Digestion, stomach and gut health


For the last months i m blasting high Trest, Primo and HGH and i m getting some stomach issues.
Digestion of the food is slow and i m not hungry most of the time.
Every time i eat something my gut gets abnormally big, which stays like this during the day. But when i wake up in the morning its in normal size.
During night time im getting heartburn and sometimes i wake up puking some kind of fluid.

Any ideas on how to improve gut and stomach health and deal with those issues?
Lol. You talk like regular bowel movements imply some kind of diarrhea scenario.
Regularity, although not set in stone for each individual, is indeed a sign that your digestive system is functioning.
But if you like the feeling of being constipated, I understand. We read a lot of your stetements, by now, so it makes sense.

This is classic.
We can eat meat but are not, strictly, carnivores.
You digesting raw meat and your dog doing it is very different, isn't it, because the pH of their stomach acid is higher than ours and biologically they are "set up" for processing meat through their digestive system in an efficient way.
That's also why it is said that a dog diet that includes carbohydrates they are not meant to digest can make them ill.
You "barely go" and are constipated because the "high density" raw stuff you eat sits on your stomach for a long time, not because its solids magically disappear, as you "absorb everything".
Your colon must be super happy.

I feel light and alert after 2lbs of raw beef and I feel drained and like taking a nap after 1lb of cooked beef.

You explain that to me :)

Hint : I am not a dog