Donald Trump raided by the FBI

Epstein write up above is spot-on. Nice summary.
I'm glad you appreciate it.

This is me being unbiased and exposing both sides' issues. You'll notice, someone on the "Left" is more willing to criticize Israel and its policies, than someone on the "Right." Most Republicans would have called what I said an "anti-Semitic conspiracy theory," whereas many left-wing activists know of Israel's treachery and deceit.

Now, the goal is to also examine what evils/corruption the Left has as well, and then you can escape the left-vs-right dichotomy which separates all decent human beings and citizens from each other, allowing them to get picked off by the Parasite Class.

The people in both political parties mean well (I'm talking voters), but are driven by what they are told to believe, thus creating two divisions of citizens attacking each other and their puppets, rather than uniting.
No, because you're a fukin idiot.

You want to talk about domestic terrorism, here it is.View attachment 172720
Judging by this man's behavior in the video provided in the Twitter link, this man is most likely a Fed. Govts do this kind of shit all the time; just like the whole Michigan kidnapping plot that was exposed as a set up. Our govt is not immune to this kind of shit; it does it all the time, in fact.

Judging by this man's behavior in the video provided in the Twitter link, this man is most likely a Fed. Govts do this kind of shit all the time; just like the whole Michigan kidnapping plot that was exposed as a set up. Our govt is not immune to this kind of shit; it does it all the time, in fact.


That asshole, among many likely others is a fed.

So that dumb fuk @TheIncredibleBulk ought to think about his stupid statement of a bunch of UNARMED geezer boomers collapsing from heart failure and heat exhaustion on the steps of the capital building being "treason" when the shit was agitated by the FBI.
I know from personal experience how feds operate.

I had the FBI come to my house two years ago. The reason for them coming, was because back in 2015, I ran an activist group that was pissing off certain people, as it exposed their influence in war, media, and other things. I was very influecial n Twitter, but then the purges came from Big Tech, so THOUSANDS of us were nuked off social media, along with Trump because our message was gaining traction.

When the Feds came to my house, they sent two people: a pregnant woman, and a man (who claimed he was formerly a Marine officer). I could have told them to fuck off, but I wanted to know why they wanted to speak to me, so I let them in. I had never done anything illegal or wrong, so I had nothing to hide, and I was curious.

The first meeting they were asking me questions, and said they were from the domestic terror unit. They told me I wasn't under investigation, and my name came up connected to bank accounts in ther investigation. This was years ago when I used my social security to open a bank account to put the money we raised for our activism. We raised money to make posters and stickers, things to spread our website at the time.

We talked for about 1.5 hours. They realized I was not the person the ADL and other groups were claiming I was; not even close. I was a normal family man, and nothing like I was described. In fact many of my points I made to them, they were very interested to hear about. Regardless, they are feds, so it could have been an act, but I could tell these two people weren't wacky liberal-types; they were conservative-minded people, in regards to traditional values and allegiance to their nation; in other words, they weren't globalists, which were the people I was attacking.

They called me up two weeks later to meet up for lunch. Again, I was curious. So I went to go meet them. This meeting was different. Instead of focusing on me, they wanted to see if I could help them. What did this mean?

Becoming an confidential informant. This would work by taking UNTRACABLE cash payments, in exchange of me literally infiltrating or communicating with people of interest.

During my activism, I made some very serious and truly patriotic "associates" from different parts of the world, but more importantly, people who used to work for our government, but woke up and find out who and what is really the problem. I called my older friend—who used to work for the CIA counter terrorism unit and left because of the lies of WMD in Iraq— and asked him how this shit works. Although I had no intention of helping the FBI, he said they will start you with little tasks, pay you in cash, and once you get hooked, keep offering bigger and bigger incentives to do more serious and risky shit. And they will have no qualms burning you as a witness, exposing you to the very dangerous people you helped to imprison, if they have to in court.

And this is precisely what the feds told me lol. They told me they would pay me for just emailing and talking to certain people of interest, and that if I wanted to do more and make more, I would have to do risker stuff. The FBI agent asked me if I would be ok with buying guns and drugs; in other words, set people up to buy guns and drugs. If I had to be called to as a witness, they would do everything they could to protect me, but offer no guarantees, lol.

So if they will pay someone to buy guns and drugs, to set up certain groups of people they want to demonize and imprison, you think they would have any problem asking a guy to tell people to go inside a building?
I know from personal experience how feds operate.

