Did the OGs taper down? I started 20 years ago and can’t recall seeing a single cycle where someone tapered down.
It was common in the 70’a to taper down but that was due to lack of PCT drugs. It was believed that tapering would restart the HPTA.
I’ve got a question regarding your experiences with going from blast to cruise, did you feel any difference while adjusting to the lower dosage? Cos I was told so many conflicting stories that I’m not sure if it’s just really subjective or if it’s cos you get used to the higher blast dose so no shit you feel weird going back to normal (just like when people stop taking dbol since they get used to the feel good effect they feel like they are more down even though they still have huge test levels)
35 years ago we tapered orals. Most of us didn't understand esters and there weren't many choices anyway. So tapering our injectables didn't happen in my circles. I never did PCT and only have done so in the past once, three years ago. My test was never lower and my estrogens never higher. So, I am not a fan of PCT, at all. Most of you young guys doing gear could just stop cold turkey and have your natural levels come back up withing 8 weeks IF you keep training as hard as you did ON cycle.

As it has been said here, the esters do the "tapering" for you.
35 years ago we tapered orals. Most of us didn't understand esters and there weren't many choices anyway. So tapering our injectables didn't happen in my circles. I never did PCT and only have done so in the past once, three years ago. My test was never lower and my estrogens never higher. So, I am not a fan of PCT, at all. Most of you young guys doing gear could just stop cold turkey and have your natural levels come back up withing 8 weeks IF you keep training as hard as you did ON cycle.

As it has been said here, the esters do the "tapering" for you.
See these kinds of things need to be discussed more as the newer gens (me included but I actually research stuff n listen to people instead of assuming ik all things like some others) seem to think they know all sorta shit then freak tf out when they don’t have a specific item for their pct or they just assume they will lose their gains so they stop working out while coming off, tbh I’d personally avoid coming off in general so PCT is something imma just keep on hand in case of emergencies or idk but imo it’s a lot better to just be blasting n cruising if this lifestyle is what one wants, there’s so much evidence pointing to the whole up n down of PCT being actually worse for you than just dropping down to cruising that imo if one wants to actually make the jump n is srs bout this type of lifestyle they should just go in balls deep, not just stick in the tip then pulling out before even cumming ahah I don’t mean run crazy amts I just mean tf is the point of doing a 6 month PCT if you’re gonna use gear right after again? The only reason to do stuff like that is if you’re in a tested sport n need to pass a test but even there you could get away with just lower test levels (afaik they can’t tell if you’re on test unless you’re on huge doses but correct me if I’m wrong)
Right. PCT makes no sense at all to me with all this "bridging" and "cruising" nonsense. The reality is that most people go up and down in mass/size because once they come off and the esters naturally "taper", they lose strength, the recover isn't so good, and they start back with all the bad eating habits. A few weeks later, they are back at it or on "TRT".
By the way, the "R" in TRT is "replacement". I get tired of hearing dudes 35 and under telling me about their "TRT". I had a 20-year-old telling me this the other day. When I was in my 20s, I bet my natural test level was 1400 based on my activities. I don't understand how everyone seems to "need" TRT now. Especially not determined by a blood tests.

The problem with the newer generations is that Instagram and Tick Tock has convinced everyone that the day you buy a membership to a gym is the day you load up on a cycle. One simply cannot be done without the other. It is so fucking ridiculous. Add to that these" influencers" spewing these ridiculous amounts needed for an average cycle. Believe what you want (or what is convenient for you) but we never used even close to what these guys do now. Even the pro's I knew in the late 80s didn't scratch the surface of what a Gym Joe does today.

Man, I told myself to stay off my soapbox and rants early in my Meso tenure, but these subjects drive me nuts.
Right. PCT makes no sense at all to me with all this "bridging" and "cruising" nonsense. The reality is that most people go up and down in mass/size because once they come off and the esters naturally "taper", they lose strength, the recover isn't so good, and they start back with all the bad eating habits. A few weeks later, they are back at it or on "TRT".
By the way, the "R" in TRT is "replacement". I get tired of hearing dudes 35 and under telling me about their "TRT". I had a 20-year-old telling me this the other day. When I was in my 20s, I bet my natural test level was 1400 based on my activities. I don't understand how everyone seems to "need" TRT now. Especially not determined by a blood tests.

The problem with the newer generations is that Instagram and Tick Tock has convinced everyone that the day you buy a membership to a gym is the day you load up on a cycle. One simply cannot be done without the other. It is so fucking ridiculous. Add to that these" influencers" spewing these ridiculous amounts needed for an average cycle. Believe what you want (or what is convenient for you) but we never used even close to what these guys do now. Even the pro's I knew in the late 80s didn't scratch the surface of what a Gym Joe does today.

Man, I told myself to stay off my soapbox and rants early in my Meso tenure, but these subjects drive me nuts.
I couldn’t agree more, imo the whole natty or not thing is actually making it worse as now so many idiots have such ridiculously low standards that they set for themselves as to avoid any type of hard work n possible disappointment so instead of trying to be their best self n then enhance many just assume everyone is taking way more than what they are then they automatically think they need to hop on tren n a g of test just to look like a fitness model, shit is ridiculous n whenever any actual pro talks bout their usage these idiots on Reddit say nah he’s fulla shit he’s definitely taking this n this while in reality they could easily achieve many of em physiques by just learning the meaning of fkin hard work n nutrition, but nah people want the easy way out (or what they think is the easy way) so they spout endless bs about ’optimal’ training n diet n use more energy to find a perfect program than actually doing it, imo the resurgence of all that HIT stuff is a symptom of this as people want to do the least amount of work possible (which I really don’t understand I actually love going to the gym n lifting n imo people need to understand that is the main factor in keeping up with everything, Arnold trained more than what he needed he even admitted so but there was a reason to it that people gloss over: he loved being in the gym so he went extra, very rare to have that attitude rn unfortunately…)