Chromate Analytical Services

Can you state the vendors name? For the sake of harm reduction between now and when janoshik gives you results?

I would rather not. Just trying to keep this sample as blind as possible and trying to not start an unnecessary shit show for the source as these reports that I’ve received so far may not be accurate.

99% positive Analiza dropped the ball as their report shows the compound to be something entirely different then the label claims. Then as far as Chromate, no offense to the guy but seems I will actually be the first to share one of his reports so no credibility has been established yet. Also, being as his report shows the product to be overdosed to the degree that I’m told that the product shouldn’t even be holding at that level has me questioning his report.

My goal in all of this was to promote harm reduction by exploring/opening up more options for testing. It would be truly great to have multiple easily accessible testing options. Unfortunately it’s looking like it back fired and this venture is going to tarnish some reputations. Going into this I would have never imagined I’d be sitting here needing a 3rd opinion on what my sample is since the other two are not even close to what’s on the label.

If I felt anyone was in harm I would share the source but I’m not convinced that’s the case.
I would rather not. Just trying to keep this sample as blind as possible and trying to not start an unnecessary shit show for the source as these reports that I’ve received so far may not be accurate.

99% positive Analiza dropped the ball as their report shows the compound to be something entirely different then the label claims. Then as far as Chromate, no offense to the guy but seems I will actually be the first to share one of his reports so no credibility has been established yet. Also, being as his report shows the product to be overdosed to the degree that I’m told that the product shouldn’t even be holding at that level has me questioning his report.

My goal in all of this was to promote harm reduction by exploring/opening up more options for testing. It would be truly great to have multiple easily accessible testing options. Unfortunately it’s looking like it back fired and this venture is going to tarnish some reputations. Going into this I would have never imagined I’d be sitting here needing a 3rd opinion on what my sample is since the other two are not even close to what’s on the label.

If I felt anyone was in harm I would share the source but I’m not convinced that’s the case.
If I had to guess. Anal-iza is wrong. Don't know anything about chromate. But I'm extremely interested to see janos results

Appreciate you getting a 3rd test.
some university labs with alot of undergrads is prob much much dirtier... dont think it matters much where machinery is for this purpose as long as get consistent results thats all that matters. if your doing picogram shit thats when u need ultra clean rooms.

lol I was working in such a clean room, was putting on my tyvec suite, and got a patch tore off me for putting it on wrong, and how could of fucked up all his tests for ever lol... think the proff just didn't like ANYONE using "his" expensive new room.. I was like you prob should worry more about getting more sticky matts to be replaced regularly than my form of putting on my tyvec.
i mean janoshik has a real whole facility
For those who have been following and waiting for my reports, they are now posted.
MESO members,

After much deliberation, we have taken the difficult decision to suspend the synthol testing service indefinitely. The acceptance of all other orders will be temporarily paused as we shift gears into method development for exciting new offerings.

If you are a synthol user, you may be exposed to dangerous contaminants. At-home tests such as 'labmax', while imperfect, may help you identify contaminated products. If you experience hormonal side effects while using synthol, discontinue its use and consult with a licensed healthcare professional.

Stay tuned for big announcements coming soon in the new year.

Chromate team
from what source?