I had the FBI come to my house two years ago. The reason for them coming, was because back in 2015, I ran an activist group that was pissing off certain people, as it exposed their influence in war, media, and other things. I was very influecial n Twitter, but then the purges came from Big Tech, so THOUSANDS of us were nuked off social media, along with Trump because our message was gaining traction.

When the Feds came to my house, they sent two people: a pregnant woman, and a man (who claimed he was formerly a Marine officer). I could have told them to fuck off, but I wanted to know why they wanted to speak to me, so I let them in. I had never done anything illegal or wrong, so I had nothing to hide, and I was curious.

The first meeting they were asking me questions, and said they were from the domestic terror unit. They told me I wasn't under investigation, and my name came up connected to bank accounts in ther investigation. This was years ago when I used my social security to open a bank account to put the money we raised for our activism. We raised money to make posters and stickers, things to spread our website at the time.

We talked for about 1.5 hours. They realized I was not the person the ADL and other groups were claiming I was; not even close. I was a normal family man, and nothing like I was described. In fact many of my points I made to them, they were very interested to hear about. Regardless, they are feds, so it could have been an act, but I could tell these two people weren't wacky liberal-types; they were conservative-minded people, in regards to traditional values and allegiance to their nation; in other words, they weren't globalists, which were the people I was attacking.

They called me up two weeks later to meet up for lunch. Again, I was curious. So I went to go meet them. This meeting was different. Instead of focusing on me, they wanted to see if I could help them. What did this mean?

Becoming an confidential informant. This would work by taking UNTRACABLE cash payments, in exchange of me literally infiltrating or communicating with people of interest.

During my activism, I made some very serious and truly patriotic "associates" from different parts of the world, but more importantly, people who used to work for our government, but woke up and find out who and what is really the problem. I called my older friend—who used to work for the CIA counter terrorism unit and left because of the lies of WMD in Iraq— and asked him how this shit works. Although I had no intention of helping the FBI, he said they will start you with little tasks, pay you in cash, and once you get hooked, keep offering bigger and bigger incentives to do more serious and risky shit. And they will have no qualms burning you as a witness, exposing you to the very dangerous people you helped to imprison, if they have to in court.

And this is precisely what the feds told me lol. They told me they would pay me for just emailing and talking to certain people of interest, and that if I wanted to do more and make more, I would have to do risker stuff. The FBI agent asked me if I would be ok with buying guns and drugs; in other words, set people up to buy guns and drugs. If I had to be called to as a witness, they would do everything they could to protect me, but offer no guarantees, lol.

So if they will pay someone to buy guns and drugs, to set up certain groups of people they want to demonize and imprison, you think they would have any problem asking a guy to tell people to go inside a building?

Fact of the matter is here gentleman, despite what that stupid fuk @TheIncredibleBulk and that @NorthMich idiot might say, you cannot have unaccountable government agencies acting like the description above and honestly pretend like you have a free Republic.

Because, you don't. Such things cannot exist in a government for the people and by the people.
This, is what it's become because of people like those two imbeciles I named before
Fact of the matter is here gentleman, despite what that stupid fuk @TheIncredibleBulk and that @NorthMich idiot might say, you cannot have unaccountable government agencies acting like the description above and honestly pretend like you have a free Republic.

Because, you don't. Such things cannot exist in a government for the people and by the people.
This, is what it's become because of people like those two imbeciles I named before
It serves us no good to attack each other, because the programming is precisely engineered to make us emotional and do just that. When we attach each other, we REINFORCE the narrative presented to us; whether its the "wacky trans-loving liberal," or the "neo-Nazi Fascist MAGA people." We have to understand that the Media purposely gives both sides half-truths, and spins shit so they can cause decent human beings to hate each other over subjective OPINIONS, while the literal scum of the earth rob us all, objectively in the physical realm. In other words, its all a divide-and-conquer distraction.

I've learned to transcend the left-vs-right dichotomy; not because I'm some genius or superior, but because after "fighting" online for seven years, it came to me that this is precisely what they want: people in echo chambers yelling at others, which does NOTHING to unite the People.

It is funny how at one point, the People united against Wall St.; there were all kinds of people there: socialists, communists, Nazis, liberals, conservatives, you name it, they were there protesting the REAL enemy. The Media demonized Occupy Wall Street, then started pumping out identity politic shit, like feminism and other things to divide the People again. It unfortunately worked and the people lost focus, turning back on each other.

