Now what? Check the post above me ^
Testosteron is also not the problem. Test is good to go 9/10 times as raw test powder is generally good. C19 has also been positive about Driada's Primo and so I am. In general, I am satisfied with Driada as most of their products I have used are good and the service is quick. For me, their primo was one of the best I had as I have used 3 different primo's in 3 bulk cycles.

The issue is with some other compounds on previous pages that people were not happy about. Exactly those batches have no test results.
It is good to be critical on underground labs as we all strive to have good quality and we all want brands to succeed, but that means they need to provide long term good results + products. This means having almost (if not all) batches tested in my opinion.

I rather see Driada still be here in 5 years because they have provided us with good stuff over the years than Driada failing.
You need to have oil in the beginning of the serynge also. The drop you are showing is a residue from when you drew the oil from the ampule.

Try to get ahold of a pharma grade amp, you will see it’s overloaded by at least 0.1 ml to take into account the dead space. Bayer overload by 0,2. If you cannot, i can sacrifice one of mine to make a video.

With what you are showing you will not be injectimg 1 ml but less than that.

Btw thanks for making the videos and showing them, it shows that you care about the comments.

You can also check by loading your serynge with water the same way you did. Then fill another serynge with it, you will see that you don’t have anymore 1ml because you lost some in the other serynge

Sir, What you have written about water and few serynges is a matter of fact

And if you fill it into the third syringe, it will be even less, and by the 20th syringe there will be nothing left at all, according to this logic, instead of a pack of ampoules, we should put 10 vials for you at the same price, and pay a fee for syringes?

...about how to measure the amount of oil in a syringe, I threw you a medical manual, earlier I threw off a manual for a syringe, where the same information was indicated, and from what source are your arguments, sir?

The funny part of this dialogue is that you deny the very essence of measurement.

Do you want me to agree that 1 ml should equal 1.1 ml or 1.2 ml?
Why then write 1 ml?

In France, in the city of Sevres, which is not far from Paris, since the 19th century there has been an institution called "Bureau International des Poids et Mesures"(BIPM) (International Bureau of Weights and Measures) - its need was dictated then to standardize measures. To make 1 ml in Africa equal to 1 ml in Norway, otherwise people around the world would never be able to agree.

The BIPM stores international standards of basic units and performs international metrological work related to the development and storage of international standards and the comparison of national standards with international ones and with each other. BIPM also conducts research in the field of metrology aimed at increasing the accuracy of measurements. (c) Wikipedia

For almost 150 years, these people have been working hard, and you do not respect their work so much.

I think that 1.1 ml (and taking into account the drop on the needle that you initially indicated as necessary, even more) is quite enough to get 1 ml of the active ingredient in the syringe, as evidenced by the videos provided.
A seller like driada never admit mistakes.

In the beginning they always lab testet every single batch by janosh.

Now testing every 3. batch by a shithole lab. Wonder exactly these batches with negativ experience never get testet.

Hello, sir!

What kind of mistakes did you mean?

If you testing a batch by amazing "feeling nothing" method instead of the latest and then, by an amazing coincidence, instead of a constructive dialogue, it turns out that you threw the product away, and now we can't check it?

All medicine, science, and as I understand it, this forum is built on the fact that we proof our arguments with laboratory tests, and do not speak for nothing.
Now your argument looks like "THE DOG ATE MY HOMEWORK, BUT I DID IT, HONESTLY!"

- the biggest mistake would be to take it seriously.


Write your order number in DM at least I will do my best to solve this issue, sir!
The issue is with some other compounds on previous pages that people were not happy about. Exactly those batches have no test results.

Hello, sir!

You are right that exactly those batches have no lab tests, as well as many more, that we didn't test in a public lab, but the blind test was really good. there is no bad intention.
Even more - actually we make our own private tests of every batch, but we cannot publish them - no one will take this test seriously.
That's why we support blind testing... if our client has an interest in a lab testing he can satisfy it and have a 200e store credit after... who has the same offer?

I rather see Driada still be here in 5 years because they have provided us with good stuff over the years than Driada failing.

