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Equipoise (EQ): The "mild" steroid that's not so innocent after all

Hey guys! Today we're diving into a controversial topic: Equipoise (EQ), also known as Boldenone. It's often touted as a "soft" product, perfect for beginners. But after extensive research, I'm not so sure that's the case. Let me explain why, and I'd love to hear your thoughts on this.

Quick recap for the newbies: EQ is an injectable anabolic steroid derived from testosterone. It's super popular among bodybuilders and athletes due to its reputation as an effective but low-risk product. However... it might not be that simple.

Of course, like all steroids, EQ has its classic side effects: hormonal disruption, cardiovascular risks, etc. But what concerns me are three specific characteristics that potentially make it more dangerous than we think. Buckle up, we're getting into the details!

1. The Red Blood Cell Explosion

EQ is known for boosting endurance, and that's true. Why? Because it dramatically increases red blood cell production. These little cells transport oxygen throughout the body, so the more you have, the better you breathe during exercise.

The problem is that too many red blood cells thicken the blood. Result? Blood pressure skyrockets. Short-term, this can cause headaches and dizziness. Long-term, it seriously increases the risk of heart disease.

Yes, all steroids do this to some extent. But EQ is the undisputed champion in this area. If you still decide to use it, there are two absolute musts:
  • Monitor your blood pressure like a hawk. At the first sign of trouble, take medication to lower it. []Donate blood after each cycle to bring down your red blood cell count.

2. The Kidney Threat

This is serious business. Several studies on animals and steroid users, as well as numerous anecdotal reports, show that EQ is particularly toxic to the kidneys. We don't know exactly why, but it could be related to the increase in blood pressure we just talked about.

The big issue with kidneys is that they're ultra-fragile. Unlike the liver, which has regenerative capabilities, once kidneys are damaged, it's often irreversible. So nephrotoxicity (kidney toxicity) is really not something to take lightly.

If you use EQ, here are my recommendations:
  • Drink like a camel in the desert. Hydration is key to preserving your kidneys.
  • Take NAC (N-Acetylcysteine) as a supplement. It's an antioxidant that helps protect the kidneys.
  • Get regular blood tests to monitor your kidney function.

3. The Estrogen Trap

This is what really surprised me in my research. For years, everyone believed that EQ increased estrogen levels in the body. Why? Because of a famous book in the field, "ANABOLICS" by Dr. William Llewellyn, which claims that EQ converts to estradiol at 50% the rate of testosterone.

Except... there's NO scientific evidence for this. Worse, numerous testimonies suggest the opposite!

This misconception has led thousands of guys to use EQ (which is already anti-estrogenic) with an aromatase inhibitor (supposedly to prevent conversion to estrogen). The result? Estrogen levels crash through the floor, bringing all the associated problems: low libido, sexual dysfunction, creaky joints, fatigue, dry skin... The whole package.

So why the confusion? There were indeed animal studies showing an increase in estradiol with EQ. But the tests used didn't differentiate between estrone (a weakly active estrogen) and estradiol (the main estrogen). So the results were skewed.

What you need to remember:
  • EQ doesn't seem to really increase estradiol.
  • It might convert to an estrone-like metabolite, but with low activity.
  • If you use EQ, don't take an aromatase inhibitor unless you actually have symptoms of high estrogen.
  • It's better to combine EQ with testosterone to maintain a good level of estradiol.

In conclusion, Equipoise is clearly not the "friendly" steroid we've been sold for years. That doesn't mean you have to completely avoid it, but you need to be aware of the risks and take precautions.

What do you think? Have you used EQ before? What were your experiences? Did you notice any of the effects I've mentioned?

Feel free to share your feedback, it's super important to have real testimonies to complement the theoretical info. And if you have any questions, I'll do my best to answer them!

Take care of yourselves, guys, and remember: health comes before muscles!
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Optimal Hormonal Balance: Focus on the Free Testosterone to Estradiol Ratio

Context and Stakes:
In the world of fitness and bodybuilding, the ideal ratio between free testosterone and estradiol is a subject of intense debate. These two hormones, often perceived as antagonistic, play crucial complementary roles in male physiology, particularly for those seeking to optimize their body composition and athletic performance.

