Dirts Brew log

Been thinking about moving to test D after I get through all the cyp I have. I'm getting away with 300mg/mL cyp but having 500mg/mL D would be nice. I'm anxious to here how that batch does for you and your test results.
Been thinking about moving to test D after I get through all the cyp I have. I'm getting away with 300mg/mL cyp but having 500mg/mL D would be nice. I'm anxious to here how that batch does for you and your test results.
I think it will be great.. so for a cruise I plan 1 shot e5d will see how it goes I start that on the 23rd of this month. The only difference is for a blast it will take longer to get to peak levels but if a person does longer cycles I don't see how that would be a problem. I was told that if made in castor oil due to the viscosity of the oil you could get by with a shot e10d for trt.. I'm far from versed on all that but will start with the e5d and see how it goes.. I do labs every 5-6 weeks for the past 9 months so I gather a lot of data and information on how I respond to things. Some of you guys on here have been doing this for so long you already know how you respond to things. I will get to that point someday..or not.. it is very interesting to see how a small change in what you take can make such a big difference on certain areas of you health markers. And I reckon everyone responds differently to different things..
Well did a couple of things this weekend! Made the 250ml batch of Test D 500mg/ml and it turned out crystal clear but with a very slight yellow tint. Paid for the jano concentration test on friday so ill get that sent off on tuesday along with the sample for the sterility test. The sterility test im told will take up to 3 weeks. The filter process for the Test D too a very long time. I read more about nylon filters not being the best because the are protein binding. I read so much conflicting information. It seems that really the only way to go is PTFE. will pvdf and nylon work.... yes but from now on i will only purchase ptfe.. I keep reading about people using pes but i know from personal experience that pes will melt in a heartbeat. But yes it took about 2.5 hours for 250ml of test d 500mg/ml to filter through a nylon bottle top filter at 20psi.. very slow drip. i was very amazed at the amount of powder to liquid it takes to make 500mg/ml.. I was thinking to myself there is no freaking way im gonna get all this shit to disolve in there.
Test D 500mg/ml
BA 2%
BB 25%
Also i have been making several small batches of TNE trying to figure out what i can get to hold with the least amount of super solvent. I had labs done on 8/6 after a week of using some i made will low amounts of EO. Mt c-reactive protein was in low.. like a 1.7 . i kept playing with higher EO cause kept crashing.. just kinda playing around learning by experince. It seemed that EO did not bother me that much. Long story short I threw that bottle of shit in the trash. I ended up making a batch with high amount of EO did a little pin the day or 2 before and the mornin of bloodwork i had done on 8/26 not only did the high amount of EO swell up my delt and big red spot for a day my c-reactive protein was through the roof. No more EO for dirthand. Made some tne this weekend with castor oil and BB seems ok so far. You guys can say told you so about the EO. itys cool.. I just gotta figure it out the hard way sometimes

I think it will be great.. so for a cruise I plan 1 shot e5d will see how it goes I start that on the 23rd of this month. The only difference is for a blast it will take longer to get to peak levels but if a person does longer cycles I don't see how that would be a problem. I was told that if made in castor oil due to the viscosity of the oil you could get by with a shot e10d for trt.. I'm far from versed on all that but will start with the e5d and see how it goes.. I do labs every 5-6 weeks for the past 9 months so I gather a lot of data and information on how I respond to things. Some of you guys on here have been doing this for so long you already know how you respond to things. I will get to that point someday..or not.. it is very interesting to see how a small change in what you take can make such a big difference on certain areas of you health markers. And I reckon everyone responds differently to different things..

I’ve ordered some test d to brew with castor oil (thanks to Narta), but it’s still probably a month out until I get it. I may bring it to 400mg/ml (lower viscosity) or use a bit more bb to lower the viscosity. I recently switched to trying a 20% test cream I make after 15+ years of injections, but it will be nice to have the test d on hand for the long term cause you just never know what lies ahead.

Good job @dirthand! You’re a valuable resource for everybody.

I’ve ordered some test d to brew with castor oil (thanks to Narta), but it’s still probably a month out until I get it. I may bring it to 400mg/ml (lower viscosity) or use a bit more bb to lower the viscosity. I recently switched to trying a 20% test cream I make after 15+ years of injections, but it will be nice to have the test d on hand for the long term cause you just never know what lies ahead.

Good job @dirthand! You’re a valuable resource for everybody.
Yes @narta has been a great resource (mentor) to me for my homebrew. I have actually been thinking about a transdermal TNE. I think @Eman mentioned it to me in this thread a while back and put it in my head. I know nothing about it but i think it would be awsome to have some tne you do not have to inject. I had to stop my training i had with a very good coach about a month ago for a couple of reasons. ! being a medical issue that is going to require surgery ( 2 hernias) so i have just been messing around the last few weeks experimenting with a couple different things while making this homebrew which has been a little irresponsible so i am looking forward to a few months of TRT+ while getting my issues fixed so i can be ready to go again early next year.. Messing around with figuring out this brewing will be a good hobby for me during this time.
You guys are making test D irresistible right now, I gotta add some on my small stash to order for xmas then lol.

