Donald Trump raided by the FBI

This court document shows that he’s taken nearly a dozen sets of classified documents that weren’t previously declassified. He’s never going to be able to hold any office again.
Maga will never doubt trump. They love him because he's a pos.

Where did you read in that link that there were unclassified documents? Just because they say classified doesn’t mean they weren’t declassified as Kash Patel stated previously:

“Kash Patel, a Pentagon chief of staff during the Trump administration, in May said that documents previously recovered from Mar-a-Lago had been declassified by Trump, but their markings were not updated.

"Trump declassified whole sets of materials in anticipation of leaving government that he thought the American public should have the right to read themselves," Patel told Breitbart News.

The White House counsel failed to generate the paperwork to change the classification markings, but that doesn't mean the information wasn't declassified. I was there with President Trump when he said, 'We are declassifying this information.”

All Trump had to do it say the info was declassified and it was. He needed no other authority other than his own words to do so.

Y’all liberals really are some gullible people lol. Probably still think Jan 6 was some kind of inside job by Trump too along with all the Russia collusion BS.
They are all pieces of shit: Trump, Hillary, Bush, Obama, and the rest of them all the way to LBJ...The last legit president was JFK, who actually challenged the powers that be and got his head blown off by for doing so.

He challenged the Bankers; the Israelis (causing Ben Gurion to resign); the CIA; the Mob; and the Fed.... do that, and you're asking to be killed, and he was.

Ever since him, every single President fell in line, that's why they never challenged the Fed, the Israelis, the Saudis, Wall Street, the Bankers, or anyone else. If they do something off, they'll end up with some kind of scandal; they go too far, they end up dead.

The fact people play favorites still to this day, shows me no one is learning about this WWE two-party system that distracts us and keeps us at each other's throats, while the Parasite Class destroys every nation on Earth.
Abbot and Cruise are decent conservatives. If you voted for them and think they are bad you were a very uninformed voter.

Ugh, CRT (racist teachings) being taught in elementary schools is garbage. You obviously haven’t done research on it like most of us informed parents have. No true conservatives want that crap being taught to our children.

Trump’s Covid problem? He didnt make it illegal to prescribe hydroxy chloroquine (democrats did) which would have saved probably a big majority of those who died. He was ridiculed for mentioning the drug when the stuff actually works! And more have died since Trump has been out of office than in. Be mad a democrats.

If you aren’t a liberal, you just don’t know it. You would be the sorriest conservative I have ever heard of next to Cheney, Kinsinger, and Romney who are all NOT conservative republicans. Quit portraying yourself as something you aren’t. Be a man, and know who you are.
Decent conservative? This is treason. DeSantis is just like him, along with Cruise and the rest of these Israeli-firster shills. Granted, their domestic politics are much more sound, but their foreign policies cause much more damage than any good they would do here at home, since all wars and conflict trickle down on everything else.


Anyone who puts another nation before America, is by default a treacherous piece of shit. That's the problem with most conservatives; you'll see them blowing Israel no matter what it does to the world, and turn a blind eye to how many times it harmed America.

But Liberal are no better: they'll promote the open-border nonsense that is part of the globohomo one-world agenda, which destroys every nation's sovereignty. This of course will draw all "patriots" to the right, but the right is also compromised by Anglo/Israeli imperialism, which benefits nobody by D.C. Elite and Israel.

Either way you vote, you get fucked; that's why we need to scrap the two-party system, and literally start over with an Americanism that rejects intervention on anyone's behalf, like our Forefathers told us to, and protest our borders, values, language, and so on, against the George Soros, open-society model.
Decent conservative? This is treason. DeSantis is just like him, along with Cruise and the rest of these Israeli-firster shills. Granted, their domestic politics are much more sound, but their foreign policies cause much more damage than any good they would do here at home, since all wars and conflict trickle down on everything else.

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Anyone who puts another nation before America, is by default a treacherous piece of shit. That's the problem with most conservatives; you'll see them blowing Israel no matter what it does to the world, and turn a blind eye to how many times it harmed America.

But Liberal are no better: they'll promote the open-border nonsense that is part of the globohomo one-world agenda, which destroys every nation's sovereignty. This of course will draw all "patriots" to the right, but the right is also compromised by Anglo/Israeli imperialism, which benefits nobody by D.C. Elite and Israel.

Either way you vote, you get fucked; that's why we need to scrap the two-party system, and literally start over with an Americanism that rejects intervention on anyone's behalf, like our Forefathers told us to, and protest our borders, values, language, and so on, against the George Soros, open-society model.
Treason, lol? That’s zero to 1000 real quick.