Detailed Hormonal Roles:
  • Testosterone:
    - Promotes protein synthesis and muscle growth
    - Increases strength and power
    - Stimulates libido and sexual functions
    - Strengthens bone density
    - Improves red blood cell production, thus optimizing tissue oxygenation
    - Positively influences mood and motivation
  • Estradiol:
    - Regulates testosterone production via a feedback mechanism
    - Protects the cardiovascular system by improving lipid profile
    - Contributes to maintaining joint health
    - Plays a role in regulating fat mass
    - Participates in cognitive health and neuroprotection

Importance in Bodybuilding and Performance:
Free testosterone, the biologically active form of the hormone, is crucial as it can bind directly to muscle tissue receptors, initiating anabolic processes. Estradiol, although often overlooked, plays a subtle but important role in muscle growth by improving insulin sensitivity and promoting post-effort recovery.

The Optimal Ratio and Its Nuances:
A free testosterone to estradiol ratio of about 10:1 or higher is frequently cited as optimal for male muscle building. However, it's crucial to understand that this figure is only an average and can vary considerably depending on several factors:
  • Age: Older men may require a higher ratio to maintain muscle mass
  • Genetics: Some individuals are naturally more sensitive to androgen effects
  • Training level: Advanced athletes may have different hormonal needs
  • Specific goals: Mass gain, definition, or pure performance may require slightly different hormonal balances

Important Considerations and Warnings:
  • The use of anabolic steroids to artificially manipulate testosterone levels presents serious health risks and can permanently disrupt natural hormonal balance.
  • Consultation with an endocrinologist or a doctor specializing in sports medicine is strongly recommended before any attempt to modify one's hormonal profile.
  • A balanced diet, rich in essential micronutrients (zinc, vitamin D, omega-3), a well-structured training program, and quality sleep are the pillars of optimal natural hormone production.
  • The human body has a limited number of androgenic receptors. Indefinitely increasing testosterone levels does not necessarily bring more benefits once these receptors are saturated.
  • Regular strength training can, in the long term, increase the density of androgenic receptors in muscle tissues, thus improving the response to androgens.

Strategies to Naturally Optimize Hormonal Profile:
1. Adopt a diet rich in quality proteins and healthy fats
2. Prioritize compound exercises with heavy loads (squat, deadlift, bench press)
3. Limit overtraining which can increase cortisol and disrupt hormonal balance
4. Effectively manage stress through meditation or other relaxation techniques
5. Ensure adequate hydration and targeted supplementation if necessary (under medical supervision)

Conclusion and Perspectives:
While a free testosterone to estradiol ratio of about 10:1 is often considered a benchmark, it's essential to understand that there is no universal formula. Each individual must adopt a personalized approach, taking into account their unique physiology, specific goals, and overall health status. Close collaboration with health professionals, coupled with a holistic approach including nutrition, training, recovery, and stress management, remains the safest and most effective way to optimize one's hormonal profile and achieve muscle building and performance goals.

The Impact of AAS on Lipid Profile

Anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can significantly affect cholesterol levels, potentially increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases. For athletes and bodybuilders who use these substances while caring about their long-term health and optimal performance, it's essential to thoroughly understand how cholesterol works and monitor it regularly.

Key Components of the Lipid Profile:

  1. Total Cholesterol:
    This is the overall measure of blood cholesterol. Although useful, it's not the most relevant indicator as it encompasses both "good" and "bad" cholesterol. It's calculated by adding HDL, LDL, and 20% of triglycerides.
  2. HDL (High-Density Lipoprotein):
    Often called "good" cholesterol, HDL plays a crucial role in transporting fats to the liver for elimination. It helps prevent lipid accumulation in the arteries, thus reducing the risk of atherosclerosis.
    Target: > 40 mg/dl, with an optimal level > 60 mg/dl.
  3. LDL (Low-Density Lipoprotein):
    Known as "bad" cholesterol, LDL transports fatty molecules throughout the body. In excess, especially combined with low HDL, it can accumulate in arterial walls, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke.
    Target: < 100 mg/dl, or < 70 mg/dl for those at high cardiovascular risk.
  4. Triglycerides:
    These are fat molecules stored in the blood. High levels are associated with an increased risk of atherosclerosis, particularly in the presence of high LDL.
    Target: < 150 mg/dl, ideally < 100 mg/dl for optimal cardiovascular health.

