Thanks for the input man, I ran anadrol for 7 weeks while running tren e at 300mg a week and a trt dose of test 150mg. No I've never ran dbol but as I mentioned in my previous post unless I see a marked improvement with my tren in the next week I may add dbol, tbol or superdrol.
There’s the issue, what is that test dosage!? Dont say that you are sensitive to estrogen, just take an AI, u will not grow unless u run high amounts of testosterone as a base! Tren has already kicked in if u have night sweats, for god sakes up the test to 500 atleast, it should always be the highest of all anabolics u are running mate… Also Tren E at 300 is not a magic drug, especially with that amount of test.
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There’s the issue, what is that test dosage!? Dont say that you are sensitive to estrogen, just take an AI, u will not grow unless u run high amounts of testosterone as a base! Tren has already kicked in if u have night sweats, for god sakes up the test to 500 atleast, it should always be the highest of all anabolics u are running mate… Also Tren E at 300 is not a magic drug, especially with that amount of test.
Keeping a trt dose of test was just for health while allowing tren and anadrol to shine, both having a reputation as strong anabolics I thought they'd get the job done
Keeping a trt dose of test was just for health while allowing tren and anadrol to shine, both having a reputation as strong anabolics I thought they'd get the job done
Test is the least u should be worried about when it comes to health, u can run 500test yearround without compromising your health much at all… Believe me up the test to atleast 500, it will help the other compounds to work better at those dosages.
Test is the least u should be worried about when it comes to health, u can run 500test yearround without compromising your health much at all… Believe me up the test to atleast 500, it will help the other compounds to work better at those dosages.
Thanks man, I might try and get some test prop as I'm already 7 weeks in and it would take roughly another 5 or 6 weeks to reach steady state levels
I've ordered from Driada 3x already. And so far I was never disappointed. Great design, quality products, quick delivery and very accessible.

Found out my previous source was giving me some bunk when I had some bloodwork done, my Test levels were a bit lower than my natty levels, when I was supposedly cruising on 150mg/week.
Got mad and started looking for other sources until a friend linked me to them.

Straight away loved the website, and decided to order the basics, 2x Test vials and Aromasin. Started blasting 450mg a week, and still paranoid and skeptical from my previous experience did some bloodwork and my test levels were 10x higher than natty levels + E2 was back in check, since it was getting a bit on the high side compared to natty levels with my previous supplier.

Since then Driada has been my go to place.

Also they have products which are hard to source here without proper scrip and that I was long looking for a source like Isotretinoin. Which I bought fairly recently and started taking 10mg ED, increasing it to 20mgED recently, because Ive been getting stubborn bacne, which I always had a bit but increased on blast.

Also ordered 2x Tren A vials when I found a promotion, which I havent tested yet.
Next orders will probably be orals, NPP and more Test.

Also have received Viagra bonus gift during an order on Valentines Day week, which I had never tried and did try multiple times and definitely worked.

So, so far Ive ordered:
-Test E (4x total)
-Asin (x1)
-Isotretinoin (Accutane) (x2)
-Tren-A (x2) (untested yet)

As for prices, they are very good and similar to my previous source (except the transportation fee, which my local previous source barely had) with the main difference being that Driada's gear has always been legit.
The order is made, tracking number received in the same day or next, and the order is there within about a week.

I've attached my before/after bloodwork and my current products below.

Peace ✌
Thank you sir for being with us!
Gentlemen, the long-awaited Driada-style T-shirts will be on sale very soon!

T-shirts were first in line:

- Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat;
- Invictus maneo;
- Vivere military est.

In the meantime, you can read some of our thoughts on the antique sayings we chose as the slogan on the back of each T-shirt and sign up to be notified when the T-shirts will be in stock!

We expect the T-shirts to be available this month.

Just click on the "Notify me" button and you will receive a notification to your email when the T-shirts will be available! ;) .


Pay attention to the size of the T-shirt you want to order - sign exactly under the size you need, this will help us understand the size of the circulation of each T-shirt size.
We remind you that our channel has a chat for subscribers. Here you can always ask any questions and get support from like-minded people ;) .

