Diagnosed Androgen Insensitive, dosage questions now


New Member
I made a thread a little over a year ago in the Mens Health subsection concerning some very abnormal labs on my initial consult at a local TRT clinic.

TLDR; Spent most of 2023 working with an endocrinologist doing repeat labs, testicular ultrasound, brain MRI and an abdominal CT. Imaging all came back negative for tumors/cancers. Last thing to check was fertility and the analysis came back at a scant 7m (with 15m being considered "low") with virtually no motility. She had no idea where else to go in terms of diagnosis outside of a mild variant of androgen insensitivity.

Labs posted here - https://thinksteroids.com/community/threads/abnormal-natural-lab-results.134414907/

In Dec of 2023, I went back to my mens health/TRT clinic and gave him the rundown and we started at 240mg/week (MWF shallow IM in the quads) to see what would happen. Everything felt amazing at first. I do a lot of manual labor for work - that became much easier. Weightlifting stopped feeling like I was spinning my wheels every session - after my first 12wk reset of my program I was able to turn what used to be 1-3-5RMS into 6-8-10 reps.

After 2 months at this dose, my total T crested a bit over 2500 (from 1677ng/dL) and my Free T crested 50ng/dL (from 21). Two months later on my next round of labs however, my total had dropped to just over 1100. Doc didn't order Free T on that round unfortunately. I'd begun to notice the fatigue begin to hit me a bit more in both work and the gym despite no changes in diet and by the time I submitted the blood for these labs, I was feeling how I felt prior to beginning the injections. Doc explained this was due to my natural production coming to a halt which makes sense.

Which brings me to now. My TRT doc is a bro but this is beyond his scope of expertise and is not really keen on upping my dosage any higher unless I can find some compelling research that promotes it and my endocrinologist saw no reason to even give me anything except anastrozole to help keep my E2 in check.

Ive had very little luck finding appropriate protocols for AIS unless its managing hermaphroditic presentation. Right now I'm thinking of just taking the dose to 600/wk (since Ive got a stock of 1ml syringes) and doing labs at monthly intervals on my own but keeping doc in the loop. All on the assumption that due to the insensitivity, I'd need a comparatively higher dose to even approach a normal individual's TRT or cruise dose.

Has anyone known or encountered anyone in a similar situation? Any other ideas? Thanks
My trt doc told me to take Chrysin to help manage e2 levels. It's just dandelion root. It does a bit but it's not like an actual AI. You can also up your injection frequency to help with the e2 levels. Going from 3 times/wk to ED my e2 levels finally got within the normal reference range for the first time in 2+ years i've been on trt.

I've got nothing for the rest of your issues.
I made a thread a little over a year ago in the Mens Health subsection concerning some very abnormal labs on my initial consult at a local TRT clinic.

TLDR; Spent most of 2023 working with an endocrinologist doing repeat labs, testicular ultrasound, brain MRI and an abdominal CT. Imaging all came back negative for tumors/cancers. Last thing to check was fertility and the analysis came back at a scant 7m (with 15m being considered "low") with virtually no motility. She had no idea where else to go in terms of diagnosis outside of a mild variant of androgen insensitivity.

Labs posted here - Abnormal [natural] lab results

In Dec of 2023, I went back to my mens health/TRT clinic and gave him the rundown and we started at 240mg/week (MWF shallow IM in the quads) to see what would happen. Everything felt amazing at first. I do a lot of manual labor for work - that became much easier. Weightlifting stopped feeling like I was spinning my wheels every session - after my first 12wk reset of my program I was able to turn what used to be 1-3-5RMS into 6-8-10 reps.

After 2 months at this dose, my total T crested a bit over 2500 (from 1677ng/dL) and my Free T crested 50ng/dL (from 21). Two months later on my next round of labs however, my total had dropped to just over 1100. Doc didn't order Free T on that round unfortunately. I'd begun to notice the fatigue begin to hit me a bit more in both work and the gym despite no changes in diet and by the time I submitted the blood for these labs, I was feeling how I felt prior to beginning the injections. Doc explained this was due to my natural production coming to a halt which makes sense.

Which brings me to now. My TRT doc is a bro but this is beyond his scope of expertise and is not really keen on upping my dosage any higher unless I can find some compelling research that promotes it and my endocrinologist saw no reason to even give me anything except anastrozole to help keep my E2 in check.

Ive had very little luck finding appropriate protocols for AIS unless its managing hermaphroditic presentation. Right now I'm thinking of just taking the dose to 600/wk (since Ive got a stock of 1ml syringes) and doing labs at monthly intervals on my own but keeping doc in the loop. All on the assumption that due to the insensitivity, I'd need a comparatively higher dose to even approach a normal individual's TRT or cruise dose.

Has anyone known or encountered anyone in a similar situation? Any other ideas? Thanks
Just take whatever milligrams you need to get the blood levels you want. It's that simple. The harm isn't in the milligrams, people metabolize it differently. There are us low converters that need to take higher amounts for the same effect. No different than any other medication. I take 1 gram and some people get a similar blood level from 500-600mg.

My trt is 250mg that gets me to 1,000. Don't listen to the low iq guys who don't understand the difference between milligrams and blood levels.
I made a thread a little over a year ago in the Mens Health subsection concerning some very abnormal labs on my initial consult at a local TRT clinic.

