I’ve tried a lot of driada but stopped using their products after this tren fail ,this was around January 2023.

Everything before 2023 worked perfectly.

Driadashop is the official website.

Glad to hear im not the only 1 one....Indeed tren above 200mg should really get you going! Especially 450mg of tren A which is really a dosage on which you get all the sides and your body composition should be changing rapidly as well.

Such a waste of money, but I have 2 old vials from another lab which I will use and will order somewhere else in the meanwhile.


we support blind testing, just to avoid conversations about how you feel about it.

Usually in such disputes, when there is blind testing for a batch that a person does not feel, he bombards you with deadly arguments in the spirit of "I HAVE 800 YEARS OF BODYBUILDING EXPERIENCE, OF THEM I AM AT TEST REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR 900 YEARS, I HAVE USED HORMONES BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, PUPPY! I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! " - its pointless

unlike the collective example above, you have written your experience in a very cultural, neat, and competent way, and we are very grateful to you for this, but nevertheless, laboratory tests are what we focus on, what we can base on to make evidence-based decisions.

if we were focused on the instant improvement in the well-being of customers from our product, then the dryad would sell crack. :D

To avoid these conversations, we encourage blind testing and we would be grateful to you if you will make one.

we support blind testing, just to avoid conversations about how you feel about it.

Usually in such disputes, when there is blind testing for a batch that a person does not feel, he bombards you with deadly arguments in the spirit of "I HAVE 800 YEARS OF BODYBUILDING EXPERIENCE, OF THEM I AM AT TEST REPLACEMENT THERAPY FOR 900 YEARS, I HAVE USED HORMONES BEFORE YOU WERE BORN, PUPPY! I KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! " - its pointless

unlike the collective example above, you have written your experience in a very cultural, neat, and competent way, and we are very grateful to you for this, but nevertheless, laboratory tests are what we focus on, what we can base on to make evidence-based decisions.

if we were focused on the instant improvement in the well-being of customers from our product, then the dryad would sell crack. :D

To avoid these conversations, we encourage blind testing and we would be grateful to you if you will make one.
Labtests for Anadrolus batch: 955588 & Halos batch: 051179? Would be much appreciated thanks
Yup, I let the ampoules stand, and I clear the needle, and I measure it correctly. It’s still 0.9ml and always has been.
Hello ,sir! !

so how do I get 1,1 in all our videos?

Making a special batch of 1.1ml for Vimeo would be too expensive, don't you think so,sir ?
several machines and lines require very fine tuning for such a result,so it is simply VERY unprofitable

That’s looks like oxidized Tren I’ve never seen Test ester mixes like that bro lol see I hate when this shit happens as soon as I find a good ugl every time somebody comes along… but I agree with the above that it’s so easy for a competitor to infiltrate a thread and sow some discontent.
Uhhhh wtf lol. Do they have a Tren mix? Maybe they mixed up labels. I’ve never ever seen Sustanon that color.
This sustanon looks like oxidized tren ace

Hello, gentlemen!

We found lab test on "red" sustanon, and here it is.


I told , that we are very serious about the quality of our products and when the batch of raw gave such an unusual color, we thoroughly checked both the product and what it was made of, and only after we ensure its ok we start to sell it
Hello ,sir! !

so how do I get 1,1 in all our videos?

Making a special batch of 1.1ml for Vimeo would be too expensive, don't you think so,sir ?
several machines and lines require very fine tuning for such a result,so it is simply VERY unprofitable

A one ml amp should contain more than 1 ml of oil to account for the serynge dead space.

In your video you should push the plugger until you see a drop of oil out of the needle. At that time you will see that you don’t have one ml but less.
A one ml amp should contain more than 1 ml of oil to account for the serynge dead space.

In your video you should push the plugger until you see a drop of oil out of the needle. At that time you will see that you don’t have one ml but less.

Hello, sir!
Sorry sir, but you are wrong.
Each syringe has a zero mark. What is the point of it if you need to press to the drop on the needle ...
Measure the contents of the syringe from the zero mark - a recommendation from the syringe instructions.
Here you can read a manual


Where did you get the drop recommendation from?
A one ml amp should contain more than 1 ml of oil to account for the serynge dead space.

In your video you should push the plugger until you see a drop of oil out of the needle. At that time you will see that you don’t have one ml but less.
and also i would like you to pay attention to this golden drop...


there is a timestamp 0:59 there and you can see in the video that this drop is real. It did not play a special role in the fact that the ampoule contains 1.1 ml .

and also i would like you to pay attention to this golden drop...

View attachment 256047

there is a timestamp 0:59 there and you can see in the video that this drop is real. It did not play a special role in the fact that the ampoule contains 1.1 ml .

You need to have oil in the beginning of the serynge also. The drop you are showing is a residue from when you drew the oil from the ampule.

Try to get ahold of a pharma grade amp, you will see it’s overloaded by at least 0.1 ml to take into account the dead space. Bayer overload by 0,2. If you cannot, i can sacrifice one of mine to make a video.

With what you are showing you will not be injectimg 1 ml but less than that.

Btw thanks for making the videos and showing them, it shows that you care about the comments.

You can also check by loading your serynge with water the same way you did. Then fill another serynge with it, you will see that you don’t have anymore 1ml because you lost some in the other serynge
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A seller like driada never admit mistakes.

In the beginning they always lab testet every single batch by janosh.

Now testing every 3. batch by a shithole lab. Wonder exactly these batches with negativ experience never get testet.
Hi, i’d like to share with you the results of two blind tests conducted on driada’s testosterone enathate (batch 779145) and cypionate (955588).
The labeled doses are the following:
- Test E an C both: 250mg/mL

The seriousness of the company is once again confirmed by these results. I will continue to buy from them in the future for sure.


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