stress, being useful in various training systems.
• It does not stress the ligaments or joints, being useful in injuries or hospitalized people.
• It produces a cross muscle effect, benefiting both the mass and volume of the opposite limb, which can be very useful in injuries.
• Increases growth hormone and IGF-1 levels by accumulating lactate metabolites.
Hey guys!
New week, new long article! I will start publishing medium and short articles, if you guys are interested on a certain topic, you are more than welcome to ask me for it.

In this article I am going to talk about the pulse pressure, which is for me one of the main indicators of the health of an individual. Nowadays more and more bodybuilders suffer from health problems that could be easily identified and alleviated by a correct measurement of pulse pressure, in this article we are going to teach you how to measure pulse pressure, to obtain information based on your values to know when to seek professional help, and a few tips to keep it in the healthiest range possible.


Pulse pressure is an indicator of the stiffness or flexibility of the arteries and how well the heart is pumping blood.

The heart contracts and relaxes rhythmically, expelling blood and allowing new blood to enter. The contraction of the heart is known as systole, while its relaxation is known as diastole.

Therefore, systolic blood pressure is the pressure that exists in the arteries when the heart contracts, and diastolic blood pressure is the pressure that exists in the arteries when the heart relaxes, so when we go to the doctor to have them measure us voltage give us two numbers, for example 120/70.

Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, therefore: pulse pressure = systolic blood pressure - diastolic blood pressure.
Basically, pulse pressure measures the force the heart generates each time it contracts, being an indicator of how well the heart is pumping blood and the flexibility of the arteries.

How to calculate pulse pressure.

Pulse pressure = systolic blood pressure - diastolic blood pressure.

Therefore, if the doctor tells us that we have a blood pressure of 120/70 mmHg:

120-70= 50 which will be our pulse pressure

The healthy range for pulse pressure is 40 to 60 mmHg.

How to interpret the results

There are three types of results, a low pulse pressure (less than 40mmHg), a normal pulse pressure (40-60mmHg) and a high pulse pressure (greater than 60mmHg), depending on the result we may have some health problems or others, or also be completely healthy.

Low pulse pressure

Low pulse pressure is anything that is less than 40mmHg, this is an indicator that the heart is not pumping an adequate amount of blood.

It mainly has three causes:

Significant blood loss

This is the easiest cause to diagnose, significant blood loss will cause the heart to be unable to pump enough blood.

Chronic heart failure

In the most advanced cases of chronic heart failure, a loss of pulse pressure can be seen, which means that at the beginning of the disease, a notable decrease cannot be seen.

Aortic stenosis

In aortic stenosis, the aortic valve narrows, preventing the necessary amount of blood from being pumped into the aortic artery, causing a significant decrease in systolic blood pressure and therefore a reduction in pulse pressure.

Steroids play an important role here, so it is a fact to take into account when measuring our blood pressure.

Increased mortality in people with low pulse pressure.

● In the case of stroke patients, 85% of people with low pulse pressure developed disability compared to people with normal pulse pressure.
● In the case of patients with heart failure in the middle and advanced stages, we can find quite interesting data, the most striking being that in a clinical trial in people with advanced heart failure, 84% of the people who died in a two-year period had a low pulse pressure, less than 30mmHg.

Normal pulse pressure

A pulse pressure between 40-60 mmHg is considered normal, pulse pressure tends to increase with age as the arteries harden, so it is in our best interest to maintain a normal pulse pressure for as long as possible.

High pulse pressure

A high pulse pressure is anything higher than 60mmHg, it is usually a good indicator of arterial stiffness (we will focus on this later).

A very important point must be taken into account, the higher the systolic pressure in a person with high pulse pressure, the worse their diagnosis and the greater the risk of suffering from diseases or health problems.

It mainly has 5 causes:


Hardening of the arteries or arteriosclerosis is the main cause of high pulse pressure, two of the main causes are the accumulation of calcium deposits and fatty plaques, in fact these two are two of the main problems that cause death in bodybuilders, having a much higher risk than the normal population, another reason for the increase in hardening of the arteries is the loss of elastin with age.

