Don’t call it a comeback

You won’t regret it. Especially if you have a significant other to use it on your back for you.
she has some massage tools that she uses on me when Im really hurting. its called a fascia blaster or something, shit hurts but it definitely loosens everything up when I'm hurtin
So my wife hasn’t been in the gym in about 2 years. She’s looking to get back in with me, but since I can’t always be there with her I started her on a very rudimentary PPL. basic set / rep scheme for now, and I based it off lifts she will understand or be able to do alone and without constant coaching on technique or form (also left out ones she doesn’t care for, like lat raises).

Did I miss anything? I feel I covered the entire body pretty well.

-Flat dumbbell press 3x10
-Overhead shoulder machine 4x10
-Tricep pushdown on cables 3x10
-Dumbbell or cable flies 3x10

-bent over barbell rows
(Or dumbbell rows) 3x10
-Lat pull down 4x10
-Face pulls 3x10
-Bicep curls
(Machine, cables or dumbbells) 3x10

-Kettlebell squats 3x10
-Romanian Deadlift 4x10
(Barbell or dumbbells)
-Leg press 2-3x10
-Leg extensions 3x10
It was hard to simplify things and figure out what best to put in for someone with little experience. It actually took thought, surprisingly lol. Appreciate ya bro.
after 4-6 weeks I'd have her rotate out some exercises and alter the rep ranges to keep her moving and adjust training stimulus.
after 4-6 weeks I'd have her rotate out some exercises and alter the rep ranges to keep her moving and adjust training stimulus.
That’s exactly the plan. I wanna get her used to it again and then start having her deadlift / squat, etc.
Gonna start incorporating antagonizers for my main movement of the day, with equal weight that I’ll be working with that day. Mostly back work, obviously. Not sure what to add for FS yet. Already doing RDLs.

Bench grip Pendlay row
135 x10
225 x8
255 x6

Spoto Press
135 x10
185 x8
225 x6

bench press (TNG)
255 x1
275 x1 - 10lb lifetime PR

275 went up easy. Had at least a double. Threw on 10lbs, expecting 285 to go pretty well but my right shoulder gave out. No pain, but after watching the video I can tell my entire right side was lagging behind the left. Still gotta bring it up more after the injury, I guess.

Slingshot bench
285 3x3

Inc DB press
90 x8
100 x4

Right arm is just feeling super weak. It’s weird. First time this has happened since I first started coming back to the gym a few months ago. Decided to just move on to triceps and chest isolation.

Cable x-over
50 x10
70 x10
80 x8

Neutral grip Tri PD
120 x10
140 x14
180 x8
180 x6
180 x6

Chest press machine
145 x10
190 x10
220 x7

decent session overall, but I missed 1-2 sets due to my arm. I could’ve went down in weight but decided to just change movements instead. At least I hit the PR. I definitely feel that I have at least 290-295 in me strength-wise right now.
Tonight ended up being just another grinding session. Nothing bad, but nothing phenomenal. Decent volume.

Paused dead lifts (just below knee)

135 x6
225 x8
315 x6
405 x6
425 x6
445 x5

It’s been a long time since I’ve done volume DL. Especially paused. 45 minutes just to get through the DL. Definitely need the massage gun tonight.

225 x15
275 x10

Neutral grip Lat PD
130 x12
160 x10
175 x8
175 x8

Wide grip Seated row
135 x10
150 x10
150 x10

Cable curls
80 3x10


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