Donald Trump raided by the FBI

I’m seeing no wisdom, kid. I see a brainwashed group. Like so many other radicalized morons.
it is obvious that you will not respond to any actual critiques of your position, only resorting to ad hominems... You won't even admit when someone shows you incontrovertible video evidence of hypocrisy; why is it so difficult for you to say "yes, both sides are fucked, and we should purge all bad actors from all American politics," rather than having an orgasm over one?

Do you see why this never ends? People like yourself foolishly choose a side, which was created by the political elite to conquer the People, so they point fingers at each other, rather than the Parasite class at the top.
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Checking out the recently released time lapse video of the Jan 6 traitor rally. Pretty amazing

Are they the parasite or the class?
Checking out the recently released time lapse video of the Jan 6 traitor rally. Pretty amazing

Are they the parasite or the class?
No, the Parasite Class are those unelected billionaires and banking elite who control governments through their corporations, NGOs, financial, and media institutions; they are the ones using these politicians as pawns to execute their agenda. In other words, the people both Democrats and Republicans look up to as those "leading" this country, are just figureheads taking orders from their donors and controllers from way above them.

I dubbed the term Parasite Class, because this class feeds off nations on a global level, taking from everyone, regardless of which camp people vote from.
Decent conservative? This is treason. DeSantis is just like him, along with Cruise and the rest of these Israeli-firster shills. Granted, their domestic politics are much more sound, but their foreign policies cause much more damage than any good they would do here at home, since all wars and conflict trickle down on everything else.

View attachment 171271

Anyone who puts another nation before America, is by default a treacherous piece of shit. That's the problem with most conservatives; you'll see them blowing Israel no matter what it does to the world, and turn a blind eye to how many times it harmed America.

But Liberal are no better: they'll promote the open-border nonsense that is part of the globohomo one-world agenda, which destroys every nation's sovereignty. This of course will draw all "patriots" to the right, but the right is also compromised by Anglo/Israeli imperialism, which benefits nobody by D.C. Elite and Israel.

Either way you vote, you get fucked; that's why we need to scrap the two-party system, and literally start over with an Americanism that rejects intervention on anyone's behalf, like our Forefathers told us to, and protest our borders, values, language, and so on, against the George Soros, open-society model.
Your Forefathers were a bunch of stupid naive fucks.They promoted self-isolation and uncontrolled migration.Literally the 2 things that can destroy any nation on earth.Do you know why japan turned from a shithole to one of the most developed countrys on earth,its because they started trading with other nations.Do you promote self-isolation?Do you want to give up your spot as superpower and let china and Russia take over?
They are all pieces of shit: Trump, Hillary, Bush, Obama, and the rest of them all the way to LBJ...The last legit president was JFK, who actually challenged the powers that be and got his head blown off by for doing so.

He challenged the Bankers; the Israelis (causing Ben Gurion to resign); the CIA; the Mob; and the Fed.... do that, and you're asking to be killed, and he was.

Ever since him, every single President fell in line, that's why they never challenged the Fed, the Israelis, the Saudis, Wall Street, the Bankers, or anyone else. If they do something off, they'll end up with some kind of scandal; they go too far, they end up dead.

The fact people play favorites still to this day, shows me no one is learning about this WWE two-party system that distracts us and keeps us at each other's throats, while the Parasite Class destroys every nation on Earth.
Isn't it hypocritical to call other people parasites when you're german?Remember what your people did across the globe?
Isn't it hypocritical to call other people parasites when you're german?Remember what your people did across the globe?
I'm Italian first of if you want to go ALLLL the way back to the Roman Empire, sure. My ancestors were conquerors and all, but they let people integrate into their empire, unlike the Anglo Saxon who colonized people, stole their resources, and segregated them from their population.

And here we go with the entire "Germany will take over the planet to make an Aryan world" is the most retarded Hollywood Hitler propaganda ever devised. Is that why their allies were nonwhites, ranging from Asians, Arabs, Blacks, and Jews (yes even Jews were in the SS lol). Did your history teacher forget about the Russians who joined the Germans against Communism? Did they tell you who actually was behind the "Russian revolution" (weren't ethnic Russians.) Of course not. Don't get me started on WW2 and its bullshit. Communism was supposed to be a WORKERS of THE WORLD revolution, not National Socialism or Fascism, since both ideologies are NATIONLIASTIC in nature, they were created as a RESPONSE what Communism and Capitalism was doing to the world, because both are INTERNATIONLISTIC in nature. I'm not trying to get banned again, because if I start posting facts, people will kvetch because they wont' be able to refute anything, and ask Millard to ban me moving along.