This is what happens here on this board about these subjects.

I want everyone to understand BOTH sides, BOTH parties, are BOTH part of the problem. 99.9 % of politicians are literal traitors, with only a handful actually decent. And sure there are people LESS bad than others, but that doesn't make them NOT BAD. It's like saying "well I voted for this person because he only raped 5 people compared to the other who raped 8."

The system produces garbage because it IS GARBAGE, and we need a revolution to eliminate ALL traitors, bad actors, special interests, foreign interests, and the list goes on...and we can't do that if we keep falling for their tricks.

This is TRUE patriotic nationalism. It's not about being loyal to a document or protecting a failing government; its about protecting the PEOPLE being abused by the failing government.

I have become apolitical and do my best to show both sides the problem. Thing is, being apolitical isn't popular; I was much more popular when I was MAGA in 2014-2015, in private MAGA rooms with many of the figures and influencers of the Right you see today. I was followed by celebrities like Jenna Jameson and even Antonia Saboto Jr lol; shit even Tulsi Gabbard was following me at one point lol. I'd get in arguments with Ted Lui, and piss off other blue checkmarks. I was mentioned on Hannity's show for some crazy stunt I pulled, pissing off the Left. I also knew a lot of people who later turned out to be at Stop the Steal. Thank god and I broke off years before when I saw Trump was another puppet lol. If I hadn't woke up to the BS, who knows where I'd be...maybe in jail, maybe a rich grifter selling Q Anon fantasies...?

Point is, I'm here trying to get everyone to see the light. It is not popular to be apolitical because there is no GRIFT there to be made. No one wants to hear someone demanding peace from both sides, nor exposing their side's hypocrisy; no, they want someone to rally their anger and blame the Left or the Right. This is why politics is full of lying grifters and charlatans, mimicking the same strategy politicians use to fleece the People, and nothing really changes in the end.
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It serves us no good to attack each other, because the programming is precisely engineered to make us emotional and do just that. When we attach each other, we REINFORCE the narrative presented to us; whether its the "wacky trans-loving liberal," or the "neo-Nazi Fascist MAGA people." We have to understand that the Media purposely gives both sides half-truths, and spins shit so they can cause decent human beings to hate each other over subjective OPINIONS, while the literal scum of the earth rob us all, objectively in the physical realm. In other words, its all a divide-and-conquer distraction.

I've learned to transcend the left-vs-right dichotomy; not because I'm some genius or superior, but because after "fighting" online for seven years, it came to me that this is precisely what they want: people in echo chambers yelling at others, which does NOTHING to unite the People.

It is funny how at one point, the People united against Wall St.; there were all kinds of people there: socialists, communists, Nazis, liberals, conservatives, you name it, they were there protesting the REAL enemy. The Media demonized Occupy Wall Street, then started pumping out identity politic shit, like feminism and other things to divide the People again. It unfortunately worked and the people lost focus, turning back on each other.

This is what happens here on this board about these subjects.

I want everyone to understand BOTH sides, BOTH parties, are BOTH part of the problem. 99.9 % of politicians are literal traitors, with only a handful actually decent. And sure there are people LESS bad than others, but that doesn't make them NOT BAD. It's like saying "well I voted for this person because he only raped 5 people compared to the other who raped 8."

The system produces garbage because it IS GARBAGE, and we need a revolution to eliminate ALL traitors, bad actors, special interests, foreign interests, and the list goes on...and we can't do that if we keep falling for their tricks.

This is TRUE patriotic nationalism. It's not about being loyal to a document or protecting a failing government; its about protecting the PEOPLE being abused by the failing government.

I have become apolitical and do my best to show both sides the problem. Thing is, being apolitical isn't popular; I was much more popular when I was MAGA in 2014-2015, in private MAGA rooms with many of the figures and influencers of the Right you see today. I was followed by celebrities like Jenna Jameson and even Antonia Saboto Jr lol; shit even Tulsi Gabbard was following me at one point lol. I'd get in arguments with Ted Lui, and piss off other blue checkmarks. I was mentioned on Hannity's show for some crazy stunt I pulled, pissing off the Left. I also knew a lot of people who later turned out to be at Stop the Steal. Thank god and I broke off years before when I saw Trump was another puppet lol. If I hadn't woke up to the BS, who knows where I'd be...maybe in jail, maybe a rich grifter selling Q Anon fantasies...?

