Did I get scammed?


New Member
Hi guys,
First cycle and I thought I was doing everything right. Got the test cyp 250mg/cc from AtlasLabs@anonymousspeech.com and
injected in my thigh last week and 3 days after. Plan is to do 1cc (250) every 3 days (for 12 weeks with pct after, would get my serum testo tested after about 3 weeks..)

Physically I don't feel like my libido changed or that there is any androgen running in my system. Locally, and I'm not scarred of injections or concerned about pain... that shit gave me a very sore thigh for 3 days and a very sore glut for three days too. Btw I'm 31 5'11 180, 8-10%bf.

Should I call it quits or give it another week?
Alright well first off you have test cyp which is a long ester. Usually you won't notice any effects or change in testosterone levels until 5-6 weeks after your first injection. It takes time to build up in your system due to the cypionate ester. Therefore getting bloods after 3 weeks would be pointless also. So give it some time and have a little patience.

Second thought you might want to take into consideration, atlas labs didn't exactly pan out so well on this board and it's a ugl. Generally severe PIP, welts, sores, red and warm injection site, could all be signs of dirty gear. This could be your body attempting to fight off an infection. That would be really really really bad and I would no longer pin that junk if it's causing any of this.

However a little bit of pip can be expected especially with high doses products. Sometimes test can come up to 300-400mg per ml and some guys say the pip is a bitch on high doses. Also gear is brewed using different kinds of solvents. Some people are allergic to specific solvents and they can cause reactions. So there's everything to take into consideration. Nobody is going to make a decision for you. Educate yourself and be smart.
usually if the question is did I get scammed, the answer is yes.

read the atlas thread, some scary stuff in there. read up and be careful with that shit. very likely literally... shit
Likely not. Its way too early to be calling bunk gear. But yes, definitely check out the atlas labs and decide for yourself if you would like to take the rest.
I have read some and am in the process of educating myself further. I figured that the testcyp ester is long acting and that's why I am asking y'all. I would wait 4-6 weeks to get tested but under these circumstances and with the local reaction I thought id do it earlier... at least see something.

I could be having a contact reaction to the solvent, I tried 0.1cc subQ and I got a large welt (something like a nasty bee sting) starting the next day and for 3 days. I have been injecting slowly, and I'm very comfortable with the technique.

Regarding the filtering, I'm not very familiar with that process but the oil looks clear (very light yellow) to me.
I have read some and am in the process of educating myself further. I figured that the testcyp ester is long acting and that's why I am asking y'all. I would wait 4-6 weeks to get tested but under these circumstances and with the local reaction I thought id do it earlier... at least see something.

I could be having a contact reaction to the solvent, I tried 0.1cc subQ and I got a large welt (something like a nasty bee sting) starting the next day and for 3 days. I have been injecting slowly, and I'm very comfortable with the technique.

Regarding the filtering, I'm not very familiar with that process but the oil looks clear (very light yellow) to me.
Order some syringe filters. You wont be able to see bacteria but i wouldn't be surprised if you saw a hair in atlas gear.
I usually don't notice much until about 3.5 weeks in with cyp. Atlas gear is dirty. Me and another guy posted picks of our filters after running the gear through it. I would either trash it or if you are going to use it you need to run every bit of it through a .22 filter. If you keep injecting youre just asking for an infection.
Your pain could be caused by Virgin muscle since this is your first cycle. Keep an eye for signs of infection. That said atlas seems to be a risk on its own.
I've heard of virgin muscle and needing to open it up... but it's something, my thigh was warm and tender. Completely resolved in 3 days.
I would call it quits on this batch (i bought only one vile from this source and was gonna order more if it didn't kill me) not excited about injecting dirty gear and getting an abscess.
I don't want to quit the cycle after 1 week. Currently not sure who I should be ordering from.
I have read some and am in the process of educating myself further. I figured that the testcyp ester is long acting and that's why I am asking y'all. I would wait 4-6 weeks to get tested but under these circumstances and with the local reaction I thought id do it earlier... at least see something.

I could be having a contact reaction to the solvent, I tried 0.1cc subQ and I got a large welt (something like a nasty bee sting) starting the next day and for 3 days. I have been injecting slowly, and I'm very comfortable with the technique.

Regarding the filtering, I'm not very familiar with that process but the oil looks clear (very light yellow) to me.

Brother, I highly recommend you stop what you're doing! It appears you haven't fully education yourself about the different Test ester (C, E, or P). If you're asking basic questions/concern that we've covered many many times within this forum.. Next, you're be asking how come my dick's not working or how come I am bloated as a whale... You see where this is heading right...
Chill dude @Flaming Dragon. My concern was the local reaction at the injection site. I preposed it with the fact that I would get tested and prove that its working but it's too early...
I've heard of virgin muscle and needing to open it up... but it's something, my thigh was warm and tender. Completely resolved in 3 days.
I would call it quits on this batch (i bought only one vile from this source and was gonna order more if it didn't kill me) not excited about injecting dirty gear and getting an abscess.
I don't want to quit the cycle after 1 week. Currently not sure who I should be ordering from.
Stop and throw that shit away. And since it's only been a few shots I think you wouldn't need to do any kind of pct but I'm no expert maybe somebody else could answer that better. Get some different gear and chalk it up as a loss and start over. It's not worth the couple hundred dollars to "see" if it gets better. JMO
I've heard of virgin muscle and needing to open it up... but it's something, my thigh was warm and tender. Completely resolved in 3 days.
I would call it quits on this batch (i bought only one vile from this source and was gonna order more if it didn't kill me) not excited about injecting dirty gear and getting an abscess.
I don't want to quit the cycle after 1 week. Currently not sure who I should be ordering from.
I would just end your cycle do some more research and go at it again once you have a source you're comfortable with. Better safe than sorry.
I'll be honest here. I would order some more from a different lab. You may end up getting lumps. That shit has been proven dirty gear. I would have a second cycle just incase you need to drop atlas. And filter that shit man.
But you know he's not going to listen.. and us giving him advice to call it quit-as we're bunch of haters! Little does he know-we're trying to help him from pinning shitty ass gear and wasting 4-6 weeks.

Well continue on @musclemd81- best of luck!
image.jpeg Or just run it and see what happens! What's the worst that can happen???an abscess in your Glute from dirty gear yes that's exactly what this is