Does anyone here actually like EQ?

thanks, so it helps with keeping rbc and hct in range? I have a huge issue with this when i take any gear i cannot confirm since i never pulled bloods on cycle but i had all the symptons and when i give blood i feel so much better so im guessing in running super high hct and rbc

edit: im currently on amlopadine so i wonder if i could switch it with the doc
It can, but personally I still donate blood. It reflects well on my bloodwork when I donate + take Telm vs only taking Telm alone.
I made the mistake recently of informing my new doctor / medical group (just moved to a new state) that I am on "TRT". Saw the new doc to get my blood pressure meds (Telmisartan/Amlodipine) re-upped and she gave me all kinds of shit about being on test. "Why are you on TRT", "Where do you get your testosterone", "What are your levels at". Not a single question about my BP or family history. She then ordered bloodwork right then and there, drew my blood for a CBC and Testosterone (the shitty non-sensitive max-out-at-1500 one). I told her I like to keep my level around 1000, and she said "maybe we should drop the dose in half get you to 500 or 600, then we can look at your blood pressure."


I told her I was just gonna get my meds on the black market if she wasn't going to help me then I'd help myself.
this is insane. I’ve met with asshole doctors before but none that have flat-out refused to treat me. Keep looking, you’ll find a good one. It’s taken me a while but my cardiologist is great and knows I’m on PEDs, just need a new PCP now
Definitely find a new PCP. Hell, for what it's worth I got my PCP to prescribe me Testosterone @ 200mg p/w. The only thing she cares about is me not "abusing", so I just come off for 2 weeks before I know she's going to take my T levels (every 4 months) and end up around 600-700. Boom. Monthly pharma Test for $35. I mainly use GL for blasting and keep the pharma for TRT.

Realistically it's all about finding a PCP who's willing to work with you, which is difficult, but not impossible.
I definitely need a new PCP. I'm on a PPO now so I can pretty much go to whoever I want (I think?). I'm gonna take this advice and start shopping around, cause man that doctor I saw was straight up ignorant, or had some personal beef with testosterone. I've got enough raws to last me a couple lifetimes so not really worried about getting test... I just want medical care when I need medical care and not some judgy bitch looking down her nose at me and sending me home untreated. Whoever I find though I learned my lesson and I'm not gonna go in putting "testosterone" on my medications list.
this is insane. I’ve met with asshole doctors before but none that have flat-out refused to treat me. Keep looking, you’ll find a good one. It’s taken me a while but my cardiologist is great and knows I’m on PEDs, just need a new PCP now
Man I would LOVE to find a decent cardiologist, especially one that will work with me knowing I'm on PEDs that sounds like a sweet deal. I will definitely keep looking!
I love it: but last blast I got it up to 1200mg wk stacked with test and NPP. Excellent gains but about 6 weeks in it gave me HORRIBLE anxiety.

If you’re in a good place in life it probably wouldn’t do that as bad. But I had 3 huge life events coming up and it really hard on me mentally
I love it: but last blast I got it up to 1200mg wk stacked with test and NPP. Excellent gains but about 6 weeks in it gave me HORRIBLE anxiety.

If you’re in a good place in life it probably wouldn’t do that as bad. But I had 3 huge life events coming up and it really hard on me mentally
This ^ is probably the likeliest cause for some reporting anxiety on EQ or deca and some have no issues.... you need triggers, bad stuff happens some PEDS will make it worse, life is good... nothing to note...

So the best way to approach this would be to make sure life is good and stable and than start your blast because even on a simple test cycle if your E2 is high you might get anxiety and all sorts of mental sides.

exception to this would be people that have diagnosed chronic anxiety but even so experimenting is the only way to know for sure how a drug will affect you... I mean most guys get paranoid and edgy on tren I got calm and secure on it... so the exact opposite... EQ lowered my appetite... deca makes me aggresive... so I live in opposite land...
Some love it, some hate it. It's a love or hate relationship with Equipoise. If you read the forum more you would know. But I guess it's too time consuming for some people nowadays.

I love it, it works damn good for me. Good cosmetic effect, nice pumps, veins and overall stamina boost. No estrogenic side effects, low or high. Very nice and amazing drug, shame it wrecks health over time just like almost every steroid except Testosterone even at high dosages.

300-600mg is my sweet spot, though I don't use it anymore, I'm all for health now and T solo seems to be the best for me.
I respond too much on this drug both benefits and side effects so I can’t use it.

It gives me crazy cosmetic benefits big shoulders and traps big bis and tris , it gives me the tan , abs harder but I still notice some water retention. I’m naturally veiny so it makes me gross. It gives me the hunger.

But it also gives me high hematocrit all steroids raise my hematocrit to a degree but on equi is on another level. I’m red and purple all day with waves of anxiety.
I can’t benefit from its endurance benefits cause it raises my bp and hematocrit too much.

I’ve also noticed low e2 symptoms but not blood work to verify it. I also believed that equi aromatise at those days so I had still taken my ai with it.