America's forefathers were actually very racist and didn't promote uncontrolled migration; they didn't even consider Black people human beings, so I don't know what history you are reading. They created America for their "prosperity," which meant White people of good character. If they meant "all men were created equal" to mean everyone, then why didn't they give Blacks and Natives equal rights from day one? You are spoon fed fake history and don't' even take a few seconds to realize none of it makes sense lol. Shit even Italians and other Europeans (especially the Irish) were frowned upon when immigration act changed in the 1920's...In fact, the Irish were seen LOWER than Blacks. In regards to your uncontrolled migration, it wasn't until the 1960's where the parasitical elements (various communists from Russian) usurped America in full capacity, changing all sorts of laws, and opening up our borders to the Third World with the 1965 Hart/Cellar act, which promised wouldn't ruin the European-majority demographics, but it obviously has, as intended, which is why you see America turning into the shit hole in the last few decades.

P.S. America's foreign policy was supposed to not us into foreign alliance to get entangled in foreign wars that would hurt us, not that we couldn't trade with everyone else. Yet look at us today: we are 246 years old or whatever, and have been at war for 96% of our existence (over 200 years!)...yet we have the audacity to claim others are a threat to global security, are committing war crimes, have WMDs (when we are the only nation in history to us them), and violate international law daily.

Today's Parasite Class is INTERNATRIONAL in nature; literally alien to the founders of this country, and currently waging a cultural and racial war against its founders. This is why you see a rise in "White Guilt" and critical race theory propaganda, along with all this other stupid shit. This is only being done in nations that have a strong national identity; namely Europe American and Australia; it is not happening in Africa or China. You mentioned Japan, which is now being pressured to accept "migrants" because of a lower GDP (as if this is the most important thing on Earth) which is going to be suicide of the Japanese people, since their birth rates are BELOW replacement value, just like Europeans.

So it makes no sense that the actual patriots and founders of a nation would do anything to harm its citizens; you won't find a single empire in history that shat on its own citizens via nonstop media and govt propaganda, to have self-hating guilt, removing statues, so-on and so forth, like we see today. However we did see that in the Old Soviet Union, didn't we? And who overthrew Czar Nicholas II? It's almost as if those same people are at it again!

But even the Anglo Saxon—let's take the British in their prime—and his colonization, actually gave SOEMTHING back to his conquered population: water, schools, infrastructure, technology and so on; today's parasite class literally ROBS us of our resources, wealth, sells our technologies to our enemies, and literally engineers wars between nations based on lies that our boys and girls die in, all while waging a anti-nationalistic sentiment against it's citizens.

You see, if you understand the agenda of globalism, you wouldn't be so clueless as to what is going on. This isn't a new agenda either; its about 100 years old, and it's working, to the point you will even get offended at my post, because it is so engrained into your psyche to do so.
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Im not much for geopolitics, but you you know whats a cool name for a country? CHAD!
I used to be very deep into politics as an activist; had a huge following on Twitter, was verified and all, and in the end, all that happened to me was I got put on "hate lists," got FBI visits and banned off all platforms... Both sides are full of shit and are utterly fucked. America not only is on its way to die, it deserves to die, because the population has become so complacent and weak, it cannot possibly maintain the great nation it used to be...and it won't.

So that's why all of you guys arguing over these stupid WWE events that you think are the real cause of the issues we have, will eventually learn the hard way, that literally everything on TV is manufactured distractions, no different than a Hollywood studio (what law says the news must be true?) and when we hit Weimer Germany conditions in a few decades, you'll understand.
I'm Italian first of if you want to go ALLLL the way back to the Roman Empire, sure. My ancestors were conquerors and all, but they let people integrate into their empire, unlike the Anglo Saxon who colonized people, stole their resources, and segregated them from their population.

And here we go with the entire "Germany will take over the planet to make an Aryan world" is the most retarded Hollywood Hitler propaganda ever devised. Is that why their allies were nonwhites, ranging from Asians, Arabs, Blacks, and Jews (yes even Jews were in the SS lol). Did your history teacher forget about the Russians who joined the Germans against Communism? Did they tell you who actually was behind the "Russian revolution" (weren't ethnic Russians.) Of course not. Don't get me started on WW2 and its bullshit. Communism was supposed to be a WORKERS of THE WORLD revolution, not National Socialism or Fascism, since both ideologies are NATIONLIASTIC in nature, they were created as a RESPONSE what Communism and Capitalism was doing to the world, because both are INTERNATIONLISTIC in nature. I'm not trying to get banned again, because if I start posting facts, people will kvetch because they wont' be able to refute anything, and ask Millard to ban me moving along.

