Donald Trump raided by the FBI

Fortunately, you exist in a fringe minority. The edge of the bell curve. Like flat earthers, you’re mostly entertainment. That’s why I’m here. You entertain me. You’re a human curiosity. To the rest of the US and the world.

Until like locust, you swarm. Then we’ve learned we just need bigger cans of Raid for you next time.
Sure. Keep lying to yourself if it makes you feel better. I know that you know that you are the useful idiot here. Keep drinking that koolaid buddy. You’re probably almost done with the whole thing by now, lol.
Also NotthSchiff, you still haven’t provided one single bit of evidence to defend your positions here. Not. A. Single. One. You lost any argument you had here long ago. But please continue. I also enjoy the hilarity you bring to my day.
I have a son in law from Europe. The two travel all over Europe and Japan. No one respects that orange guy at all. He’s a big joke, and we, as voting Americans, look foolish in their eyes as well. We’re considered ignorant, entitled, violent, and arrogant. And while that’s a crude generalization, it is what it is.

You can spot Americans abroad easily. Same with Russians. Often equally obnoxious in their own way. And most are fat as hell. Fatter than the local population.

We are most certainly not the envy of the world. Trump did us all a great disservice globally
As first world Europeans freeze to death this winter they will start to change their minds.
I’m guessing you’re in a former Soviet Bloc / Warsaw Pact country mate? They’ve been lurching to the political right ever since the fall or The Curtain, so yeah I am see why he’s popular in some Eastern European eyes.

Yes, I'm from eastern Europe.
But what do you mean by political right? it depends on the point of reference. For a 120-kilogram feminist with blue hair, everything that is not hung with rainbow BLM signs is racist and politically right.

But in Western Europe lol .... he’s extremely unpopular in both the UK & Republic of Ireland & that’s almost universal & irrespective of individual political leanings (bar the extreme far right) . Probably the most unpopular US President ever, which says a lot after Dubya & Reagan, who where generally viewed as a moron (Dubya) & both a moron & senile (Reagan).
certainly not popular, he makes leftist pacifists pay for their army themselves, which means there is less money left for caramel latte on lactose-free milk =_(
Same thing about Reagan...he went against their interests, and it would be foolish to expect some kind of popularity.

This song (originally about Boris Johnson) pretty much sums up the average Brit or Paddy’s opinion of The Donald:

Don’t have to take my word for this, just look at UK / ROI opinion polls.
I think that the two-party system in the US is not so polar. There is a ruling elite, a crystallized social class (which is why they are so sympathetic to Marxism). After all, look - the Kennedys, the Bushes, the Clintons. These are entire clans - if you dig deeper,there are more of them, and these clans are almost permanent.

Donald Trump is the first who opened the door to the White House from his feet, without belonging to this class. He began to "rock" this swamp and that's why everyone in the media start this smear campaign - that's my opinion.
the way the FBI explained to their people for ransacking his house and how they refuse to pay attention to Hunter Biden's laptop with direct evidence of corruption tells me that Trump is on the good side.

We can all imagine politics better, but a political choice is not a choice between good and evil, but a choice between bad and very bad.
He drained no swamp… he brought the swamp.

To say otherwise is brainwashing
Except you can't go beyond blaming one side, because you are brainwashed into the system, believing it is actually legit.

The truth is this...and let it sink in:


Blumpf (Republican) represents the Neocon Anglo-Israeli imperialist swamp; Biden (Democrats) represents the George Soros' (open society model) Globalist swamp. They both have the same end goal, but achieve them in different ways.

So while you sit here and cream your pants over Trump getting indicted, it has/will have no affect on the other half of the swamp which carries on. The show continues, and will even change who gets fucked by who. Notice: no matter who is President, who has the House, who is in any office, somehow we are always at war, funding wars, and/or overthrowing people with CIA coups; somehow our debt always increases; somehow, our nation continues to get more and more degenerate; somehow the Middle Class gets more and more fucked in the ass, while the the corporations and billionaires make more and more; it's almost like it doesn't matter who is "in charge," and that no one is actually representing us at all, literally working for someone else.
Why argue? Been over that already.

Thanks for the entertainment, though

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That’s just it. You don’t argue because you cannot hold a defendable conversation or even type words that are coherent to reality.

Lol, documents on the floor. All of which were legally possessed, and stored properly as Trump just had a visit earlier in the spring. He was told to “put another lock on the door”. Again, all a president has to do is verbally say something is declassified and it is. Your understanding is so elementary it’s laughable, but please do continue.
Except you can't go beyond blaming one side, because you are brainwashed into the system, believing it is actually legit.

The truth is this...and let it sink in:


Blumpf (Republican) represents the Neocon Anglo-Israeli imperialist swamp; Biden (Democrats) represents the George Soros' (open society model) Globalist swamp. They both have the same end goal, but achieve them in different ways.

