Lizard King

New Member
Since it is helpful to get feedback while on anything I am going to keep a log of what I am eating and working out and your feedback would be helpful. I liked the way LifeSize ramped up on his DNP so I am trying the same way, well at least for the first 2 weeks and see how it goes from there. I think my biggest problem will be avoiding some beers on the weekends which I don't drink a lot but have a few on the weekends, especially bartending/bouncing on Saturday nights. Is 1 - 2 beers a week ok?

I started Tuesday at 100mg in the AM after breakfast, I am trying to keep a low calorie diet to maximize the effects. I had a good eating weekend at all the BBQ's so my weight on Tuesday was elevated.

Breakfast - 1 cup 2% cottage cheese and 1 cut Special K red berries, 1cup coffee
Snack - Apple
Lunch - 5 oz lean flank steak on a whole wheat wrap, lettuce, tomato and 1 tbs lite mayo
Snack - 1/2 cup almonds
pre-workout 2 tablespoons peanutbutter
dinner - 6ox flank steak (yeah I had a lot of leftovers) 1 large sweet potato and 2 cups of chicken vegetable soup
snack - 2 large carrots

Throughout the day I had about 8 - 9 liters of water.

Workout - Chest - Dumbbell presses 5 sets, incline BB presses 5 sets, peck deck 4 sets, flat bench repped out 3 sets, 2 light sets of tris

Took a Benadryl before bed, mt lips felt a little puffy and was a little itchy, no other sides bedides the gym not turning on the AC and it was 75 out, thought it was going to rain in there!
Day 2 was yesterday, diet looked about the same
Breakfast 1 cup 2% cottage cheese - 1 cup Special K red berries
snack - apple
Lunch - 6oz flank steak on a whole wheat wrap, lettuce tomato and 1 tbs lite mayo
snack 1/2 cup almonds
pre gym - 2 tablespoons peanut butter
dinner - 10oz broiled Talapia, 3 broiled carrots, large, 1 cup chicken vegetable soup
snack - 1 cup grapes

Workout was back, light deads, heavy low rows, heavy cable rows, pull downs, 2 sets heavy dubbell curls.

Again about 8 - 9 liters of water and a benadryl before bed, lips still feel puffy, no other sides besides the heat in the gym again. I swear my membership includes AC!
Day 3 on the Island and everything is good, still at 100mg, took a benadryl again, lips still felt a little puffy.
Breakfast was 2% cottage cheese 1 cup, 1 cup special K red berries and 1/2 cup blueberries
snack apple
Lunch - 5 oz broiled Talapia, 2 oz flank steak, large salad with lettuce, tomato, black olives, beets, sunflower seeds and fat free dressing
Dinner - 3 grilled turkey burgers on a whole wheat wrap, lettuce tomato, medium sweet potato and some steamed broccoli.
No gym, poker game, had some cashews and raisinettes like a bad boy, will bring some healthy snacks to the next game for myself.
Plan on bumping up to 200mg on Sunday. Is it advised to split the dose?
Day 4, everything still good, little warmer here weather wise but still drinking 8 - 9 liters of water a day and no sides at the low dose.

Breakfast 1 cup 2% cottage cheese, 1 cup special K, 1/2 cup blueberries. Cup of coffee.
snack - apple
Lunch - 2 grilled turkey burgers, 1 whole wheat bun, lettuce tomato and some 1/2 sour pickles. 1 serving baked lays
snack 2 oz almonds
dinner - 6 baby back ribs, steamed broccoli and about 2 servings of spinach dip with celery. Also had 2 beers when I was out.
Sweat in my sleep pretty bad but I think it was because the windows were closed due to a party in the house behind me. Took a Benadryl last night again, lips still felt a little puffy.
Day 4 yesterday, long day since I bartended last night, didn't get to bed till 6 am so I will be needing a nap this afternoon sometime!
Breakfast - 8oz egg whites with 1/2 cup dry oats made into omelet
snack - apple and apricot
lunch - 6 oz chicken breast on a whole wheat tortilla, 1 service baked lays
snack - buttered roll & coffee (damn you 7-11 and your tasty irresistible rolls!!)
dinner - 1/2 rotisserie chicken, no skin on a pita with 6 vegetable grape leaves
about 2 am - Pure Protein shake pre made, red bull, suger free
had about 4 pints of diet soda at work as well as my full inatke of 9 liters of water +
When I did get to sleep I was up to pee 3 more times, little annoying but better then in bed [:eek:)]
Going to 200mg today, have a BBQ for a 60th birthday, will try to be on my best eating behavior.
You will feel hotter soon, probably tomorrow.. I always felt hotter the second day on a new dose.

