lol, ok man. You're right. There are thousands of labs making AAS/GH and you can totally discern enough info from a fucking made-in-china seller's page to guarantee you'll get safe, high-quality product.I’m not sure where you get your information from, but China has factories producing everything from plastics, to anabolics, to knock off items all the way through Barbie dolls and fentanyl, sometimes in the same factory, thus the reason for the 1000s of sellers, sometimes there will be more than one seller all located at the same factory, it’s upto you purchasing from them to do your DD, and make yourself feel confident buying from them, I wouldn’t purchase if I didn’t think A) they were able to ship successfully with stealth to my country, and B) that they have the product they advertise and will send said product, if those boxes aren’t met, I’m not buying.
I genuinely wish you good luck. You will need it, because you're gambling.