
Hey Fellas,

Just finishing up another great 16 week push. Biggest one yet, finishing up at 725 Test E, 600 Mast, 100 Npp & 6iu GH

My inquiry is: Whats everyones favourite/most successful way to drop down to your cruise dose? do you immediately drop down to your "cruise" dose the week after completing your cycle? Do you wait a few weeks or do you titrate back down, dropping compounds off weekly??

Personally, I just drop down immediately. While I feel it makes logical sense to titrate up, titrating down occurs naturally as the esters begin to clear, so it didn’t make sense to me.

On another note, how did your cycle go? Like the NPP?
Great point. Went awesome man, I had Primo in at 400mg but just couldn't figure out the ratio with my test to keep my e2 feeling nice. I just felt like shit until I swapped it for the Mast. I really love NPP, it makes me feel really good. Although anything over 300mg/week and I become very jealous and anxious lol
Great point. Went awesome man, I had Primo in at 400mg but just couldn't figure out the ratio with my test to keep my e2 feeling nice. I just felt like shit until I swapped it for the Mast. I really love NPP, it makes me feel really good. Although anything over 300mg/week and I become very jealous and anxious lol
Interesting. Thanks for the info! I’ve been in the game a long ass time and seem to have tried everything but NPP for some reason, even the exotic stuff like cheque drops. Time to try it I think.

Pretty crazy your e2 was still crashing with 725mg of test. Must of been some fire primo haha.
From everything n everyone ik it depends a lot person to person, some blast 500 then drop to 100/120 while some taper down like the og guys used to do but tbh unless you’re blasting grams (many of the homies do that but they’re using gs on gs of different stuff too then they go down to low trt doses so I could understand the difference in levels that could come about from doin a quick drop n going from 2000ng/dl to 900) you should be fine going from a reasonable dose to 200 or whatever cruise/trt dose you would use tho, as it’s usually a while before the levels go down n your body adjusts to em
From everything n everyone ik it depends a lot person to person, some blast 500 then drop to 100/120 while some taper down like the og guys used to do but tbh unless you’re blasting grams (many of the homies do that but they’re using gs on gs of different stuff too then they go down to low trt doses so I could understand the difference in levels that could come about from doin a quick drop n going from 2000ng/dl to 900) you should be fine going from a reasonable dose to 200 or whatever cruise/trt dose you would use tho, as it’s usually a while before the levels go down n your body adjusts to em
Did the OGs taper down? I started 20 years ago and can’t recall seeing a single cycle where someone tapered down.
Did the OGs taper down? I started 20 years ago and can’t recall seeing a single cycle where someone tapered down.
Older folks did, my uncle and his pals used to pyramid their doses. Titrate up then decrease their dose gradually till they stop.
Older folks did, my uncle and his pals used to pyramid their doses. Titrate up then decrease their dose gradually till they stop.
Interesting! I wonder what their logic was. If you ever get a chance to ask, I’d be curious.
Interesting! I wonder what their logic was. If you ever get a chance to ask, I’d be curious.
Back then there was no internet. Only 1-2 books really available to get your info. The bro science was to use a pyramid cycle. You taper up from 200mg week 1, 300mg week two, And when you were at the top is was like 600-800mg max. Then you tapered down same way. I remember it was usually for only like 10 weeks. Unless you were with the bodybuilder incrowd there really wasn't much information available.
I thought I did like 4 cycles but came to find out everything was fake except 1 cycle I did of test c. I got up to 224lbs 5'9". But I remember being really puffy. Unless I had a tank top on people thought it was just some muscle covered in fat.
This was supposed to be the safest way and maybe you'd recover your natural hormone axis quicker.
Boy we have come a long way since then!
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When I went off I also quit working out until I felt like my muscles were filling up better. Lost most of my gains. After going to the gym regularly again I gained all off it back natural but never got any heavier until I started cycling again in my 40s. Now I blast and trt and maintain about 250lbs.
Immediately drop to cruise protocol.

There is no reason to taper off as the ester does the tapering off for you as the serum concentration gradually clears.
Drop down to zero for 2.weeks in order for long esters to clear out and then go to cruise dose. 1 week for short esters.
I just drop to cruise dose. The quicker I can get to cruise levels the longer time I’m able to be down at cruise levels. Tapering would just prolong my blast. I just dropped to cruise little over a week ago. 1,600mg down to 350mg (250test,100deca)
5’8” 240lbs
Did the OGs taper down? I started 20 years ago and can’t recall seeing a single cycle where someone tapered down.
Yeah the guys from the golden era did that a lot n some of my homies still do that but they usually do that before pct the guys who blast n cruise just lower the blast a couple times then switch to cruise dosages, tbh it depends on how much you’re blasting tbh if your blast is under a g /800 or so you should be fine going down to 200 but hey only one way to find out
Immediately drop to cruise protocol.

There is no reason to taper off as the ester does the tapering off for you as the serum concentration gradually clears.
If this guy says so I’d listen to him ahah I’m just basing stuff off what my friends do (which mostly includes what this guy said) so I ain’t no expert on this kinda stuff (more than some random mfka but ain’t no pro with this shit yet)
Back then there was no internet. Only 1-2 books really available to get your info. The bro science was to use a pyramid cycle. You taper up from 200mg week 1, 300mg week two, And when you were at the top is was like 600-800mg max. Then you tapered down same way. I remember it was usually for only like 10 weeks. Unless you were with the bodybuilder incrowd there really wasn't much information available.
I thought I did like 4 cycles but came to find out everything was fake except 1 cycle I did of test c. I got up to 224lbs 5'9". But I remember being really puffy. Unless I had a tank top on people thought it was just some muscle covered in fat.
This was supposed to be the safest way and maybe you'd recover your natural hormone axis quicker.
Boy we have come a long way since then!
This is why they did it, tbh it could help with the pct though at least logically speaking it would make sense but I repeat I have no fkin idea as most people ik just do b & c if they hop on, but a homie of mine in jail did that to taper off before going into lockup n he said it made stuff a lot easier than when he used to drop down from 600/800 a day to nothing so imo there is something to it but it’s mostly anecdotal evidence, I’d listen to what the ogs of the board say as they know a lot more than most people when it comes to this kinda shit