200mg = 100mg AM, 100mg PM right? Spread out the dosage.
Welp, I guess the warmest day of the year was a bad time to up the dose, it was close to 90 yesterday for the BBQ I went to, was sweating pretty bad but just kept taking in ice water. Sleep last night was a little sweaty for the first hour - 2 as well but I had a spare pillow. I didn't spread out the dosage yesterday but will today. Also ate a little more then usual yesterday due to the party but only had 2 meals since I got some sleep after working Saturday night.
Breakfast/lunch - 6 oz rotisserie chicken on a pita with 3 vegetable grape leaves. Cup of coffee
lunch/dinner - pulled pork sandwich, 7 buffalo wings, 3 mini veal chops, 1 piece big Italian sandwich with 1/2 the bread, string beans.
Still got in about 9 liters of water. Going to use Thursdays as my weigh in day, I have wanted to weigh myself to check but I will hold off until then. I think overall the diet has been good but if anyone has any comments let me know.
How much fruit are you consuming? You need to get down 4-6 servings a day. You will feel better for it, and your liver will thank you.

I'm on 200mg right now, decided this morning I would give it another run.. I pretty much sub all carbs for fruits and its easy.. Chicken n Bananas, Steak n Apples, Tuna n Cream Cheese, etc.. :D
I'm not eating a ton of fruit, maybe 2 servings but I can step it up, what's the reasoning?

Night sweats again last night, had a fresh pillow standing by. I took both doses early this AM to see if it helps with the sweats tonight. I mowed yesterday and got a little burn on the shoulders, wasn't out there that long, wondering if the DNP makes you more sensitive to the sun or not. The gym was brutal yesterday, I swear AC is included in the price of my membership! Workout was still decent though.
Breakfast - 8oz egg whites and 1/2 cup of dry oats
snack - apple and apricot
lunch - ham, turkey and roast beef on a whole wheat tortilla, lettuce pickle and mustard
pre-gym - 6oz chicken breast on a whole wheat tortilla, serving of cherries
dinner - 10 oz broiled talapia, salad with lettuce tomato craisens, black olives, beats and fat free dressing.
snack - apricot
Got more then 9 liters in since I was sweating from mowing and the gym, everything else seems good.
fruits restore sugars in your liver which dnp is also want to take in some electrolytes daily...some people use V8, I just use electrolyte water or I always have a little salt in my foods..
Upped the fruits, was never a huge fruit eater but I do like blueberries so I bought a huge thing from Costco.
Night sweats were better last night, could be because it was a little cooler or because I took 200mg in the AM. Did the same today, took both in the AM with the multivitamin.
Food yesterday:
Breakfast 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - apple and apricot
Lunch - 6 oz rotisserie chicken and a salad
pre-gym - ham, turkey and roastbeef on a whole wheat tortilla
dinner - 3 Salmon kabobs on the BBQ with peppers and onions, 1 large steamed artichoke
snack - grapes and 2 oz almonds.
Was a very filling day food wise. Workout was good even with no AC in the gym, wish they would throw the AC on so I can get some cardio in, just too hot in there with just the door open to attempt.
Weighed in this am, down 3.8lbs which is good with limited cardio and eating sushi last night, I always retain a lot of water from it and my fingers are feeling like pork sausages. I used a limited amount of low sodium soy sauce but still got bloated.
Food yesterday:
breakfast 1 cup fiber one, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - apple and apricot
lunch - 2 salmon kabobs and a whole wheat bun
snack - cherries and apricot
dinner - eel roll, salmon roll and spicy crunchy tuna roll, soy beans and 2 beers, lots of water.
Supposed to get into the high 80's here this weekend which is already too warm for my taste but we will see how it goes!
Weighed in this am, down 3.8lbs which is good with limited cardio and eating sushi last night, I always retain a lot of water from it and my fingers are feeling like pork sausages. I used a limited amount of low sodium soy sauce but still got bloated.
Food yesterday:
breakfast 1 cup fiber one, 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - apple and apricot
lunch - 2 salmon kabobs and a whole wheat bun
snack - cherries and apricot
dinner - eel roll, salmon roll and spicy crunchy tuna roll, soy beans and 2 beers, lots of water.
Supposed to get into the high 80's here this weekend which is already too warm for my taste but we will see how it goes!