TLDR; Spent most of 2023 working with an endocrinologist doing repeat labs, testicular ultrasound, brain MRI and an abdominal CT. Imaging all came back negative for tumors/cancers. Last thing to check was fertility and the analysis came back at a scant 7m (with 15m being considered "low") with virtually no motility. She had no idea where else to go in terms of diagnosis outside of a mild variant of androgen insensitivity.

Labs posted here - Abnormal [natural] lab results

In Dec of 2023, I went back to my mens health/TRT clinic and gave him the rundown and we started at 240mg/week (MWF shallow IM in the quads) to see what would happen. Everything felt amazing at first. I do a lot of manual labor for work - that became much easier. Weightlifting stopped feeling like I was spinning my wheels every session - after my first 12wk reset of my program I was able to turn what used to be 1-3-5RMS into 6-8-10 reps.

After 2 months at this dose, my total T crested a bit over 2500 (from 1677ng/dL) and my Free T crested 50ng/dL (from 21). Two months later on my next round of labs however, my total had dropped to just over 1100. Doc didn't order Free T on that round unfortunately. I'd begun to notice the fatigue begin to hit me a bit more in both work and the gym despite no changes in diet and by the time I submitted the blood for these labs, I was feeling how I felt prior to beginning the injections. Doc explained this was due to my natural production coming to a halt which makes sense.

Which brings me to now. My TRT doc is a bro but this is beyond his scope of expertise and is not really keen on upping my dosage any higher unless I can find some compelling research that promotes it and my endocrinologist saw no reason to even give me anything except anastrozole to help keep my E2 in check.

Ive had very little luck finding appropriate protocols for AIS unless its managing hermaphroditic presentation. Right now I'm thinking of just taking the dose to 600/wk (since Ive got a stock of 1ml syringes) and doing labs at monthly intervals on my own but keeping doc in the loop. All on the assumption that due to the insensitivity, I'd need a comparatively higher dose to even approach a normal individual's TRT or cruise dose.

Has anyone known or encountered anyone in a similar situation? Any other ideas? Thanks
if you dig through through the old posts let me know what you find.
Read through some of the older posts from @Structure. He's shared a lot of information and insight from his own experiences.

Oh wow. Just his first thread reads damn near 1:1 for me. I'll throw my endo a note regarding the AR gene sequencing test and see if she can arrange that or if I need a referral. Then at least I get a hard confirmation instead of her opinion. Will keep pouring through his posts though. Fascinating
Oh wow. Just his first thread reads damn near 1:1 for me. I'll throw my endo a note regarding the AR gene sequencing test and see if she can arrange that or if I need a referral. Then at least I get a hard confirmation instead of her opinion. Will keep pouring through his posts though. Fascinating
so whats the summary? or the solution?
so whats the summary? or the solution?

Well the quick is to get my endo to hopefully refer me for the AR gene test to have hard confirmation. Waiting for a response from her right now.

The treatment is basically a high enough amount of exogenous testosterone to bring LH back down into the normal range and then enough to alleviate the rest of my symptoms/feel good while not otherwise causing collateral damage.

Basically like anyone else running compounds but scaled up to compensate.

So far the LH seems under control now. My initial LH tests were 17.4 in April of 2023, and a follow up of 15.6 in May of 2023 - however in February of 2024 after ~2 months @ 240mg Test C/wk its at 10.1. The 10.1 was also the same blood draw as my 2500 total / 50 free T result.
Well the quick is to get my endo to hopefully refer me for the AR gene test to have hard confirmation. Waiting for a response from her right now.

The treatment is basically a high enough amount of exogenous testosterone to bring LH back down into the normal range and then enough to alleviate the rest of my symptoms/feel good while not otherwise causing collateral damage.

Basically like anyone else running compounds but scaled up to compensate.

So far the LH seems under control now. My initial LH tests were 17.4 in April of 2023, and a follow up of 15.6 in May of 2023 - however in February of 2024 after ~2 months @ 240mg Test C/wk its at 10.1. The 10.1 was also the same blood draw as my 2500 total / 50 free T result.
So... run test higher because youre getting less of a response?
hope you had insurance
So... run test higher because youre getting less of a response?
hope you had insurance

Essentially - assuming the gene test comes back proving the diagnosis. Walk the line between asymptomatic and high aromatization. Yes Ive got insurance but I expect to be paying alternatively to achieve my desired results. I just need to get the hard confirmation first.

Im scheduling a new set of labs for next week to see where I'm at now in terms of total/free, e2, lh, shbg (since it was also very high) as my protocols have not changed and I'll need a new baseline prior to upping them.
Essentially - assuming the gene test comes back proving the diagnosis. Walk the line between asymptomatic and high aromatization. Yes Ive got insurance but I expect to be paying alternatively to achieve my desired results. I just need to get the hard confirmation first.

Im scheduling a new set of labs for next week to see where I'm at now in terms of total/free, e2, lh, shbg (since it was also very high) as my protocols have not changed and I'll need a new baseline prior to upping them.
?? Why do you need a gene confirmation??

You have the labs right there??

How would that change anything you need more test anyway