Point is, I'm here trying to get everyone to see the light. It is not popular to be apolitical because there is no GRIFT there to be made. No one wants to hear someone demanding peace from both sides, nor exposing their side's hypocrisy; no, they want someone to rally their anger and blame the Left or the Right. This is why politics is full of lying grifters and charlatans, mimicking the same strategy politicians use to fleece the People, and nothing really changes in the end.

In other words, you're full of shit just like the rest of them.

And you very well could be stoolie for the FBI right now.

Because I didn't make a single goddamn comment on left vs right.
I pointed out that anyone that cheers on the growth of authoritarianism and erosion of personal liberty just to spite a man they don't like is a goddamn fool. And I won't back up from that point.

Because "true patriotic nationalism" as you put it, is supporting other people's rights to ask questions and call out the government when they're wrong. Not cheering on the bullying, censorship and intimidation of other Americans because you don't like thier political views.

That makes one a dumb fuk. Because eventually you'll find yourself on the other end of that stick. And I won't concede that point either.

Because anybody willing to be that chickenshit isn't someone you want at your back anyway. That's someone who would compromise thier own ideals and snitch like a cunt to something like the FBI to save themselves. I'd rather have such gutless miserable cowards as open enemies rather than fake friends. Because I'd rather see a knife coming for my throat then feel it stuck in my back by surprise.

I might not know everything about these vipers and scoundrels in Washington DC and corporate globalist interests. But I know enough to tell them to kiss my ass, along with anyone else willing to support them

Maybe that's you?
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In other words, you're full of shit just like the rest of them.

And you very well could be stoolie for the FBI right now.

Because I didn't make a single goddamn comment on left vs right.
I pointed out that anyone that cheers on the growth of authoritarianism and erosion of personal liberty just to spite a man they don't like is a goddamn fool. And I won't back up from that point.

Because "true patriotic nationalism" as you put it, is supporting other people's rights to ask questions and call out the government when they're wrong. Not cheering on the bullying, censorship and intimidation of other Americans because you don't like thier political views.

Because that makes one a dumb fuk. Because eventually you'll find yourself on the other end of that stick. And I won't concede that point either.

Because anybody willing to be that chickenshit isn't someone you want at your back anyway. That's someone who would compromise thier own ideals and snitch like a cunt to something like the FBI to save themselves.

Maybe that's you?
I never said you said anything; I'm just saying shitting on those people doesn't help convert them to your side. Trust me, I've done it for years, all it does is get the people who already agree with you riled up, and nothing more.

Are there people who are IMPOSSIBLE to convert: 100%. But treating people with compassion is to show those on the fence that there is another way to do things outside the false dichotomy. People watching a debate/argument are just as important as those people you're debating with.
I never said you said anything; I'm just saying shitting on those people doesn't help convert them to your side. Trust me, I've done it for years, all it does is get the people who already agree with you riled up, and nothing more.

Are there people who are IMPOSSIBLE to convert: 100%. But treating people with compassion is to show those on the fence that there is another way to do things outside the false dichotomy. People watching a debate/argument are just as important as those people you're debating with.

I'll concede you that point in all fairness.
And thank you for reminding me of it.
It serves us no good to attack each other, because the programming is precisely engineered to make us emotional and do just that. When we attach each other, we REINFORCE the narrative presented to us; whether its the "wacky trans-loving liberal," or the "neo-Nazi Fascist MAGA people." We have to understand that the Media purposely gives both sides half-truths, and spins shit so they can cause decent human beings to hate each other over subjective OPINIONS, while the literal scum of the earth rob us all, objectively in the physical realm. In other words, its all a divide-and-conquer distraction.

I've learned to transcend the left-vs-right dichotomy; not because I'm some genius or superior, but because after "fighting" online for seven years, it came to me that this is precisely what they want: people in echo chambers yelling at others, which does NOTHING to unite the People.

It is funny how at one point, the People united against Wall St.; there were all kinds of people there: socialists, communists, Nazis, liberals, conservatives, you name it, they were there protesting the REAL enemy. The Media demonized Occupy Wall Street, then started pumping out identity politic shit, like feminism and other things to divide the People again. It unfortunately worked and the people lost focus, turning back on each other.

This is what happens here on this board about these subjects.