You retained water because of the combination of beed and sodium. Don't drink man, I promise you it will be better.

The more you drink, the more you DON'T retain. Take in more water and watch the mirror the following day.

Diet is tight, very low cal I'd say.. How big are you? Maybe sure you're taking in at least 1.5g of protein to support your LBM.. Are you lifting heavy? Weights > Cardio ...

I didn't take my second dose last night, and none today.. Since I'm already running the Cyp/Ace decided to keep it simple.. I'll probably run the DNP/Yohimbe HCL post cycle along with Nolva at 10mg ED..
Currently 316, gained a ton over the winter as I wasn't lifting and eating like crap fixing the house.
I am lifting heavy, was up to 120lb dumbells for chest and racking the cable row machine for back, 275lb smith machine presses for shoulders and 60lb dumbell curls for arms so my strength is getting back up there. My cardio is lacking only due to the heat in the gym, really freakin hot in there! I haven't been drinking but was in the mood for a beer last night, I usually only have a drink on Friday's, 1 or 2 beers. My water intake is doing well but haven't been thirsty the last 2 days but still getting as much as I can in cause I know I am sweating it out.
Thanks for your input.
Day 10
Weighed in again this morning as I felt I was holding a lot of water yesterday from the sushi, down another 1.5lbs and won't weight back in till next Thursday. Was nice out yesterday so I skipped the gym and went for a 10 mile bike ride through a nature preserve, 10 degrees cooler in there, was nice but was like riding through a swarm of mosquitoes.
Food yesterday:
Breakfast - 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup fiber one 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
Snack - 3 slices of watermelon
Lunch 2 turkey burgers grilled on 1 whole what bun with 2 pickles, 1 serving baked lays
snack - apple
pre-bike ride - bananna with 2 tbspoons of peanutbutter
dinner - 2 BBQ'ed turkey legs, skinned with a salad, lettuce tomato sunflower seeds and fat free dressing.
Day 11 - skipped the gym and went for another 10 mile bike ride since it was still nice out. I want to go further but always concerned about making it back when you push it going 1 way, lol Was nice and cool last night, made sleep comfortable. Supposed to be 90 today through Monday so I'm thinking of upping to 300mg on Monday instead of today.
Food yesterday:
Breakfast 1 cup fiber one, 1 cup blueberries, i cup 2% cottage cheese
snack - 3 slices watermelon
lunch - 8oz rotisserie chicken, no skin on a whole wheat tortilla wrap, 1 tablespoon of mayo. Salad with lettuce tomato string beans craisins and fat free dressing
pre-bike ride - banana with 2 tablespoons peanut butter, 32oz Gatorade 2
snack 2 oz almonds
dinner - grilled chicken sandwich with a slice of american cheese, lettuce tomato and green chili sauce, 1 beer and plenty of water
get to the 400mg already.. lol.. learn to live on the edge, or at least feel like you are. lol... seriously though the sweating for me started at 400mg.. 2x am, 2x pm..

if you're planning to run it a long time though, keep on tapering up slowly.. when you do 300mg see what works better..