Chat is where you can discuss:

✅️ Any questions related to the usage of anabolic steroids and other PEDs;

✅️ Get helpful tips from experienced athletes;

✅️ Get news about our brand, new products and planned changes as soon as possible;

✅️ Ask for reviews about the products you want to purchase;

✅️ Learn about the experience of delivery to your region from other users.

We are also pleased to announce that a reward system for the most active chat members will be published soon.


Hello, Just wanted to share my 2 cents on driada products. Overall buying experience was great however the sustanon that I bought gave me and 2 other friends really bad pip. Wanted to know if this has happend to anyone before. Also the hcg vials that I bought had no vaccum in it. Orals on the other hand seem all right.
I'm guessing the pip could be either caused by EO or carrier oil.
read somewhere that the pip is caused by the test prop complement of the sustanon. Have you used the hcg? Is the vacuum in the vial necessary? I’ve been thinking about picking up hcg from Driada but right now I keep reading things about poor quality of certain products. Is the hcg worth the buy?
 Can you please explain why it is not possible to combine store credit with reward points? Or store credit with other discounts? That's a good way to piss off you customers. Just a feedback for your marketing team.
I've been using driada products for more than a year, I feel great, both for the effect and for the quality of the oil (I use 27-31 gauge needles). I've used text prop, npp, tadafilin, everything always worked as it should. Now I would like to plan a summer cycle of tests, tren, masteron, I would like to start using undecanoate text for my trt at 200mg per week, preloading 1000mg the first week (I calculated with steroidplotter). As soon as I place the order, I'll post blood tests to show you my new trt .... for now I'm staying true to driadaBBC947FE-4857-4E1C-B195-A5DE0DABC595.jpeg
Hello guys, I chose driada for my first cycle because the prices were good and they were from EU. I orderd 3x vials of Test E, HCG, Tbol, Nolva, Clomid in 2 separate orders. And plan on ordering couple more vials of Test and Tbol.
I can't complain about shipping 8-10 days both orders to Romania, since its my first time ordering PED's cant compare it to any other source but to me its seems very fast. Their support is good, it took them 1 hour to respond to a problem I had with bitcoin payments.
Now I'm on 5 weeks cycle with 350mg Test and 30 Tbol and planning to up them to 500 test and 50 tbol. Strength went up really good, already gaining weight but it might be just water retention, the libido is a tad higher but not by much, overall feeling good, I just took bloods yesterday and waiting for the results. So it's a pretty good experience with Driada so far.344605902_956640008989037_747493207950564095_n.jpg
Hello guys, I chose driada for my first cycle because the prices were good and they were from EU. I orderd 3x vials of Test E, HCG, Tbol, Nolva, Clomid in 2 separate orders. And plan on ordering couple more vials of Test and Tbol.
I can't complain about shipping 8-10 days both orders to Romania, since its my first time ordering PED's cant compare it to any other source but to me its seems very fast. Their support is good, it took them 1 hour to respond to a problem I had with bitcoin payments.
Now I'm on 5 weeks cycle with 350mg Test and 30 Tbol and planning to up them to 500 test and 50 tbol. Strength went up really good, already gaining weight but it might be just water retention, the libido is a tad higher but not by much, overall feeling good, I just took bloods yesterday and waiting for the results. So it's a pretty good experience with Driada so far.View attachment 257672
Nice one mate, and that's good to hear hope you have a great cycle post up bloods once you get them mate would be appreciated brother
I've been using driada products for more than a year, I feel great, both for the effect and for the quality of the oil (I use 27-31 gauge needles). I've used text prop, npp, tadafilin, everything always worked as it should. Now I would like to plan a summer cycle of tests, tren, masteron, I would like to start using undecanoate text for my trt at 200mg per week, preloading 1000mg the first week (I calculated with steroidplotter). As soon as I place the order, I'll post blood tests to show you my new trt .... for now I'm staying true to driadaView attachment 257652

