Donald Trump raided by the FBI

Putin is a horrible person and leader, but if you think Ukraine is about what the news says it is then you are extremely naive.

And having to go to calling everyone you disagree with an asshole just proves you have no foundation to your beliefs, and even yourself know you can’t win a debate on any of this . You can’t even defend your thinking with your own words. You run like a child from a schoolyard fight then come back with more childish gibberish.
I think there is no good in this war. Putin, Biden work out and earn political points. And of course, a good way to explain all internal problems, social, economic, demographic, is by war. A very good chance to cover up your mistakes. Again, war is a business for them, Putin advertises Russian weapons and arranges various exhibitions and sells and sells weapons to anyone who wants to.
I think there is no good in this war. Putin, Biden work out and earn political points. And of course, a good way to explain all internal problems, social, economic, demographic, is by war. A very good chance to cover up your mistakes. Again, war is a business for them, Putin advertises Russian weapons and arranges various exhibitions and sells and sells weapons to anyone who wants to.
Whatever Putin is, which I'm sure he isn't a saint, Russia as a nation does have legitimate national security concerns, literally at its border (unlike ours that we claim everything we do is for our "national security") which it tried to negotiate with the West for literally eight years now, with our govts purposely ignoring them. People completely forget or tend to leave out, that in 2014, WE overthrew the pro-Russian govt in Ukraine with a coup, then this govt went on killing pro-Russian separatists in the region.

Imagine if China started putting anti-American puppet governments along out border in South America and Canada, and we kept telling China please stop... and not only did they not stop, they started killing pro-Americans in those regions. How long until we would send a special operation to safe these people from these crimes?

That is exactly what this operation is; it isn't an invasion for all of Ukraine, as many people claim; it isn't a war of aggression, as the US and its hypocritical media puts it; Russia isn't losing at all, in fact, Ukraine is getting it's ass handed to it; it is a special operation to eliminate the forces (de-Nazifying the area) that are killing these people in these two regions; regions which WANT to return to Russia, and were denied that option when Ukraine's govt was overthrown and replaced with the puppet one we see today.

But the Media is pretending Russia is losing; that Ukraine is this paragon of freedom and diversity under attack by some Communist force; meanwhile, billions are being sent to Ukraine and only 20% are reaching the battle front, I wonder why? Lol. Ukraine was considered THE MOST corrupt European nation just a few years ago, but magically, now the entire world is worshipping it idiots.

Now, could have Putin handled this better? Sure. He could have gotten and recorded irrefutable video evidence of the killings perpetrated by the "Nazi" Ukrainians against the pro-Russian separatists (there are some you can find on Gore sites) and presented it to the UN or something, but here again we run into American supremacy who will just veto anything Russia wants.

There is probably more to this story that none of us will ever know, but what I do know, is WE, the American people, get ZERO out of this; in fact, these sanctions our govt chose to put on Russia, have only harmed us, while strengthening them lol; how fucking stupid are we? Look how stupid the EU is now, causing its own citizens to suffer while Russia is not interfering with exports of grain or even freedom of movement between Ukraine and Russia, which actually allowed a Ukrainian terrorist to assassinate Alexander Dugins' daughter with a carbomb. Russian is creating stronger ties with China and others in the region, literally forming their own new monetary system called BRICS, which is literally going to take down America's superpower status, once nations realize they don't need to accept our bullying and bullshit anymore, from our petrodollar to our sanctions, and our illegal and injustify terrorism across the planet for our "interests."

And finally, we certainly don't need to be sending billions to any nation on this planet, while ours is falling apart from within, nor shove our noses into things that could risk pulling us into a direct conflict, for no fucking good reason.
And finally, we certainly don't need to be sending billions to any nation on this planet, while ours is falling apart from within, nor shove our noses into things that could risk pulling us into a direct conflict, for no fucking good reason.
And finally, we certainly don't need to be sending billions to any nation on this planet, while ours is falling apart from within, nor shove our noses into things that could risk pulling us into a direct conflict, for no fucking good reason.

Well, this is interesting…
Going to start calling you NorthSchiff lol

It makes a little too much sense, given the nature of the players here. Russia and trump. They share the same ideologies. The same goals
It makes a little too much sense, given the nature of the players here. Russia and trump. They share the same ideologies. The same goals
Too much sense??? What ideologies and goals do they share? Provide evidence for this in something other then your profound opinion.
Why, so you can completely ignore it?? Lol. You have already compartmentalized all reason and logic in this area, and you maintain thin, specious answers that allow you to continue this enormous lie to yourself.

Don’t worry, everyone does this to some degree.
Trump can be criticized, especially from within the United States.
But for the people of Europe, he is seen as the best president of the United States in recent years.

I’m guessing you’re in a former Soviet Bloc / Warsaw Pact country mate? They’ve been lurching to the political right ever since the fall or The Curtain, so yeah I am see why he’s popular in some Eastern European eyes.

But in Western Europe lol .... he’s extremely unpopular in both the UK & Republic of Ireland & that’s almost universal & irrespective of individual political leanings (bar the extreme far right) . Probably the most unpopular US President ever, which says a lot after Dubya & Reagan, who where generally viewed as a moron (Dubya) & both a moron & senile (Reagan).

This song (originally about Boris Johnson) pretty much sums up the average Brit or Paddy’s opinion of The Donald:

Don’t have to take my word for this, just look at UK / ROI opinion polls.
^^ Thank you.

You’re welcome.

I shan’t be getting further involved in this thread though as, well to be frank I don’t really care whether the senile geriatric moron sitting in the WH is called Trump or Biden.

I will leave you with this though, as an add-on to my previous post about majority UK / ROI opinions on Trump: this is one of the UK’s top stand up’s & as you can see from the audience reaction, no one takes Trump seriously here & he’s basically one big joke in the UK:

I have a son in law from Europe. The two travel all over Europe and Japan. No one respects that orange guy at all. He’s a big joke, and we, as voting Americans, look foolish in their eyes as well. We’re considered ignorant, entitled, violent, and arrogant. And while that’s a crude generalization, it is what it is.

You can spot Americans abroad easily. Same with Russians. Often equally obnoxious in their own way. And most are fat as hell. Fatter than the local population.

We are most certainly not the envy of the world. Trump did us all a great disservice globally

People can be led by any idiot who declares themselves their leader. Their anger looks familiar.
Why, so you can completely ignore it?? Lol. You have already compartmentalized all reason and logic in this area, and you maintain thin, specious answers that allow you to continue this enormous lie to yourself.

Don’t worry, everyone does this to some degree.
No, I follow the pattern, which has been proven multiple times, that there are no ties. You are the insane (doing the same thing over expecting different results) one on this NorthSchiff. Enjoy your wonderland of delusion. Absolutely stupidity…
Fortunately, you exist in a fringe minority. The edge of the bell curve. Like flat earthers, you’re mostly entertainment. That’s why I’m here. You entertain me. You’re a human curiosity. To the rest of the US and the world.

Until like locust, you swarm. Then we’ve learned we just need bigger cans of Raid for you next time.