1 pill 3x a day, or two in the AM, and one in the PM.. the thing with 3 was that it would make me really sweaty at work when I would pop my nooner capsule.. like an hour later i was sweating n shit...especially if I had just eaten...
I sweat pretty badly naturally, even at a lighter weight, I was always a sweater so I am going to taper up slowly. I can't imagine 400mg yet, I mowed yesterday on 200mg and had a sweat ring down to my stomach, lol. It was pretty hot out but that is sweating a lot for me. Put the Central AC on yesterday so maybe I will jump to 300 today and see how it goes but it is afternoon and I haven't taken any yet as I worked last night and just got up.
Food Yesterday
Breakfast: 1 cup blueberries, 1 cup special K red berries, 1 cup 2% cottage cheese
Lunch - Subway ham and turkey footlong on whole wheat with lettuce, tomato, pickles olives onions hot peppers sweet peppers and mustard
snack apricot and 2 oz almonds
had a coffee and buttered roll from 7-11 on the way to work (I swear their rolls are addictive!)
Dinner - 1/2 rotisserie chicken, no skin on a pita with pickles and crushed garlic 3 vegetable grape leaves and string beans.
No snacks after that, made it to 6 am and wasn't hungry for some reason, had a G2 32oz 1 fountain diet soda and countless pints of water. Second week in a row I bartended with no beer/shots, hard when they are free and people want to buy them for you.
Going to be 95 here tomorrow :eek:
Ok, so I felt fine yesterday after my 200mg dose and decided to up to 300mg. I wish I would have just taken them all in the am. I noticed when I take it closer to bed I get worse night sweats and it feels like my head is on fire touching the pillow. Even with that I feel like I am getting a much better solid night of sleep while on the DNP. I usually don't sleep well at night and now find I am sleeping like a rock all night which is nice! Working from home has it's pluses, going to be close to 100 today and I only have to venture from the AC to get to the gym and back.
Only had 2 meals yesterday since I slept till almost noon from working the previous night.
Lunch - 2 lean turkey burgers on a w hole wheat bun with ketchup and pickles, 1 serving of pretzel chips.
Dinner - 8 oz london broil, grilled 1 ear corn, grilled and a salad with lettuce tomato goat cheese and fat free dressing.
Snack - watermelon
snack - granola frozen yogurt
Got a good amount of water in but not what I have usually been taking in so I will get more in today because I feel a little crampy in the calfs. Going to go with 300mg again today but take 2 now in the AM and one with lunch.
Ok, so I felt fine yesterday after my 200mg dose and decided to up to 300mg. I wish I would have just taken them all in the am. I noticed when I take it closer to bed I get worse night sweats and it feels like my head is on fire touching the pillow. Even with that I feel like I am getting a much better solid night of sleep while on the DNP. I usually don't sleep well at night and now find I am sleeping like a rock all night which is nice! Working from home has it's pluses, going to be close to 100 today and I only have to venture from the AC to get to the gym and back.
Only had 2 meals yesterday since I slept till almost noon from working the previous night.
Lunch - 2 lean turkey burgers on a w hole wheat bun with ketchup and pickles, 1 serving of pretzel chips.
Dinner - 8 oz london broil, grilled 1 ear corn, grilled and a salad with lettuce tomato goat cheese and fat free dressing.
Snack - watermelon
snack - granola frozen yogurt
Got a good amount of water in but not what I have usually been taking in so I will get more in today because I feel a little crampy in the calfs. Going to go with 300mg again today but take 2 now in the AM and one with lunch.

Good move on the dosing.. :D I never had that hot to the touch feeling.. Just always sweaty and I couldn't stay in one position too long. I slept great on DNP, I think it has more to do with the exhaustion than with it actually helping us sleep better.

Looking swell bro, keep at it!