Donald Trump raided by the FBI

the truth is that the Dem bastards know they are losing the majority in congress in the mid-term elections, so they cowardly try to take out their opponent, using politicized wizardry. In all EU countries we have a satellite party of the US Democrats. And in all European countries they control 95% of the mass media, entertainment, education / universities. Those who oppose them are destroyed in some way: first they are slandered and ridiculed in all the mass media and then, if that is not enough, they are killed by clockwork justice. then I would not like to talk about Ukraine where they are financing an openly Nazi government, where the birthday of Stephan Bandera, Hitler’s SS collaborator, is a national holiday and all the shops are closed, nobody works on that day. those who claim that Trump is a terrorist, at the same time support the Ukrainian terrorists who blow up the cars of Russian journalists and bomb the nuclear power plants conquered by the Russians, jeopardizing the security of the whole EU.

but Trump, who hadn't started any new wars, is a terrorist. Lol
the truth is that the Dem bastards know they are losing the majority in congress in the mid-term elections, so they cowardly try to take out their opponent, using politicized wizardry. In all EU countries we have a satellite party of the US Democrats. And in all European countries they control 95% of the mass media, entertainment, education / universities. Those who oppose them are destroyed in some way: first they are slandered and ridiculed in all the mass media and then, if that is not enough, they are killed by clockwork justice. then I would not like to talk about Ukraine where they are financing an openly Nazi government, where the birthday of Stephan Bandera, Hitler’s SS collaborator, is a national holiday and all the shops are closed, nobody works on that day. those who claim that Trump is a terrorist, at the same time support the Ukrainian terrorists who blow up the cars of Russian journalists and bomb the nuclear power plants conquered by the Russians, jeopardizing the security of the whole EU.

but Trump, who hadn't started any new wars, is a terrorist. Lol
Oh God, dont' even get me started on how they are lying about Ukraine nonstop. The People are so stupid, they forget how they have been lied to about virtually every war in the last 100 years; they forget the lies of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, but not this media can't be lying about this one lol.

They talked about how the Russians are killing civilians, yet don't mention how the Ukranian Azov (neo-Nazi) battalion, which is ironically funded by Igor Kolomansky, an Israeli Jew, has been genociding people in the region since 2014. They are plenty of gore videos out there showing Ukrainians, shooting civilians trying to escape, shelling civilians targets, torturting Russian POWs, including gouging one's eyes out while alive; another they nailed to a cross and burned alive, but all they talk about is Russia shelling everything, and how this one guy got castrated...pretty biased nah? And they are censoring Russian media and keep hammering how Ukraine is going to win, when it's getting fucking its ass-kicked. They keep claiming Putin is going to blow up a nuclear reactor, which would do nothing but harm his own troops and the entire region; literally stupid narratives that make so sense, just like they tried to pull with Assad. I'm sure the Western elite have nothing to hide, right? I'm sure the billions going to the parasites in Ukraine are getting to the right places lol...Yes, keep sending our money there, instead of using it here at home where we need it.
the truth is that the Dem bastards know they are losing the majority in congress in the mid-term elections, so they cowardly try to take out their opponent, using politicized wizardry. In all EU countries we have a satellite party of the US Democrats. And in all European countries they control 95% of the mass media, entertainment, education / universities. Those who oppose them are destroyed in some way: first they are slandered and ridiculed in all the mass media and then, if that is not enough, they are killed by clockwork justice. then I would not like to talk about Ukraine where they are financing an openly Nazi government, where the birthday of Stephan Bandera, Hitler’s SS collaborator, is a national holiday and all the shops are closed, nobody works on that day. those who claim that Trump is a terrorist, at the same time support the Ukrainian terrorists who blow up the cars of Russian journalists and bomb the nuclear power plants conquered by the Russians, jeopardizing the security of the whole EU.

but Trump, who hadn't started any new wars, is a terrorist. Lol

Oh God, dont' even get me started on how they are lying about Ukraine nonstop. The People are so stupid, they forget how they have been lied to about virtually every war in the last 100 years; they forget the lies of Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, but not this media can't be lying about this one lol.

They talked about how the Russians are killing civilians, yet don't mention how the Ukranian Azov (neo-Nazi) battalion, which is ironically funded by Igor Kolomansky, an Israeli Jew, has been genociding people in the region since 2014. They are plenty of gore videos out there showing Ukrainians, shooting civilians trying to escape, shelling civilians targets, torturting Russian POWs, including gouging one's eyes out while alive; another they nailed to a cross and burned alive, but all they talk about is Russia shelling everything, and how this one guy got castrated...pretty biased nah? And they are censoring Russian media and keep hammering how Ukraine is going to win, when it's getting fucking its ass-kicked. They keep claiming Putin is going to blow up a nuclear reactor, which would do nothing but harm his own troops and the entire region; literally stupid narratives that make so sense, just like they tried to pull with Assad. I'm sure the Western elite have nothing to hide, right? I'm sure the billions going to the parasites in Ukraine are getting to the right places lol...Yes, keep sending our money there, instead of using it here at home where we need it.
I feel like @NorthMich watching cnn reading this, lol.
Lol, they had to black out almost the entire affidavit! What a joke. Based off of a story of a moving truck?