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Interestingly, anemia can cause high pulse pressure through a very interesting mechanism, the lack of general oxygenation causes an increase in heart rate, thus increasing systolic blood pressure, in order to oxygenate the body, if we remember what I said before, a elevated systolic blood pressure together with elevated pulse pressure is more dangerous, luckily this is a problem that bodybuilders do not usually have.


Hyperthyroidism (which, for example, can be caused by the abuse of thyroid hormones) can reduce diastolic pressure, increasing pulse pressure.


Aortic valve regurgitation

This is one of the most dangerous causes of high pulse pressure, and it is typical among bodybuilders since the abuse of PEDs can cause structural remodeling of the heart.

When the aortic valve does not close completely, blood tends to flow back toward the heart, increasing systolic blood pressure and lowering diastolic blood pressure, causing a marked increase in pulse pressure.


Fortunately, this cause will not affect most of the people who read this article, a low amount of testosterone increases arterial stiffness, also, although it is not completely proven, it could directly influence a high systolic blood pressure and a lower diastolic blood pressure , increasing pulse pressure.

Increased mortality and illnesses in people with high pulse pressure.


A high pulse pressure increases the chance of dying from heart disease and all its causes, regardless of other factors.

As can be seen in several clinical trials, every 10mmHg increase in pulse pressure increases mortality by 16 to 20%.

In fact, in the population over 65 years of age, it can be considered a better indicator of mortality than blood pressure.

Congestive heart failure

A high pulse pressure drastically increases the chances of suffering from congestive heart failure, in fact, as can be seen in a clinical trial, a simple difference of 14mmHg increases the probability of suffering from congestive heart failure by 55%.

Heart attacks

An elevated pulse pressure can increase the chances of heart attacks up to twofold according to a clinical trial, it has also been shown that for every 10mmHg increase in pulse pressure the probability of suffering a repeated heart attack increases by 12%.

Erectile dysfunction

High pulse pressure often leads to increased arterial stiffness, which often leads to erectile dysfunction.


High pulse pressure leads to a 26% increased chance of atrial fibrillation, one of the main causes of arrhythmias, for every 20mmHg increase in pulse pressure.

What can we do?

● Use antihypertensive type ARBs when necessary/possible (consult a doctor).
● Use beta-blocker drugs when necessary/possible (consult a doctor).
● Consuming vitamin K, vitamin K helps reduce arterial calcification, preventing calcium from sticking to the arteries, it is also proven that a deficient amount of vitamin K increases pulse pressure.
● Consuming Omega 3 fatty oils reduce arterial fatty plaques and improve pulse pressure, it is advisable to take a patented brand to avoid taking oxidized fatty acids.
● Consume nitrates, nitrates are fantastic for lowering blood pressure (in addition to giving a good pump in the gym).
● Reduce sodium intake, a high sodium intake tends to increase blood pressure and increase arterial stiffness.
● Doing aerobic exercise of low, medium or high intensity reduces the pulse pressure.
● Use of statins to reduce arterial cholesterol plaques.
● Alleviate water retention which increases blood pressure.
● Reduce steroid doses, do not abuse alcohol and avoid smoking tobacco.


Pulse pressure is the difference between systolic blood pressure and diastolic blood pressure, therefore: pulse pressure = systolic blood pressure - diastolic blood pressure.

Basically, pulse pressure measures the force the heart generates each time it contracts, being an indicator of how well the heart is pumping blood and the flexibility of the arteries.

Healthy levels are between 40-60mmHg, levels above or below those can be consequence of serious health issues.
Feedback on your clen :

Fkn awesome shit, works really well, was worth the wait. Pharmacom clen goes into the waste immediately.

Btw shipping was also fast like always. Thanks for the awesome service and products.
Word of warning: I had two orders intercepted by customs using two different addresses and names. It appears their shipping location/methods have been flagged by US customs.

I was not offered any kind of refund in the e-mail but they have acknowledged their shipping route has been compromised.

We are very sorry that the delivery failed again the second time.
We are already working to change the shipping route and avoid problems with US customs.
Unfortunately, according to the Desupower shop delivery rules, we cannot resend this order to you once again.
We are very sorry for this disappointment. We are doing everything possible to ensure that future orders are delivered successfully.