I want everyone to understand BOTH sides, BOTH parties, are BOTH part of the problem. 99.9 % of politicians are literal traitors, with only a handful actually decent. And sure there are people LESS bad than others, but that doesn't make them NOT BAD. It's like saying "well I voted for this person because he only raped 5 people compared to the other who raped 8."

The system produces garbage because it IS GARBAGE, and we need a revolution to eliminate ALL traitors, bad actors, special interests, foreign interests, and the list goes on...and we can't do that if we keep falling for their tricks.

This is TRUE patriotic nationalism. It's not about being loyal to a document or protecting a failing government; its about protecting the PEOPLE being abused by the failing government.

I have become apolitical and do my best to show both sides the problem. Thing is, being apolitical isn't popular; I was much more popular when I was MAGA in 2014-2015, in private MAGA rooms with many of the figures and influencers of the Right you see today. I was followed by celebrities like Jenna Jameson and even Antonia Saboto Jr lol; shit even Tulsi Gabbard was following me at one point lol. I'd get in arguments with Ted Lui, and piss off other blue checkmarks. I was mentioned on Hannity's show for some crazy stunt I pulled, pissing off the Left. I also knew a lot of people who later turned out to be at Stop the Steal. Thank god and I broke off years before when I saw Trump was another puppet lol. If I hadn't woke up to the BS, who knows where I'd be...maybe in jail, maybe a rich grifter selling Q Anon fantasies...?

Point is, I'm here trying to get everyone to see the light. It is not popular to be apolitical because there is no GRIFT there to be made. No one wants to hear someone demanding peace from both sides, nor exposing their side's hypocrisy; no, they want someone to rally their anger and blame the Left or the Right. This is why politics is full of lying grifters and charlatans, mimicking the same strategy politicians use to fleece the People, and nothing really changes in the end.
Got that Hannity clip?
Got that Hannity clip?
I can't share that because it could possibly give away my identity. He didn't mention my name, but the stunt I pulled caused others to do the same stunt in protest of something in 2017, which went viral online. The reason I wasn't mentioned by name or asked to be interviewed, I suspect, is because I was demonized by the ADL and other groups, and Fox/Hannity couldn't possibly know who I was at that time. In fact, Hannity eventually took down the article with stills of my video, which tells me I'm right, but other websites still have it up and do include my birthname.
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It was mentioned earlier that the Michigan kidnap plot was faked or not real etc.

I just looked at that again. Seems pretty real. Couple of asses were let go, but where’s the facts that state this was all a baited trap or misleading ?
It was mentioned earlier that the Michigan kidnap plot was faked or not real etc.

I just looked at that again. Seems pretty real. Couple of asses were let go, but where’s the facts that state this was all a baited trap or misleading ?
They let all the guys off except one so far I believe. Basically said it was a textbook entrapment case, and the defendants would never have come up with or acted on a plan on their own. The FBI coordinated, planned, and pushed for the participation of the entire thing. Pretty shitty thing to attempt to do for political optics.
They let all the guys off except one so far I believe. Basically said it was a textbook entrapment case, and the defendants would never have come up with or acted on a plan on their own. The FBI coordinated, planned, and pushed for the participation of the entire thing. Pretty shitty thing to attempt to do for political optics.

Yeah it turns out the FBI concocted the plot, then infiltrated this group of degenerate idiots and tried to convince them to go along with it.

A couple of them half assed went along, most didn't.

Most of the individuals involved were FBI informants and agents anyway.

They were looking to create a news cycle for the election.

Nothing else.

They wound up prosecuting two or three degenerates that weren't smart enough to figure out it was a set up.
Yeah it turns out the FBI concocted the plot, then infiltrated this group of degenerate idiots and tried to convince them to go along with it.

A couple of them half assed went along, most didn't.

Most of the individuals involved were FBI informants and agents anyway.

They were looking to create a news cycle for the election.

Nothing else.

They wound up prosecuting two or three degenerates that weren't smart enough to figure out it was a set up.
On what basis do you draw these conclusions?
Judging by this man's behavior in the video provided in the Twitter link, this man is most likely a Fed. Govts do this kind of shit all the time; just like the whole Michigan kidnapping plot that was exposed as a set up. Our govt is not immune to this kind of shit; it does it all the time, in fact.


And is this exactly correct information or a well-planned fake?
Maybe more accurate that the feds became aware of this. Feds didn’t spin this out of thin air. They put agents into place to see what’s what and of course pressure people to do bad things.

Just like when cops are embedded in a protest and try to get protesters to smash windows


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