I’ve also used it alone and noticed but not in a bodybuilding setting and still have my body great cosmetics. It was a short 6-8 week cycle 1g equi only 1x week and still had high BP and rbc symptoms at the last week or so and for some time after.
im noticing a lot of you get the anxiety as do i about week 8 i start to notice it does anytung it could be cause by low e2 or high hct even?
6-8 weeks of bold c. (the medium fast ester)

Got depressed. Didnt gain a shit of muscle. Cero cosmetic appart of the red tanning. BP over the roof. Feeling suicidal. The only PED that doesnt agree with me. Big relief when I donated blood

Hard pass
If you talk about bold undecylenate, I have no experience with it.

However, if have many blasts under my belt with bold cypionate and bold propionate.

Max I tried is 600mg, vascularity is insane even on 350mg. It uplifts my cardio greatly. When I take it, I drop off my aromasin since I found out the hard way bold crashes E2 (confirmed with bloodwork).

At 500+ mg is is comparable to 300mg of DHB, which is not far fetched since DHB is a downstream metabolite of bold.

I have used it for both bulking and cutting, however, I have found out it shines more on cutting and replaced it with NPP for bulking.

I had 3 anxiety episodes while running it (on different blasts) and this was usually a sign of low E2 for me (broscience alert).
I always used it as part of my stack buking and cutting, and liked it. Decent gains that were not all water.
EQ used to be one of my favorites years ago. Blasted the shit out of it 2100mg per week, amazing compound, especially seen on delts and chest.

This summer i did 750/750 run eq/sust.

EQ kept my estradiol in range, thanks to RBC and Hematrocrit increase i needed to stop and donate some blood. Im so glad i stopped it because i got hit with anxiety daily, now im 3 weeks off of EQ and anxiety is almost gone.

Will never use EQ again. Thanks and good bye my old friend
so let say the dbol would help me from crashing e2 with this stack? the main reason im using EQ is becasue I have a bunch of it on hand and I only have 2 bottles of NPP which is my go to for my secondary anabolic, and I dont have any deca on hand only one bottle... but I have a ton of EQ, i hve 3 bottles of primo and i wanted to use these inseatad of spending money on getting more deca or npp . and to be honest i dont like being shut down and im full recovered right now my balls are huge and I hate the feeling of being high and tight i like the feeling of my balls hanging so deca is great for gains but i hate that it make smy balls high and tight i know this sounds really dumb but Its a lot to do with getting head women notice when youre on deca i think

edit: ive been off gear for two years so my goal is to use compounds that arent so suppressive, i did a lot to recovery my balls and i kind of wanted to keep some of that if i can
who gives a shit what women think! I call them "life destroyers"
who gives a shit what women think! I call them "life destroyers"
very good point. i guess its my insecurites that bother me i always think when im getting head theyre like wtf why this dudes balls so small idk a girl mentioned it to me once she was my gf at the time and she told me i had small balls from taking gear when we were fighting once. i left her ass , but that shit bothereedd me not gunna lie.
I know it's an old thread, but just to give my perspective: I ran 600 test C 400 bold cyp. IMO EQ is way too long estered for anything other than a lower dose year round cycle with something like Test U (for ease of dialing in your doses). Because it takes so long to take a real effect on your system, you can easily start with way too high E2 and end with way too low E2 on a cycle. My E2 was around 20-25, no high RBC or hematocrit. I used Inositiol Hexaphosphate which made me go anemic but it kept RBC and HCT down lol. On top of that, donated red blood cells only at a blood drive. If you're not perma-cycling with bold I think there are plenty of ways to keep RBC and HCT down so long as you get regular blood work (and a basic blood panel is only like $8 so there's no reason not to do it at least once a month on cycle). Everyone aromatizes differently. Conventional advice is to run bold as high or higher than test, my advice to anyone trying it out would be to start at half your test dose. But again, everyone is different.
I know it's an old thread, but just to give my perspective: I ran 600 test C 400 bold cyp. IMO EQ is way too long estered for anything other than a lower dose year round cycle with something like Test U (for ease of dialing in your doses). Because it takes so long to take a real effect on your system, you can easily start with way too high E2 and end with way too low E2 on a cycle. My E2 was around 20-25, no high RBC or hematocrit. I used Inositiol Hexaphosphate which made me go anemic but it kept RBC and HCT down lol. On top of that, donated red blood cells only at a blood drive. If you're not perma-cycling with bold I think there are plenty of ways to keep RBC and HCT down so long as you get regular blood work (and a basic blood panel is only like $8 so there's no reason not to do it at least once a month on cycle). Everyone aromatizes differently. Conventional advice is to run bold as high or higher than test, my advice to anyone trying it out would be to start at half your test dose. But again, everyone is different.
Mehh the human body isn’t designed to run shit like EQ year round through and through. You’d really be fucking with your whole physiology by doing shit like that