Chromate Analytical Services

I figured it would be 70% because I saw the “extreme error” mention …

But I see now. It would be .007 *250mg to get to the number you said.

Thanks.. cbd raws still going to be good to test soon?
You are most welcome to send in CBD.
Can you test steriod raw
Pick up on the lingo my friend….no steroid raws….

Cbd raws or Sarm raws can be sent in they will test it to let you know if it’s been contaminated with any type of AAS raws…..if that so happens to be the case….
Pick up on the lingo my friend….no steroid raws….

Cbd raws or Sarm raws can be sent in they will test it to let you know if it’s been contaminated with any type of AAS raws…..if that so happens to be the case….
I'll use regular lingo lol. He can talk in whispers and knocks that's fine. I want to be specific about what service I'm purchasing
man america aint as free as they think imo.. in Canada u can operate such a biz as we are FREE and also mindful about harm reduction and its importance... imagine such a balance

get some bulk fentanyl test strips so can say u are truly trying to save lives...

but also don't worry too much about the meat heads ordering illegal compounds from illegal national and international websites openly posting about it on the internet saying OMG illegal operation TESTING synthol... why not go make EXACT comment to every source, ever? cough @Spaceman Spiff ?

good luck with your venture, I think tonnes of folks will use and take advantage of testing promotions by sources that didn't want the hassle of sending overseas and filling out customs slips etc.

Also if have capability of heavy metals other toxic substances in dietary supplements along with dosage I think u would do great just on that if make it easy/cheap to access for health minded folks who want to know if they have good NAD or NMN or perhaps heavy metals of there omega oil. or residual solvents in whey . so a pretty easy pivot

just never offer advice to brewers or accept anyone mentioning such things.. folks don't get that they will just ask u to stop conducting biz if worried about it ie S&D letter.. if continue after that its possible to get in trouble but you would have to be in a backwards state as doubt feds would worry about it. lol remember when BONGs were illegal to sell in USA? what was that 17 years ago or so? in canada folks just openly started selling cannabis to medical patients... some got busted most got no time... opened back up... guess what? they changed minds and LAWS...
The only tradeoff is you have to live in Canada
The only tradeoff is you have to live in Canada
yup free cold plunges ;) also 6th freest country, usa is 15th...proud and free!! until the conservatives drop the digital currency/digital IDs they are pushing, once in power track u and make u unable to spend ur own money... computers get zapped by china or power goes out THAT is chaos.. such a bad idea not sure how folks think connecting the dollar to energy further will help inflation, just will drive up energy prices.... anyhoo, canada is the BEST country and why we can proudly wear our flag and travel the world :) bred from hardest folks in the world pioneers and Indians that lived in tipi in -40. clean water, pure air, go to the hospital and don't have to loose your house because the usa gov is purchased by insurance/pharma companies.
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yup free cold plunges ;) also 6th freest country, usa is 15th...proud and free!! until the conservatives drop the digital currency/digital IDs they are pushing, once in power track u and make u unable to spend ur own money... computers get zapped by china or power goes out THAT is chaos.. such a bad idea not sure how folks think connecting the dollar to energy further will help inflation, just will drive up energy prices.... anyhoo, canada is the BEST country and why we can proudly wear our flag and travel the world :) bred from hardest folks in the world pioneers and Indians that lived in tipi in -40. clean water, pure air, go to the hospital and don't have to loose your house because the usa gov is purchased by insurance/pharma companies.
Adam Sandler GIF by IFC
yup free cold plunges ;) also 6th freest country, usa is 15th...proud and free!! until the conservatives drop the digital currency/digital IDs they are pushing, once in power track u and make u unable to spend ur own money... computers get zapped by china or power goes out THAT is chaos.. such a bad idea not sure how folks think connecting the dollar to energy further will help inflation, just will drive up energy prices.... anyhoo, canada is the BEST country and why we can proudly wear our flag and travel the world :) bred from hardest folks in the world pioneers and Indians that lived in tipi in -40. clean water, pure air, go to the hospital and don't have to loose your house because the usa gov is purchased by insurance/pharma companies.
Canada also became a draconian hellhole during the covid hysteria: city-wide curfews, vax pass to enter malls. People were buying dogs just so they had an appropriate excuse to be outside by walking them. Doesn't bode well for the future when your most basic freedoms are so readily expunged.
Canada also became a draconian hellhole during the covid hysteria: city-wide curfews, vax pass to enter malls. People were buying dogs just so they had an appropriate excuse to be outside by walking them. Doesn't bode well for the future when your most basic freedoms are so readily expunged.
There was a guy in the news not long ago. Canadian, posted something antisemitic on Facebook (not a threat, just some antisemitic meme) not only was he charged criminally. But he was involuntary hospitalized and forced on medication.

I'm not antisemitic but when you're controlled so heavily by your government you can't even have an unpopular view that doesn't fit their political agenda then you are jailed and doped up until you do.

I'll happily stay in America where I can have my own opinion and freedom to come and go as I please.

Another Canadian stabbed a home invader and was charged with murder.

Canada is pathetic
Canada also became a draconian hellhole during the covid hysteria: city-wide curfews, vax pass to enter malls. People were buying dogs just so they had an appropriate excuse to be outside by walking them. Doesn't bode well for the future when your most basic freedoms are so readily expunged.
Oh this is going to get good. Definitely contaminate your own thread with politics and international affairs. Very smart
anyone got an update on the other lab for the comparison yet ? Someone said end of week it would be ready, so either today or tomorrow
You can goto jail for misgendering someone in Canada lol and u can’t own a gun.
false.... no ones ever got in trouble for misgendering its set up for hate speech for folks who call to action violence. otherwise not prosecutable.

False. canada has plenty of guns... u take a course, than u buy a gun... pretty straight forward. cannot carry handguns (except SOME people that work in the woods etc).. also guess how many mass shootings we have? also look at other countries with similar gun laws. ALOT less gun violence per capita.

at any rate, yes canada is 7 countries above america as far as freedom. provinces have more freedom, we have far more personal freedom more economic freedom and also why we have less people in jail and less crime ;)

I know its hard when reality conflicts with your internal narrative. FACTS ARE FACTS.