America's forefathers were actually very racist and didn't promote uncontrolled migration; they didn't even consider Black people human beings, so I don't know what history you are reading. They created America for their "prosperity," which meant White people of good character. If they meant "all men were created equal" to mean everyone, then why didn't they give Blacks and Natives equal rights from day one? You are spoon fed fake history and don't' even take a few seconds to realize none of it makes sense lol. Shit even Italians and other Europeans (especially the Irish) were frowned upon when immigration act changed in the 1920's...In fact, the Irish were seen LOWER than Blacks. In regards to your uncontrolled migration, it wasn't until the 1960's where the parasitical elements (various communists from Russian) usurped America in full capacity, changing all sorts of laws, and opening up our borders to the Third World with the 1965 Hart/Cellar act, which promised wouldn't ruin the European-majority demographics, but it obviously has, as intended, which is why you see America turning into the shit hole in the last few decades.

P.S. America's foreign policy was supposed to not us into foreign alliance to get entangled in foreign wars that would hurt us, not that we couldn't trade with everyone else. Yet look at us today: we are 246 years old or whatever, and have been at war for 96% of our existence (over 200 years!)...yet we have the audacity to claim others are a threat to global security, are committing war crimes, have WMDs (when we are the only nation in history to us them), and violate international law daily.

Today's Parasite Class is INTERNATRIONAL in nature; literally alien to the founders of this country, and currently waging a cultural and racial war against its founders. This is why you see a rise in "White Guilt" and critical race theory propaganda, along with all this other stupid shit. This is only being done in nations that have a strong national identity; namely Europe American and Australia; it is not happening in Africa or China. You mentioned Japan, which is now being pressured to accept "migrants" because of a lower GDP (as if this is the most important thing on Earth) which is going to be suicide of the Japanese people, since their birth rates are BELOW replacement value, just like Europeans.

So it makes no sense that the actual patriots and founders of a nation would do anything to harm its citizens; you won't find a single empire in history that shat on its own citizens via nonstop media and govt propaganda, to have self-hating guilt, removing statues, so-on and so forth, like we see today. However we did see that in the Old Soviet Union, didn't we? And who overthrew Czar Nicholas II? It's almost as if those same people are at it again!

But even the Anglo Saxon—let's take the British in their prime—and his colonization, actually gave SOEMTHING back to his conquered population: water, schools, infrastructure, technology and so on; today's parasite class literally ROBS us of our resources, wealth, sells our technologies to our enemies, and literally engineers wars between nations based on lies that our boys and girls die in, all while waging a anti-nationalistic sentiment against it's citizens.

You see, if you understand the agenda of globalism, you wouldn't be so clueless as to what is going on. This isn't a new agenda either; its about 100 years old, and it's working, to the point you will even get offended at my post, because it is so engrained into your psyche to do so.
The problem is that you can not feed those that aren’t hungry.
People don’t want the uncomfortable truth. They want their comfortable lies. I’m a born and bred American but I’ve learned some of these same truths and realized how screwed up America is. It’s sickening. All the while it’s citizens are some of the dumbest people on earth. The lie that we’re the “greatest country on earth” is only believed by those indoctrinated by the incessant lies force fed to us since birth and those who have never been to another country.
The problem is that you can not feed those that aren’t hungry.
People don’t want the uncomfortable truth. They want their comfortable lies. I’m a born and bred American but I’ve learned some of these same truths and realized how screwed up America is. It’s sickening. All the while it’s citizens are some of the dumbest people on earth. The lie that we’re the “greatest country on earth” is only believed by those indoctrinated by the incessant lies force fed to us since birth and those who have never been to another country.
Indeed. I realized a few things in the last few months which lead me to retired from political activism.

1.) I can't wake everyone up; and its very draining to keep trying to.
2.) America is no longer a county; at best it is an economic zone with warring tribes, all striving to gain supremacy over the other with dirty political schemes.
3.) The People need to suffer way more than I thought, before they are open to the truth.
4.) The "American Dream" has actually a nightmare; it's collapse is inevitable, and may happen in our lifetime.
Indeed. I realized a few things in the last few months which lead me to retired from political activism.