Best regards,
[name removed]

Truly a shame because it's great medical grade stuff.
Word of warning: I had two orders intercepted by customs using two different addresses and names. It appears their shipping location/methods have been flagged by US customs.

I was not offered any kind of refund in the e-mail but they have acknowledged their shipping route has been compromised.

Truly a shame because it's great medical grade stuff.
when did you place your order?
Word of warning: I had two orders intercepted by customs using two different addresses and names. It appears their shipping location/methods have been flagged by US customs.

I was not offered any kind of refund in the e-mail but they have acknowledged their shipping route has been compromised.

Truly a shame because it's great medical grade stuff.
Did both orders end up going through Chicago customs??
Thanks a lot for the REALLY FAST delivery!
Got my package after 5days, normally it took a few days longer, did you change your delivery partner or something?
Stealth perfect like always <3
Thanks a lot again for the purrfect and fast service
Did this happen only with TESTOMED E? Have you tried any other of our oil products?

I am another buyer of deus products. Test, primo and deca. I feel exactly like the dude who had fever, a couple hours after injection i have nausea, the next day swollen injection site that hurts like a motherfucker. All of them made me feel like this. MCT can't be the problem since before deus i have had another brand with MCT as well and never had this problem.

Orals work great. But the juice has something inside which causes those strange things
Same here. Not only test even the primo. Probably other stuff as well
Same here. Always got pip on second day-third after injection TESTOMED E 1ml. I used to apply heparin ointment and it helped to speed up healing/ Tried different sites/preheat in hot water/slow injection/different needles - none of them helped to avoid pip. But stuff was working, idk what is wrong with oil. I had used SP Labs MastP (which is also now with carrier miglyol 840) and hadn't got any pip at all.
I am another buyer of deus products. Test, primo and deca. I feel exactly like the dude who had fever, a couple hours after injection i have nausea, the next day swollen injection site that hurts like a motherfucker. All of them made me feel like this. MCT can't be the problem since before deus i have had another brand with MCT as well and never had this problem.

Orals work great. But the juice has something inside which causes those strange things

Can you please tell me when exactly did you buy these goods? So I can request info and try to get to the bottom of this? You can write me in private about that.

This is extremely strange. We received info about PIP that some persons get from TESTOMED E 250 and took out all the products that were at the warehouse at that moment. We have not had it after that anymore.

But this is first when that happens from other products. So I must check this info and try to solve it asap.
Have you tried DM products before? Or is this the first time?

Thank you.
Any information will help.

Thank you for the feedback.

Yes, actually we have.
After we had problems with US deliveries, we changed our shipping routes and warehouses to get back to normal shipping. Most of the EU works as before, but some countries we also switched to new channels.

Word of warning: I had two orders intercepted by customs using two different addresses and names. It appears their shipping location/methods have been flagged by US customs.

I was not offered any kind of refund in the e-mail but they have acknowledged their shipping route has been compromised.

Truly a shame because it's great medical grade stuff.

Yeah, the US shipping got worse at one point. But now we have set it up trough new shipping channel and its back working great again.

I have bought the products 2,5 months ago. Test primo from a reseller. And deca from deuspowershop.

It's not just the pip. I am talking about nausea and heavy pain and swollen shoulders. The product is legit. No discussion about that. But there is something inside what causes heavy allergic reactions. Finally i gave up injecting deus oils. Primo and test together in one syringe caused real flu symptoms.
Orals are great. I love the proviron from deus even more than the original pharmacy stuff.

Ok, got it.
But were TESTOMED in all injections? Or did you inject Deca without the test also, and had same reaction?

Are there some things you know you are allergic to?

I just need to sort this out and understand what exactly happened, to avoid it happening again in future.

Thank you!

I deleted the last post because you told me that I can also dm you and i thought it would be fair to keep this private. But i see you already saw it. Really don't want to fuck your business and post publicly my critics.

"Ok, got it.
But were TESTOMED in all injections? Or did you inject Deca without the test also, and had same reaction?

I tried the npp which i purchased one year ago and didn't have any problem. It was without the test. Deca had a pip but not crazy. Primo and test. Both tested separately and together. Together was crazy.

Are there some things you know you are allergic to?"

When it comes to oils. once i tried german test by rotexmedica. They had a oil which causes the same pain and swelling. Never used it again.