Here’s a tip for the DOJ to use next time: Trump did stuff and things so we will get him because he is bad. Bad orange man.

Then we got @NorthMich over here talking about obstruction, lmao!
You sound like a cult member denying what’s all over the world new headlines. Lol

I love how you tools define trump with words like Biden, Hillary, and Brandon. Hard not to default to the talking points you were fed over the months. You lack the capacity to see outside of your very small news source pool

Sad little man
I also love how assholes on this forum would actually promote putin and assad. Imagine the depths of brainwashing to pull that off. And yet we’re reading it right here on this thread.
I also love how assholes on this forum would actually promote putin and assad. Imagine the depths of brainwashing to pull that off. And yet we’re reading it right here on this thread.
Putin is a horrible person and leader, but if you think Ukraine is about what the news says it is then you are extremely naive.

And having to go to calling everyone you disagree with an asshole just proves you have no foundation to your beliefs, and even yourself know you can’t win a debate on any of this . You can’t even defend your thinking with your own words. You run like a child from a schoolyard fight then come back with more childish gibberish.
You sound like a cult member denying what’s all over the world new headlines. Lol

I love how you tools define trump with words like Biden, Hillary, and Brandon. Hard not to default to the talking points you were fed over the months. You lack the capacity to see outside of your very small news source pool

Sad little man
Is this because the news has been so accurate and truthful over the years? They lie to you daily, then the proof comes out showing they lied, yet you still go back to believing everything you see because it’s on the news. I guess if it’s on a screen it must be true. You must choose to believe the lies at this point. There’s no excuse for it.
I also love how assholes on this forum would actually promote putin and assad. Imagine the depths of brainwashing to pull that off. And yet we’re reading it right here on this thread.
You mean like every other war you've been lied to?

I was sent to Iraq TWICE because of the Western govts lying about war. When you do your research, you learn virtually every war has been a lie, no exaggeration.

The narrative of Assad gassing his people is so retarded, and all evidence pointed to the terrorists we were funding—you know the ones who made videos eating people hearts they no incentive to gas people, knowing the retarded USA would bomb their enemies for them...nah, that's not in anyway a strategic method to fight a superior enemy using deception. No. It makes more sense that Assad, winning the war, would just start bombing his own people with gas lol, which would then invite the entire world to attack him, and have his own people turn again him...that makes 100% sense strategically lol.

Funny how Assad no longer matters these days, eh? They just forget about him? Nah, because every smart person and anti-War activist, including me on the scene before I was nuked from all social media, exposed the lies, and no sane person bought into the retarded narratives about him. Once it was shown that the "rebels" fighting Assad, were actually other forms of Al Qaeda, (remember those people who did 9/11) which the US, Israel, and UK were helping (weird right), people wanted nothing to do with it. If Assad was so "evil" as people claim, why is his ENTIRE country fighting form him?

Here are some ISRAELI newspapers admitting what I'm saying:
Israel Helping Al Queada.PNGIsrael Prefers ISIS.PNGIsraelAssad.JPG
here is even Fox, which is super pro Israel, having NO CHOICE but to admit what I just said:
Israel is full shit; they were the ones who told us Iraq 100% had WMDs...They Israelis lie all the time, to trick America into fighting wars for them, and if you call them out, you're a Neo-Nazi, White Supremacist. It was all the Israeli first pieces of shit, and all their NGO organizations (like the ADL), that rallied up against me and other like me, to mass-ban us off many social media platforms, not because we are what they say, but because WE WERE RIGHT!

You don't understand geopolitics, let alone what's actually going on in your own country; you're so blinded by identity politics, all you care about is if you political opposition is destroyed, while ignoring the very corruption within your own party. The ability for you not even to address a single claim that exposes your parties wrong-doing, shows how brainwashed you are. It doesn't matter if I agree Trump should be hung for his treasonous acts, but so does every other politician, including Hillary, Biden, Obama, etc...Yes, even Bush, Cheney, all the way back down to whoever is alive when JFK was murdered.

No. You're so emotional and short-sighted, all you care about is "Muh maga is evil," or "Orange man bad!" as his supporter say... I say, they are all bad and all need to hung, but even that's not good enough is it? You'd want everyone on the other team to hang, but let your corrupt scum live, and that's why NOTHING changes in this country. And even when I give you a theoretical where you could live among your own party in an all-democrat-run state, you call it a dystopia, as if you enjoy this non-stop political drama and want to point your finger at others and say: "YOURE THE PROBLEM!" when actually the kind of person YOU ARE, is the problem.

