Drostanolone/Masteron Propionate Testing report from a Spain client by ChemTox

This customer sent to chemtox mast p raw as blind sample ? What means 100% ? Never seen test report on raw come back 100% purity... usually the best raw have 98/99% purity
This customer sent to chemtox mast p raw as blind sample ? What means 100% ? Never seen test report on raw come back 100% purity... usually the best raw have 98/99% purity

Yes, lots of saying on the purity is like 98%/99%, but some labs get description as 98%(+-2%). Personally, such saying is much scientific(we had one from the Polland labs--Lab4Tox and their saying is like this).
It could be different labs with different working ways.

Edit: Anyway, 100% from ChemTox is also great, even to minus 2%. And, it could be possible that they could be much confidence on their work. And, our client likes that. It means everything.

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One client tested their oils made of our raws by Janoshik.

Tren ace, 100mg/ml

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