Does anyone here actually like EQ?

Mehh the human body isn’t designed to run shit like EQ year round through and through. You’d really be fucking with your whole physiology by doing shit like that
To be fair human body is not designed for any of that synthetic stuff we put in to it.
But in general yes, Testosterone is perhaps the only sustainable one (at moderate dosages).

Don't necessarily disagree, but the dose is the poison. Could say the same thing about Primo, though I agree that Primo is much safer. You don't risk deterioration in the kidney lining from Primo.
There's lots of unknown, too bad steroids where not researches further to this day. Nothing is safe. TRT is the only exception.
I just ran it again recently after 5 years of not running it. The anxiety still comes in harsh from eq even at only 400. Think this might be my last go around with it. Much better compounds imo
EQ allows me to run testosterone. I am very sensitive to estrogen and I am a high converter.

EQ 1 To 1 with Test at high or low doses and I end up with too low estrogen, have to pop a dbol once in a while.

I use to run EQ with just TRT test, terrible anxiety around week 4 to 8. No longer an issue with test 1 to 1. I strongly believe EQ is just tanking peoples E2 levels and that's causing the anxiety.

At this point I will never not run EQ in my blasts. Would eventually like to keep it in year-round at 100-200mg with TRT but that will require some extensive lab work and a 2-3 month cruise period to test.
I don’t respond to it very well. I started cycle at 500 test 500 Eq and my e2 TANKED. I felt like absolute shit. Bloodwork came back at < 15. So I upped the test to 750 and felt a lot better. I didn’t get the appetite, vascularity, or any real substantial gainz from it. Just my experience.
EQ is amazing for my tendons.

Deca does nothing for them. Great for joint wear and tear but not tendons despite years of reading otherwise.

I don’t get phsych issues from either. Test/Deca/EQ is my go to. They work very well in conjunction, but I keep test at 1/2 or 1/3 minimum of total AAS dose and don’t seem to crash estrogen or have significant challenges.

I will say downside is I give blood every other month and sometimes do a double red.