If it wasn’t for DeSantis the covid wackadoos would have done much more harm that they did. He gave balls to other governors to follow his direction of pushing back against the stupidity. I like his policies so he’s ok in my book.

I support Israel, but that’s a whole other topic.

I do wish we could scrap the 2 party system, but being realistic that will never happen. Unfortunately, it’s engrained into American politics. I agree with the Americanism part. The open society NWO direction is the last place I want to go, but I think we end up there at some point in time. I wish we had more strict Constitutionalists in government. It’s turned into a power tripping money pot of garbage. I don’t see it changing much though.
What about the far right conspiratorial asswipes? That end of the crazy spectrum get your approval?
Which conspiracy were we wrong on? Seems to me most of the conspiracy theories the past few years have been accurate.

Covid was from a open air food court.
Or was it made in a lab like all the conspiracy theorists said?

The vax will save lives and it isn’t bad for you.
The vax doesn’t work, but puts you at risk i.e. “adult death syndrome” and heart problems.

Trump and Russia colluded to alter the election.
Actually Hillary and the left did that.

Hunter’s laptop is fake.
Nope, 100% real and the family is dirty as a whore house.

Shall I continue?
No one’s reading your fantasy, so continue if you want - or don’t.

Amazing depth of denial involved to spew such thin specious drivel
No one’s reading your fantasy, so continue if you want - or don’t.

Amazing depth of denial involved to spew such thin specious drivel
there is literal video of him weighing crack on camera lol...and this is after his father said how one piece of crack will put you away for 10 why isn't Hunter away?


And like I said before, I'm not here to defend Trump or anyone; they are ALL corrupt, but instead of accepting this, you're defending your side, when BOTH sides are the problem.
No one’s reading your fantasy, so continue if you want - or don’t.

Amazing depth of denial involved to spew such thin specious drivel
Fantasy? I’ve dropped facts and you have ZERO rebuttal, lol. So tell me who is in denial? Your lack of education on reality is absolutely amazing!
Love trump wiggling on the hook now… love it
Wouldn't it be nice if all corrupt politicians, on both sides were in this position?

Bush and Cheney should be in jail for war crimes against Iraq; Obama and Hillary for Libya (and her insane destruction of evidence.) Hunter and Biden as well, for theirs... you see the difference from my message and yours?

You only want one side to be dealt with, leading the other side free reign to continue fucking this shit-hole of a country up.

I'm trying to break you free from your bias.
There’s no bias … he represents all that is wrong

Stay stupid…
Man, you really can't help but react like a child with your insults?

I'm saying, sure he does, but what of all those who represent everything that is wrong within your party as well? Why do they get a pass?

Yesterday I posted a video which showed a younger Senator Biden saying that "ONE PIECE OF THIS (CRACK ROCK) PUTS YOU IN JAIL FOR 10 YEARS; NO QUESTIONS ASKED!"; and then in the same clip, there is VIDEO of Hunter weighing how much crack he has in front of a why isn't Hunter in jail for decades?

Why isn't Hillary in jail for destroying tons of evidence? If Trump did something illegal, sure arrest you have to arrest everyone who is doing illegal shit, and you seem to be having an orgasm for it happening to him, but not to others who have clearly violated the law.

Why is that?

How is that not hypocritical?
Man, you really can't help but react like a child with your insults?

I'm saying, sure he does, but what of all those who represent everything that is wrong within your party as well? Why do they get a pass?

Yesterday I posted a video which showed a younger Senator Biden saying that "ONE PIECE OF THIS (CRACK ROCK) PUTS YOU IN JAIL FOR 10 YEARS; NO QUESTIONS ASKED!"; and then in the same clip, there is VIDEO of Hunter weighing how much crack he has in front of a why isn't Hunter in jail for decades?

Why isn't Hillary in jail for destroying tons of evidence? If Trump did something illegal, sure arrest you have to arrest everyone who is doing illegal shit, and you seem to be having an orgasm for it happening to him, but not to others who have clearly violated the law.

Why is that?

How is that not hypocritical?
Dude is a complete troll who has no perspective on reality. You take away his false beliefs and he has no foundation. He chooses to be willfully ignorant rather than admit fault. It’s pathetic and sad to see it from a grown person.
Dude is a complete troll who has no perspective on reality. You take away his false beliefs and he has no foundation. He chooses to be willfully ignorant rather than admit fault. It’s pathetic and sad to see it from a grown person.
Well, this is most people, unfortunately; that is why the world is the way it is.