Hello guys, I chose driada for my first cycle because the prices were good and they were from EU. I orderd 3x vials of Test E, HCG, Tbol, Nolva, Clomid in 2 separate orders. And plan on ordering couple more vials of Test and Tbol.
I can't complain about shipping 8-10 days both orders to Romania, since its my first time ordering PED's cant compare it to any other source but to me its seems very fast. Their support is good, it took them 1 hour to respond to a problem I had with bitcoin payments.
Now I'm on 5 weeks cycle with 350mg Test and 30 Tbol and planning to up them to 500 test and 50 tbol. Strength went up really good, already gaining weight but it might be just water retention, the libido is a tad higher but not by much, overall feeling good, I just took bloods yesterday and waiting for the results. So it's a pretty good experience with Driada so far.View attachment 257672

Gentlemen, thank you for your reviews and support! Coupons for a 25% discount have been sent to the PM ;) .
Gentlemen, don't forget that today there will be Sunday Auction on our channel!

We will be waiting for you from 17:00 UTC +2



There’s the issue, what is that test dosage!? Dont say that you are sensitive to estrogen, just take an AI, u will not grow unless u run high amounts of testosterone as a base! Tren has already kicked in if u have night sweats, for god sakes up the test to 500 atleast, it should always be the highest of all anabolics u are running mate… Also Tren E at 300 is not a magic drug, especially with that amount of test.
Wrong wrong wrong !!! Don’t listen to this above.

You grow off of food, training, then anabolics.

read somewhere that the pip is caused by the test prop complement of the sustanon. Have you used the hcg? Is the vacuum in the vial necessary? I’ve been thinking about picking up hcg from Driada but right now I keep reading things about poor quality of certain products. Is the hcg worth the buy?

Hello, sir!

Your conclusions are unfounded.
Where did you read about poor quality? There was no lab testing that proves this statement. All our lab tests( the only objective evidence ) are legit and moreover, we did lab tests in 3-4 different laboratories.
The only thing you can really read in this thread is that we don't do lab testing as often as our clients want(its a bit hard to test EVERY batch if you have 70+ different products), however, on the other hand, we support blind testing and all tests are of high quality, so please You do not make such statements.

And here is the proof / answer on your question

Below you can see the lab test for our HCG 2000iu... and its 3000iu there


I think these numbers speak more confidently than any words

Thank you for your interest. sir!
Gentlemen, the long-awaited Driada-style T-shirts will be on sale very soon!

T-shirts were first in line:

- Fortes Fortuna Adiuvat;
- Invictus maneo;
- Vivere military est.

In the meantime, you can read some of our thoughts on the antique sayings we chose as the slogan on the back of each T-shirt and sign up to be notified when the T-shirts will be in stock!

We expect the T-shirts to be available this month.

Just click on the "Notify me" button and you will receive a notification to your email when the T-shirts will be available! ;) .


Pay attention to the size of the T-shirt you want to order - sign exactly under the size you need, this will help us understand the size of the circulation of each T-shirt size.
Wohooo!! Some free T-Shirt promo might be good

read somewhere that the pip is caused by the test prop complement of the sustanon. Have you used the hcg? Is the vacuum in the vial necessary? I’ve been thinking about picking up hcg from Driada but right now I keep reading things about poor quality of certain products. Is the hcg worth the buy?
I see @Driada Medical has already replied with a lab result showing the quality. But based on my own experience with their hCG, I'd say it's legit based on the effects on my body. Increased estradiol, larger testes, increased ejaculate volume and quality.

Aside from a recent shipping mixup (which I am confident they will make right), Driada has offered nothing but great products and service. I can warmy recommend their products.
I see @Driada Medical has already replied with a lab result showing the quality. But based on my own experience with their hCG, I'd say it's legit based on the effects on my body. Increased estradiol, larger testes, increased ejaculate volume and quality.

Aside from a recent shipping mixup (which I am confident they will make right), Driada has offered nothing but great products and service. I can warmy recommend their products.
Thanks for sharing your experience!!! This is awesome for trust building, mostly with their rHGH