Donald Trump raided by the FBI

You’re awfully thin on material, dude. You spout tons of bullshit that’s at the mindset that got us into this political quagmire in the first place.

Fortunately, people like you are very largely marginalized to weird little sub forums and local dive bars.


Stating that the FBI has a long history of corruption and manipulation is a verifiable fact.

Stating that the FBI has framed innocent people, and murdered innocent people is a fact.

Stating that the FBI has deliberately leaked selective information and even deliberately planted disinformation in the media is a verifiable fact.

Stupid people like you ignoring these issues, or worse, simply pretending like they don't happen is why we're in this mess. Not because of people who call it out for what it is.

Because speaking truth to power openly is not a threat to democracy, it's the definition of a free Republic and the highest standard of democracy.

Having government agencies unaccountable to the people conducting themselves the way the FBI does is the real threat to democracy and undermines the very principles of a free Republic. Because of government agencies can act with impunity against it's own citizens without accountability or recourse, then by definition you do not have a democracy

Here's your trophy for helping create this "political quagmire"

Stating that the FBI has a long history of corruption and manipulation is a verifiable fact.

Stating that the FBI has framed innocent people, and murdered innocent people is a fact.

Stating that the FBI has deliberately leaked selective information and even deliberately planted disinformation in the media is a verifiable fact.

Stupid people like you ignoring these issues, or worse, simply pretending like they don't happen is why we're in this mess. Not because of people who call it out for what it is.

Because speaking truth to power openly is not a threat to democracy, it's the definition of a free Republic and the highest standard of democracy.

Having government agencies unaccountable to the people conducting themselves the way the FBI does is the real threat to democracy and undermines the very principles of a free Republic. Because of government agencies can act with impunity against it's own citizens without accountability or recourse, then by definition you do not have a democracy

Here's your trophy for helping create this "political quagmire"
View attachment 175375

And I know I sound like an asshole here @NorthMich but it's the truth that if these institutions are allowed to act that way with impunity, or worse, they're cheered on by hordes of stupid people, then we will not remain a free country for long.

You should consider that and weigh it against your own petty bias
And I know I sound like an asshole here @NorthMich but it's the truth that if these institutions are allowed to act that way with impunity, or worse, they're cheered on by hordes of stupid people, then we will not remain a free country for long.

You should consider that and weigh it against your own petty bias
And you were exactly right about people like him with scales on their eyes or head in their ass being the reason we’re in this mess. People gotta wake the fuck up or we are going to be living very differently soon. The younger generation is fucked up. People living their lives indoors and online. Sad, depressed, pathetic, confused about their own F’n gender, doped up on all types of stuff, etc…

In a way I’m glad they are not breeding like a normal generation but foreigners flooding in will fill the void. And exponentially. Welfare system will be implemented en masse to feed to feed all these folks having 6-8 kids before age 25. Gonna see our taxes skyrocket to fund it.

You guys that have kids should be doing something to reclaim sanity and decency back into society because if something isn’t done very soon the world you will leaving for your kids will be a nightmare. We are really close to the point of no return with this wokeness movement. This country will be unrecognizable in a decade if people don’t wake the hell up and see what is really going on.
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I think the point of no return has been passed and the feeling that we and the world are heading for the abyss. Something must happen, I do not rule out that in the end someone will press the nuclear button ...
This post hasn't aged well.

I wouldn’t count that as a raid my man.

Seriously wondering how much of that was due to public backlash to maintain the image of being impartial.

Also. Trump is a cunt and so is Biden. I don’t distinguish between the two parties as they are both self serving and against the people.
Did you see what trumps son in law is doing with the estates owned in major cities?

He is purposely causing the residents of his newly bought sky scrap apartment complexes to evacuate by purposely causing horrid construction throughout the building constantly which causes floods, then he tells the attendants he will fix it, he fixes it up nicely, and then charges the new city rent rate that is 5x as much. Since he “updated the apartment” which the tenants just wants the obscene damaged fixed. The residents have to leave because they were used to there old rent rate and cant afford it. Then he sells to new tenants and does that over and over. The aparment complexes are called western something. And they are billions in debt because of this and had to get bailed out by overseas governments and leaders. Because they had no money.

and trump appointed and new this.

They are are greedy pieces.

So how are leaders who just cause more and more debt and detriment to society good?
I wouldn’t count that as a raid my man.

Seriously wondering how much of that was due to public backlash to maintain the image of being impartial.

Also. Trump is a cunt and so is Biden. I don’t distinguish between the two parties as they are both self serving and against the people.
There is a difference in the level of cooperation in the returning of the material though.

I'm not impressed with either.
There is a difference in the level of cooperation in the returning of the material though.

I'm not impressed with either.

Completely agree.

Personally at the end of the day, I am disgusted with both.

Neither is a public servant. Neither has the best interest of the citizens in mind when making decisions.
Only thing I learned from this thread is steroids make you ride politicians dicks. Jesus Christ I'm a fucking man, you all are dick riding people who would eat your children for breakfast if it gave them more power. Pleeb followers.
Only thing I learned from this thread is steroids make you ride politicians dicks. Jesus Christ I'm a fucking man, you all are dick riding people who would eat your children for breakfast if it gave them more power. Pleeb followers.
How do you really feel?