1.) I can't wake everyone up; and its very draining to keep trying to.
2.) America is no longer a county; at best it is an economic zone with warring tribes, all striving to gain supremacy over the other with dirty political schemes.
3.) The People need to suffer way more than I thought, before they are open to the truth.
4.) The "American Dream" has actually a nightmare; it's collapse is inevitable, and may happen in our lifetime.
Yeah, I’ve realized most of the same. You can’t wake them up because they don’t want to be awake. I don’t think America has been a “country” in a long time. It’s been a big charade for some time. The need for suffering is due to the level of distraction being constantly shoved in our faces. The elite know that as things get worse, they must distract more. I’m certain it will happen in our lifetime. The divide between the two ideologies is too vast at this point, and I believe it’s intentional. I believe we’ll either see a civil war or, and this seems more likely, the collapse will be big enough that we end up being pushed more towards the center for survival. Only time will tell.
Ok so let the place burn. Good deal. Your opinion (opinion) is noted. I’m sure you’re 100% correct. Nice to know if you had the button, you’d push it. Fortunately you don’t and apparently you’re looking to go further into hiding. More good news

Back to the thread topic, don’t you love how trump’s team is getting ever so deeper in the shit?! I guess after asking for the serialized, cataloged documents to be returned for a couple years, followed by trump’s letters claiming they have nothing, no surprise the po-po will come a-knocking’
Ok so let the place burn. Good deal. Your opinion (opinion) is noted. I’m sure you’re 100% correct. Nice to know if you had the button, you’d push it. Fortunately you don’t and apparently you’re looking to go further into hiding. More good news

Back to the thread topic, don’t you love how trump’s team is getting ever so deeper in the shit?! I guess after asking for the serialized, cataloged documents to be returned for a couple years, followed by trump’s letters claiming they have nothing, no surprise the po-po will come a-knocking’
If I had a button, I'd push it so Democrats would live only among Democrats, and Republicans would only live among Republicans, effectively cutting the United States in half, which makes much more sense than what we have now, so this endless tug-of-war bullshit could stop. Pretending that this country can continue on as it is, would be naïve.

Wouldn't you love to live in a state composed of only Democrats? You'd no longer have to deal with any Republicans or whatever.

And as for the Federal Govt? its authority would have to be greatly reduced, and would only act as a protector of all the States from external threats, regulator of currency, and interstate laws. The Constitution would essentially be reduced to a few laws; the rest of the power would be localized to the state, whereby Governors of each state would effectively be the "President" of each state, and it's Constitution Supreme law of that land: Supreme Court would eliminated. In this way, none of us would have to vote against or deal with another opposition party's candidate, be subjected to the desires and will of people outside our states, and the only voting we would be doing, is to see who is best for the job of running the state of our own constitutes.
Ok so let the place burn. Good deal. Your opinion (opinion) is noted. I’m sure you’re 100% correct. Nice to know if you had the button, you’d push it. Fortunately you don’t and apparently you’re looking to go further into hiding. More good news

Back to the thread topic, don’t you love how trump’s team is getting ever so deeper in the shit?! I guess after asking for the serialized, cataloged documents to be returned for a couple years, followed by trump’s letters claiming they have nothing, no surprise the po-po will come a-knocking’
What do you think Trump had that was so incriminating? Answer something here.
If I had a button, I'd push it so Democrats would live only among Democrats, and Republicans would only live among Republicans, effectively cutting the United States in half, which makes much more sense than what we have now, so this endless tug-of-war bullshit could stop. Pretending that this country can continue on as it is, would be naïve.

Wouldn't you love to live in a state composed of only Democrats? You'd no longer have to deal with any Republicans or whatever.

And as for the Federal Govt? its authority would have to be greatly reduced, and would only act as a protector of all the States from external threats, regulator of currency, and interstate laws. The Constitution would essentially be reduced to a few laws; the rest of the power would be localized to the state, whereby Governors of each state would effectively be the "President" of each state, and it's Constitution Supreme law of that land: Supreme Court would eliminated. In this way, none of us would have to vote against or deal with another opposition party's candidate, be subjected to the desires and will of people outside our states, and the only voting we would be doing, is to see who is best for the job of running the state of our own constitutes.
Great dystopian storyline. It’s in the fiction section.

Anyway back to reality…
No , the dystopian storyline is what you see today: a system where people who want nothing to do with each other are forced to play this stupid game, whereby they take turns reigning supreme over each other, constantly need to vote against each other, back and forth, ad infinitum, to where literally nothing gets done; and should something get passed, it gets undone by the next guy... it is literally the DUMBEST form of government imaginable, especially when you're trying to govern over people who are completely ideologically opposed to each other.

Again, you can't even answer a theoretical. History has had plenty of unified nations with single-party systems; you are just conditioned to think they are "bad" because "muh diversity is a strength!" Well, it clearly isn't...Andl who conditioned you to think that? Ah yes, the same parasite rulers who love how you're sitting there bitching and crying about Blumpf and Republicans, while they get away with destroying this country from the shadows lol.

If you wouldn't want all Republicans to move out of your state, where you lived among your own like-minded citizens in peace and harmony, then perhaps you love drama and need opposition to make you feel morally superior? IDK, sounds to me you enjoy this sick and retarded experiment we are living in; I don't.