Does it have to be in castor oil for it to hold at 500mg/ml or MCT is fine?
The cream I make is with QSC’s test base (no ester), so it peaks within a few hours from what I’ve read. I’ve been making it for a few family members and it’s worked well for them, so I decided to try it myself about a month ago and I’m impressed with it. You could use it as a boost here and there or use it for trt. I’ll post my recipe and info in a couple days when I have more time along with some videos by Dr keith Nichols from tier 1 one health that are relevant in case you ever want to give this a try.
Yes @narta has been a great resource (mentor) to me for my homebrew.

I just hope he is not fed up with everyone asking him stuff.
He is a gem.
He must be annoyed at all the notifications he got yesterday (Sunday= Meso day off?) from a random person, who did not warn him they were coming.
No tags policy back in place.

I have actually been thinking about a transdermal TNE.

Where is Goingstronger when you need him...

I had to stop my training i had with a very good coach about a month ago for a couple of reasons. ! being a medical issue that is going to require surgery ( 2 hernias)

Where? Inguinal?
Messing around with figuring out this brewing will be a good hobby for me during this time.
Thumbs up
Sweet, that does it, I’ll add test D on my next order. Thanks brother.
it will be a couple weeks before i start using it so not sure about pip or anything. I will say when i measured out the powder and then looked at the amount of oil i had to dissolve it in i was thinking to myself.. There is no way.. but it worked out.. it took a while for it to filter but nonetheless drip by drip it happened. I just paid for a concentration test and a LCMS test and will be shipping it to jano probly by Wednesday.... I am waiting on some vials to come in the mail should be here tomorrow. Then also shipping a sample to texas to have a sterility test done.( this one takes about 3 weeks). Just for shits and giggles.
it will be a couple weeks before i start using it so not sure about pip or anything. I will say when i measured out the powder and then looked at the amount of oil i had to dissolve it in i was thinking to myself.. There is no way.. but it worked out.. it took a while for it to filter but nonetheless drip by drip it happened. I just paid for a concentration test and a LCMS test and will be shipping it to jano probly by Wednesday.... I am waiting on some vials to come in the mail should be here tomorrow. Then also shipping a sample to texas to have a sterility test done.( this one takes about 3 weeks). Just for shits and giggles.
I’m sure it’s going to test alright. You’re doing the community a huge service by sharing the process and tests. Btw, who’s raws are you using?
Does it have to be in castor oil for it to hold at 500mg/ml or MCT is fine?
No it can holt in MCT too. Castor oil is better suited for TRT and its mild analgesic/anti inflammatory action.

I am currently in the process to draw out a plan for brewing Test Iso for blasting and keep Test D to purely TRT purposes. It seems Test Iso can go up to 400mg/ml but I am still researching that
I’m sure it’s going to test alright. You’re doing the community a huge service by sharing the process and tests. Btw, who’s raws are you using?
I wont have an "official" report for the sterility test but from what i understand there will either be mold and/or bacteria growth or there wont. My sister is doing it for me at the hospital lab she works in.. The TEST D i just did come from mike beast raws. All the raws i have either come from him or QSC. I like how BST has the 500g option and then QSC has options for 50g options for other things you might not need that much of like orals.
1 umbilical
1 epigastric

If you haven't already, be sure to have a conversation with the surgeon letting him know you'll be doing intense strength training, and want the strongest repairs possible. They have a few ways of dealing with umbilical hernias in particular, and they have failure rate higher than others. The strongest type of repair isn't always the first choice, since others are easier to perform and heal faster.
If you haven't already, be sure to have a conversation with the surgeon letting him know you'll be doing intense strength training, and want the strongest repairs possible. They have a few ways of dealing with umbilical hernias in particular, and they have failure rate higher than others. The strongest type of repair isn't always the first choice, since others are easier to perform and heal faster.
Thanks, yeah I'm trying to wait for open enrollment and switch up my insurance plan a little.. if it can hold out till then.. November but I will definantly be making sure that I know what all of my options are.. !!
No it can holt in MCT too. Castor oil is better suited for TRT and its mild analgesic/anti inflammatory action.

I am currently in the process to draw out a plan for brewing Test Iso for blasting and keep Test D to purely TRT purposes. It seems Test Iso can go up to 400mg/ml but I am still researching that
Cool keep is posted.. In my research really the only thing I could find on test d is that it would be better suited in a build muscle phase vs. A cutting phase but I cannot quote where I read it or why.. it was the just of the article I read..