See, I could sit here and literally show any person how deep this rabbit hole goes, but 99% of this board, and people in general, would just ignore it, deny it, laugh at it, or yell obscenities; this is because, unfortunately, human beings are literally primates, still utterly fucking stupid monkeys who care more about being accepted in a group, due to fear of being ostracized, than the truth itself, which may hurt. For millennia philosophers like Plato have said this, and nothing has changed.

You are so deluded, you'll even think I support Assad for refuting the misinformation about him, because you think in binaries of 1 and 0; you can't compute the possibility that someone can simply stand for the TRUTH; no, you have to assume because they expose lies, they MUST be for the person being lied about, rather than trying to stop useless wars and prevent unnecessary casualties, especially those of civilians lives.


  • Israel Helping ISIS.PNG
    Israel Helping ISIS.PNG
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Putin is another story.

I won't even attempt to make you understand the geopolitics between Russia/NATO/Ukraine/Europe because no doubt you've been convinced "Muh Russians" for the last 4 years straight without understanding a single fact about this conflict, or how its been building up for nearly a decade, with the WEST literally inflaming it every step of the way.

So whoever wants to be educated on this matter, this is a great conversation between two Political Science professors dealing with the facts. There is no bias in there conversation, just the history and reasons why this military operation has occurred. And you will learn, once again, how the Western media is coincidently not including HALF of the story.

And for the record, I did vote for Trump in 2016, when he promised no more wars for Globalism, and to secure our borders. He did neither. The second he bombed Syria, I denouced Blumpf and actually went viral. Wikileaks and several outlets promoted my video to him telling he was falling into a trap if he continues this path. At first, I thought he was being misled, but then he did it AGAIN! At that point I cut him off and realized he is no different than any other POS in office.

But things only got worse.

He not only bombed Syria twice, based on lying Israeli "intelligence," he also assassinated General Soleimani, who was actually killing ISIS/Al Qaeda in the region, saving Christians and Muslims from these Western-backed puppets, which was a HUGE favor for Bibi Netanyahu and the Israeli regime. This in turn caused Iran to respond, bombing Al Asad airbase (which I was stationed at actually during my deployment), that could have led to WW3, if we actually suffered casualties, which we didn't, although 80 suffered minor injuries.

He also moved the the US Embassy the Jerusalem, which is the most retarded way to make things in the M.E. even worse.

He sucked up to the Saudis, selling them billions in weapons so they could bomb Yemeni weddings and kill civilians...

The list goes on with this fucking traitor as well.

Unfortunately, MAGA thinks domestic policies are the only thing that matter, so even if Trump had a slightly better economy or helped them save a few bucks, none of that matters because the war machine ALWAYS trickles down and fucks up we can see right now.
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And for the record, I did vote for Trump in 2016, when he promised no more wars for Globalism, and to secure our borders. He did neither. The second he bombed Syria, I denouced Blumpf and actually went viral. Wikileaks and several outlets promoted my video to him telling he was falling into a trap if he continues this path. At first, I thought he was being misled, but then he did it AGAIN! At that point I cut him off and realized he is no different than any other POS in office.

But things only got worse.

He not only bombed Syria twice, based on lying Israeli "intelligence," he also assassinated General Soleimani, who was actually killing ISIS/Al Qaeda in the region, saving Christians and Muslims from these Western-backed puppets, which was a HUGE favor for Bibi Netanyahu and the Israeli regime. This in turn caused Iran to respond, bombing Al Asad airbase (which I was stationed at actually during my deployment), that could have led to WW3, if we actually suffered casualties, which we didn't, although 80 suffered minor injuries.

He also moved the the US Embassy the Jerusalem, which is the most retarded way to make things in the M.E. even worse.

He sucked up to the Saudis, selling them billions in weapons so they could bomb Yemeni weddings and kill civilians...

The list goes on with this fucking traitor as well.

Unfortunately, MAGA thinks domestic policies are the only thing that matter, so even if Trump had a slightly better economy or helped them save a few bucks, none of that matters because the war machine ALWAYS trickles down and fucks up we can see right now.
Politicians are dirty guys and in elections they always promise a lot, but they do little or nothing at all. The laws of the game, then they look for reasons why they didn’t do it.
Politicians are dirty guys and in elections they always promise a lot, but they do little or nothing at all. The laws of the game, then they look for reasons why they didn’t do it.
That's part of it, but also the divisive system itself makes it virtually impossible by design. So even if they wanted to do something, they can't because there is always opposition trying to stop them, and most of the time, succeeding to do so. If by miracle something gets passed, the next President, or shit in power in the House/Senate, can undo it.

But isn't it funny when it comes to war or funding wars, everyone is always on board, save a few people. When it comes to funding Israel, or any of our allies doing fucked up shit, everyone is on board. It's almost like our politicians are working for someone other than their citizens.