So while you sit here and cream your pants over Trump getting indicted, it has/will have no affect on the other half of the swamp which carries on. The show continues, and will even change who gets fucked by who. Notice: no matter who is President, who has the House, who is in any office, somehow we are always at war, funding wars, and/or overthrowing people with CIA coups; somehow our debt always increases; somehow, our nation continues to get more and more degenerate; somehow the Middle Class gets more and more fucked in the ass, while the the corporations and billionaires make more and more; it's almost like it doesn't matter who is "in charge," and that no one is actually representing us at all, literally working for someone else.
I would argue Trump is more outside the swamp than in. At least the most outside of the swamp President we have had in modern history. I also believe he trusted waaay too many people during his first term, and made poor decisions based off that trust. I’m not sure anyone can go into the position and not have almost every person pushing a personal agenda as their opinion or advice. It’s all part of being the most powerful person on the planet.

Things will never be perfect. There is no utopia. Thinking so is childish. I just hope for more freedom and good than more government control and stupidity. The overwhelming majority of government want more control and stupidity, and it’s because of all the NorthSchiffs that this occurs.
Unbelievable denial at the cost of protecting a thought. Listen to the utter bullshit and denial. Lol.

Anyone that would talk like that is delusional. In this time and space with all the evidence - to still deny is completely delusional. It’s a bonafide mental illness. Disability, even.

If the orange fucker said he was from Mars, you working even question it. If he said it, it must be true. What a fucking idiot

Suck so bad to be you
Nuclear weapons capacity of other countries. Yep- that’s what I’d grab on my way out the door… so useful

And yet some here will blindly defend this …. There’s no reaching people this delusional
He drained no swamp… he brought the swamp.

To say otherwise is brainwashing
I always laugh when I hear people say he was draining the swamp. That was 100% marketing bullshit he didn't even begin to drain the swamp. He made it even worse, filling it with toxic waste and radioactive garbage. Politicians on both sides are corrupt as fuck, slimey, bought-and-paid for assholes. They are bought by corporations and mega-rich people. Trump just removed the middle man and gave the GOP cause to be even worse and Fuck The People even harder for their own personal gain and for the gain of all the ultra wealthy people around.

It is really sad. For 4 years we had a bunch of hard working Americans believe that this egotistical, self-obsessed, megalomaniac billionaire with an extremely fragile ego and a passion for petty bullshit drama would make their lives better. And guess what? He didn't! Yet they continue to believe. He said he would "drain the swamp" and all he did was put a bunch of other rich billionaires in charge of various offices...most of whom knew fucking nothing about the subject matter or department they were supposed to be leading! All they did was try to put in place policies to benefit themselves.

We've got:
- Carl Icahn - Adviser to Trupm
- Wilbur Ross - Commerce Secretary
- Stephen Schwarzman - policy adviser
- Stephen Feinber - intel adviser
- Steven Ross - adviser
- Richard LeFrak - adviser
- Steve Mnuchin - Treasury Secretary

Thanks to these rich assholes who are all big investment or bank or real estate people, Trump did a bunch of things to benefit the big banks and investors at the expense of We the People. They've got tons of ties to Big Oil, international companies that work with Russia, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudia Arabia.
- Attempt to roll back the fiduciary rule, which would have been disasterous for people like you and me because those managing our investments and 401ks and such would now be able to put their own personal profits above that of their clients (us), essentially putting our money into investments that provide kickbacks and incentives for THEM even though they know or don't believe the investments will pay as well or at all for US. They basically just get to take our money and use it for their own gain at our expense.
- He wanted to repeal the Dodd-Frank act
- Wanted to roll back the work of the US Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which would allow banks to practice the same predatory lending practices that led us into the crash in 07/08.

Trumps pick for commerce secretary: "Before his confirmation hearing, Ross agreed to divest hundreds millions of dollars in assets, including his piece of the Bank of Cyprus, which the Russian mob has reportedly used for money laundering. He is keeping his stake in a transoceanic tanker giant called Diamond S Shipping Group Inc. The Center for Public Integrity looked at that company's operations and found its vessels sail under Chinese flags, and one of its ships has traveled to an Iranian port—which Diamond S has said was legal. Ten percent of its business comes from a Swiss company with stakes in Russian national oil giant Rosneft."

How is any of this draining the swamp or helping The People"
- Trump Has Now Moved $2.3 Million Of Campaign-Donor Money Into His Private Business;
- How Donald Trump Moved Millions From His Campaign Donors To His Private Business;
- Trump Campaign ‘Laundering’ Campaign Finance Money, Election Watchdog Says;
- Trump's properties have raked in more than $8 million from US taxpayers and the president's supporters since he took office
- We’ve Found $16.1 Million in Political and Taxpayer Spending at Trump Properties
- How Much Has the Government Spent at Trump’s Properties? It Won’t Say. - "For example, the Secret Service has paid $650 per night to stay at Mar-a-Lago, despite Eric Trump’s statement that his father’s company would provide rooms “for free — meaning, like, cost for housekeeping.”
^^ so he gets free secret service protection on the taxpayers dime, but then charges them money to stay his overpriced hotel, personally enriching himself in the process?

