Hello, sir1
@Driada Medical Do u have labtests for Winstrolad (injectable) 12.2025 Batch:116626.

This is the lastest Winstrolad test I have, but I check for blind tests tomorrow

@Driada Medical Lab tests for this batch of hgh?

We do not have fresh tests for growth hormone, this is the last one

however, you can look at the reviews on our growth hormone in this thread: they are extremely positive.
this one I find first:

There are many more here!
I'm just gonna throw this in here.
The dose is 1.5 iu.
I'd like to read some opinions, because as far as i know, i look like I'm deficient instead of being in the mid range.View attachment 256533
Hello, sir!

I want to remind you that blood tests are not accepted as a piece of evidence, but 1.5 iu is such a dose.
What is your weight? Was the injection made subcutaneously or intramuscularly? How long before the test did you make an injection?
Some people just don’t respond well to anadrol man. Some of the most known powerlifters or most knowledgeable have said they preferred anavar to anadrol. Strength increase-wise, muscle fiber rapidity & it’s far less hepatotoxic... and it tends to blunt the appetite. If you haven’t yet try some others and see how you respond to those, as I’m sure you have I know Drol is very popular in the PL world.
Thanks man, I've bumped it up to 100mg, I'm 3 days in on that dose so hopefully that will make a difference, also waiting for tren enanthate to kick in entering 3rd week now
Hello, sir1

This is the lastest Winstrolad test I have, but I check for blind tests tomorrow

We do not have fresh tests for growth hormone, this is the last one

however, you can look at the reviews on our growth hormone in this thread: they are extremely positive.
this one I find first:

There are many more here!
ok so if you don’t have lab tests, but positive reviews, we should believe you right away.

However, if you don’t have lab tests and people post negative reviews on a product, you say people shouldn’t assume stuff and it doesn’t matter how people feel?
According to who (what scientist, doctor, expert)exactly?

115kg, Subq, 3 hours.
Depending on your age and some other “life factors” you could be unintentionally, & counterintuitively just using what amounts to a replacement dose as opposed to increasing gh/igf-1 levels in your body with a dose that would illicit a higher level for you. You may produce that amount of GH endogenously
already is what I mean.
Last edited:

According to who (what scientist, doctor, expert)exactly?
According to common sense, first
Second, according to scientific research: the concentration of a substance in the blood after the administration of the same amount of a substance, even in one person, fluctuates more than three times, while laboratory tests of the drug always show the composition of the vial - tomorrow, today, always.
115kg, Subq, 3 hours.
the gentlemen aabove have already pointed out very straightly, but I will have to repeat. This dosage, on the one hand, inhibits the production of your Growth Hormone, on the other hand, it is clearly insufficient, so it is very logical that you are "in the gap".
Dude the way u test hgh is 10iu’s IM and go get blood drawn at 3,5hours after injection. Even that result can vary between people by 50%.
I would also note that this dosage is used for testing, whereas if you are not a competitive athlete, then 3-5iu per day is more than enough for most.
ok so if you don’t have lab tests, but positive reviews, we should believe you right away.
The word "should" implies some kind of obligation. If you feel abuse on my part, then I, of course, apologize, but I do not force anyone to believe.
We give you a piece of evidence that we have and you are free to take your decision

However, if you don’t have lab tests and people post negative reviews on a product, you say people shouldn’t assume stuff and it doesn’t matter how people feel?

Absolutely right. As I wrote above. I work only with objective arguments.

I promised you not to sell wellness, but a vial that contains a certain amount of active ingredient.

It's like swearing at the Viagra manufacturer because it doesn't work with the ugly as fuck girlfriend
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Do you have new test or blind test for Sustanon, last test on your page it’s from 2021??
Hello, sir!

yes, at least this one is last
Hello, gentlemen!

We found lab test on "red" sustanon, and here it is.

View attachment 256043
View attachment 256044

I told , that we are very serious about the quality of our products and when the batch of raw gave such an unusual color, we thoroughly checked both the product and what it was made of, and only after we ensure its ok we start to sell it
you can click on a post, sir, and see the lab test scans
Does anyone else lurking here have any experience, good or bad, with @Driada Medical tren mix or Tren ace? All accounts are appreciated. Only seen good things out of them lab-test wise especially… always comes back good to go. Hate to see people having bad experiences but like I said if people have years & years of experience and know what Tren feels like at the aforementioned dosages, I really like to try and give the user the benefit of the doubt. Though analytical LC/MS - HPLC testing is concrete proof. Hopefully someone can send some Tren from them in and get to the bottom of it.

Same here ,used the tren mix with 450mg ,10 weeks and nothing happend.
Then Changed the lab and tren with only 400mg and it was an other world.

Labtest of this batch I’ve used doesn’t exist.

I’ve told driada this but they don’t care.

A lot of driadas stuff was great but the yk11 and tren mix is fucking crap.

Gentlemen, on a lab test above you can see the latest TREN A and TREN E lab tests.
Hope now our tren will make you feel better)
Gentlemen, on a lab test above you can see the latest TREN A and TREN E lab tests.
Hope now our tren will make you feel better)

I don’t care about this lab test because it’s not the product I’ve used.

Read my feedback again or stfu…never said anything about feelings.

I don’t feel any roids ,maybe sweating but this is not a feeling and means nothing. It’s all about progress ,strenght ,gains ,shape.
I don’t care about this lab test because it’s not the product I’ve used.

At the moment, we can't even be sure that you even held our product in your hands, since you refuse to provide an order number.
and despite the fact that I say it very politely. I ask you to provide the order number more than 5 times already

Read my feedback again or stfu…never said anything about feelings.

I don’t feel any roids ,maybe sweating but this is not a feeling and means nothing. It’s all about progress ,strenght ,gains ,shape.

For some reason, I always thought that the task of steroids is to increase the level of hormones in the blood, and progress is achieved by training.
But since blood levels can fluctuate from an infinite number of factors, we consider the lab tests on the products only
But who am I to tell you, really...
Please stop testing by analiza ,, they make a big mistake and dont try annything to explain ...
because they do nothing about the complaints and janoshik eventually had to give the redemption, I think that many others here still attach little value to analiza