Took my last shot of sigma npp yesterday. It was pretty good. Gained around 11-12 pounds and lost a little fat. I was only eating around 200-300 calories over maintenance. Didn’t get huge strength gains but the weights definitely went up. Very noticeable changes to body composition as even my wife who’s oblivious was making comments lol.
I run caber .25mg Monday/Thursday. Try b6 though before you do caber. I like to not take drugs to counteract drugs. Maybe b6 will be enough for you and just keep the caber on hand. Caber is strong so always start with the lowest dose you may need if you use it. Some people would take even half that twice a week.
Also, I don’t even know why I bother doing cut cycles. I never stick to a diet. All I really do is use compounds such as Masteron, tren , var and now winny to get the look I’m seeking. If I did stick to a diet I’d be stage worthy all day mate! I just bring myself to stop eating microwave breakfast burritos [emoji896]