Trump's original tax cut plan was going to give the top 1% of earners a 6.5% cut in taxes, vs a 1.7% cut for middle and lower-income earners. That makes sense, right? He also wanted to remove the alternative minimum tax, which ensures that these mega-rich billionaires can't pay ZERO taxes and that they have to pay SOMETHING.

Personally, I find the idea that MY taxes I pay on my hard earned money were going to line the pockets and pay for vacations for someone who claims to be a multi-billionaire. Meanwhile he wanted to cut social programs and reduce the amount of help people who need it get, because it isn't "fiscally conservative" to "hand out" money (even though that's not what happens at all and aren't we handing out money directly to him to go on vacation??). The level of greed and mental illness that you have to have to do the things he did is just astounding.

Not to mention that he spent tens of millions of taxpayer dollars vacationing at HIS OWN RESORTS where he DIRECTLY profited from his stays. Does it get any more corrupt? Directly funneling money from the federal government to your own businesses?

Even now, people are donating THEIR hard earned money to HIM after this mar-a-lago bullshit. The feds were asking for those documents for 16 MONTHS. He did not comply. Obviously they can't just let him keep them, so they went and got them. It wasn't a RAID. They didn't pull up with guns and bust down his door. They knocked, had a subpoena, went inside, got all the top secret documents from insecure locations such as his bathroom and closets, and left. I don't know about you, but to me, it SEEMS LIKE a boy as rich as him should be able to afford his own fucking lawyers and defense in this situation--yet he uses it as a fundraising tactic and begs for money from everyday people--and what's worse is that they're giving it to him! It's insanity.

He is not going to drain any swamp. He IS the swamp. Him and everyone he nominated are even worse than the previous swamp. At least the previous swamp had SOME semblance of allegiance to regular people, however small it was...he has none. It is all about him. "Me me me me me." You can hear it when he talks, you can see it in everything he does. Even the tax cuts he gave with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act mostly benefitted high-income people and big corporations. Corporations paid 22.4% les income tax after that Act than before it. Low income people saw the LEAST benefit. Middle-class was mixed, some saw benefit and others got hit with higher taxes. He also lowered the capital gains tax which directly almost entirely winds up benefitting the ultra rich like himself who get most of their gains from investments. This all expires in 2025 too, so really it was just a show anyway. He didn't permanently reduce taxes. He is letting the ultra rich accumulate even more money while the Act is in place, and then it will expire. Just widening the wealth gap ever more...

Yeah, that's a lot of reading to do.
I want to put you in my will…

Great point- politicians as a whole suck badly. Both sides are self serving.
I want to put you in my will…

Great point- politicians as a whole suck badly. Both sides are self serving.
At least you both see this to some extent; it's a start.

But the next level is not only are they "self-serving," they are literally serving special interests, many times without any choice due to their corruption and vices being recorded by foreign spies.

The HUGE thing that is being ignored is Epstein and Maxwell's operation, which was hot for one minute, but memory holed. It was literally an Israeli blackmail ring; this should have been the biggest investigation in US history, yet it was basically swept under the rug, with the MSM blasting "Russia Collusion" or Trump's election win being stolen. We know for a fact Maxwell has a literal book full of clientele, and she was never forced to show it, which had a fuck-ton of people in it, nor did anyone claimed to be in or on the Lolita Express roster, brought into court.

I also find it interesting that Epstein "suicided" himself under Trump's watch. As much as Bill flew on Lolita express, I wouldn't doubt Trump had his share of underage women. And I don't mean kids; I don't think Epstein's operation was about babies and prepubescent children, but underage teenage girls.

Epstein also was into science and other things; his job was to get as many people entangled in things which he could blackmail them with, but that doesn't mean every single thing he was involved in was about his Island and blackmailing; he had science conventions there with people like Richard Dawkins and other well-known figures.

But when I look at figures like Clinton, Dershowitz, Trump, and Prince Andrew, there's no doubt they dabbled in very young women.

I believe since Trump was super-close to the Israelis, basically doing their bidding, they probably asked him to take care of Jeff, who was getting too sloppy and couldn't be allowed to slip up anymore. And walah, he was taken care of; of course the cameras didn't work that night.

I'm surprised Maxwell isn't dead yet; although her sisters are very influential people, close to the Israeli govt, so they have some serious pull; unfortunately for her father, he must has fucked quite badly, since Robert Maxwell, was found dead swimming naked around his yacht one night. He died from a "heart attack."

Sounds like movie shit, but this is the clown world we live in.

As for the nuclear secrets, they certainly aren't Iran's, since they don't have a nuclear weapons program. I would guess, they may be North Korea's. Whosever they are, the only reason he would have them is to sell them to the highest bidder, or if the Israeli's told him to get the files for them.

You should see the list of people Trump pardoned to understand who really ran his administration. But Biden is no better: look at the people around him lol...same kind.
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