Thank you, sir! We came to stay and I think we prove that our company has long-term goals.
Thank you again.
Gents first time running anadrol here, roughly any idea when physical and visual effects should start to be noticed?
Gents first time running anadrol here, roughly any idea when physical and visual effects should start to be noticed?
Anadrol is kinda meh for me atleast, never really noticed anything apart from the solid strength gains it gives me. Not much of a visual effects for me (adds a solid muscle fullnes but nothing crazy) and appetite etc which get blunted for most people is normal when i take 50-100mg’s/day. My experience is that at 100mg’s/day is when it starts to give u more of a muscle fullness/pump effects when taken pwo, i would run it at 100-150mg/day if theres no appetite issues or nausea.
We already did and you solved nothing.
Can you send me your order number, sir?
I asked my colleagues and no one has this problem on the current date, so where did you send it?
The batch is impossible to check cos you throw it away, order number is impossible to check cos you don't want to send it to me.
Are we witnessing a typical scenario of starting strong and then slowly but surely dwindling into below average quality, negligence, and not giving a shit about customers?!
No more lab test ( which is very important. One good lab test doesn't mean that every patch is the same), barely any new posts, and no follow up. Sad state of affairs.
Are we witnessing a typical scenario of starting strong and then slowly but surely dwindling into below average quality, negligence, and not giving a shit about customers?!
No more lab test ( which is very important. One good lab test doesn't mean that every patch is the same), barely any new posts, and no follow up. Sad state of affairs.
Propably because they have nothing to prove anymore, they have shown that the products are top notch quality and they still offer blindtesting so what else do u want? These trolls here saying their tren is oil and whatever. Seriously cmon now people, every product ive used over the course of a year has been perfect and still is even though ive uset like 10 different products with different batches from them. The fact that someone uses 400mg of tren and gets no side-effects doesnt mean shit, i can run 600mg’s and nothing, sometimes i run 350ace and i get irritability etc but the sides arent always the same u seriously have to understand that. If u got nightsweats last cycle doesnt mean u get them next time with the same product, only experienced users know this.
Are we witnessing a typical scenario of starting strong and then slowly but surely dwindling into below average quality, negligence, and not giving a shit about customers?!
No more lab test ( which is very important. One good lab test doesn't mean that every patch is the same), barely any new posts, and no follow up. Sad state of affairs.
Hello, sir!
You are wrong and I will prove it to you in my following answer
Are we witnessing a typical scenario...
Hello, again, sir!

Let's clarify some details

No more lab test ( which is very important. One good lab test doesn't mean that every patch is the same)
There are vast amounts of lab tests and you can find them here or on our TG channel. Yes, we could do better in regular tests of finished products - but we carefully test every batch of raws and do not change the formula.

Blind tests show that nothing changes -really.

Issue of last 4 pages 'I DON'T FEEL' but for the god's sake, why do you need all these lab tests, batch numbers, all this medicine stuff... why? When the random guy who doesn't even want to tell me his order number says 'I DON'T FEEL'?

Why do you need a lab test at all, folks? Send your stuff to these guys and they will tell you how it feels! - No, if you take it seriously, make the feelings of these guys your measure.

Confess what you preach.

But you do not, you want a lab test and you want me to make this guy "FEEL" ?

And I'm doing my best - asking the order number and what do I see?
We already did and you solved nothing.
And we took it seriously and find out that he didn't(at least no one knows about it)
...asking for the batch number. and what kind of answer do I have??
I don’t have it anymore ,Nothing left ,Thrown it away.
Not even a photo! Are you serious?

We sell products, we analyze raw materials (always) and most often we analyze finished products. We are trying. We try to get objective results, and not chew snot about what we all feel here.
Guys, if your feelings bother you so much, then the estrogen receptors are clearly under the influence of Tren.
If someone has a problem, then I solve it. For this whole year, we have built a company that has already made more than 100(!) tests ourselves, more than 20 blind tests were made also, and all indicators are at a decent level.

And you want me to take seriously the request that the person who refuses to give out the order number destroyed all the evidence that the order ever existed and now complains that he does not feel anything?
These trolls here saying their tren is oil and whatever.

Initially, I do not assume that someone is a troll, but when you try your best and cannot even find evidence that the person who communicates with you is really your client.
A client that needs a lab test but based his claim on feelings?
Maybe you should buy and inject TREN first, and you will be able to feel it?

To be brief, I can only work with objective arguments. 'I DON'T FEEL' - is not one of them.

And I don’t consider anyone a liar, but when you try to help a person, and he did EVERYTHING so that you couldn’t, and now it's 5 pages of this conversation!

Face it guys, I can sell you a really good product, We will do our best to test EVERY batch and provide you lab tests, I can support your blind testing, so you can ensure our product yourself, but I can't make you FEEL (mighty real).