Strategies to Optimize Lipid Profile While Using AAS:

  • Increase omega-3 consumption by eating fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) 2-3 times a week or taking high-quality fish oil supplements.
  • Prioritize soluble fibers (oats, barley, fruits, vegetables, legumes) which can reduce cholesterol absorption.
  • Choose healthy fats: olive oil, avocado, nuts, chia and flax seeds.
  • Limit saturated fats and eliminate trans fats.
  • Drastically reduce consumption of refined sugars and processed foods.

Physical Exercise:
  • Regularly engage in aerobic activities (brisk walking, running, swimming, cycling) for at least 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week.
  • Incorporate strength training or resistance exercises 2-3 times a week to improve insulin sensitivity and fat metabolism.

  • Fish oil: 2-4g per day of EPA/DHA to improve HDL and reduce triglycerides.
  • Bergamot: 500-1000mg per day for its potential effect on LDL reduction.
  • Niacin (vitamin B3): 1-2g per day, starting at a low dose to avoid side effects (flushing).
  • CoQ10: 100-200mg per day for its role in cellular energy metabolism.
  • Plant sterols: 2g per day to reduce intestinal cholesterol absorption.

Medication Management:
For more aggressive AAS cycles or when non-pharmacological measures are insufficient:
  • Statins (e.g., atorvastatin): HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, effective in reducing LDL.
  • Ezetimibe: inhibits intestinal cholesterol absorption, often used in combination with statins.
  • Fibrates: may be considered to reduce triglycerides and increase HDL.

Monitoring and Adjustments:
  • Perform a complete lipid profile before, during, and after each AAS cycle.
  • Adjust doses and cycle duration based on blood test results.
  • Regularly consult a healthcare professional familiar with the specifics of AAS use.

By adopting a holistic approach combining diet, exercise, supplementation, and, if necessary, medical intervention, AAS users can better manage their lipid profile and preserve their long-term cardiovascular health. It's crucial to understand that AAS use carries inherent risks, and constant vigilance is necessary to minimize potential adverse health effects.

~ Test E vs Test C: The Testo Showdown! ~

What's up guys,

Today we're gonna dive deep into the ultimate question that's been bugging every bodybuilding rookie: should you pick Test Enanthate or Cypionate for your cycles? Brace yourselves, it's about to get wild!

  • Test E is said to last 5 days in your system, vs 8 for Test C (okay okay, some say 5-7 days for Test C, let's not split hairs).
  • But for real bros, let's be honest: pretty much everyone and their dog shoots their dose every 3-5 days anyway, whether it's E or C!
  • So in the end, half-life ain't no big deal (pun intended).

Ester weight:
  • For 100mg of Test E, you get 70mg of actual test and 30mg of enanthate ester.
  • As for 100mg of Test C, that's 69mg of test and 31mg of cypionate ester.
  • Potato, potahto, so don't sweat it.

Post-injection pain (PIP):
  • Now that's where it gets tricky! Some swear that Test C burns like hell, others that Test E is the devil.
  • Sure, technically cypionate has a higher melting point, so it's more likely to cause PIP.
  • But bro, it really depends on the carrier oil used too (and that changes with each lab).
  • Your best bet is still to try both and see how YOUR body reacts best.

BOTTOM LINE: Enanthate or Cypionate, same difference!
What matters most is:
  • Getting some good shit from a reliable source
  • Not screwing up your protocol
  • And bros, don't forget to stay on top of bloodwork, protection and PCT.

Now go forth and may the gains be with you!
And hit me with your sickest PRs under the bar!

Injectable vs. Oral Steroids: The Performance Duel

Ah, the eternal question in the world of fitness and bodybuilding: injectable or oral steroids? It's a bit like choosing between a hot dog and a hamburger - each has its fans and peculiarities. Let me take you into this world of enhanced performance with a touch of humor and some well-placed facts. So, grab your favorite drink, get comfortable, and let's embark on a journey towards bulging biceps and Hulk-worthy transformations.

Chapter 1: The "Needle" Argument

Injectable steroids are often seen as the "hardcore" choice in the performance realm. But why? Here are some advantages:

  • The discreet approach: Imagine you're on a secret mission to bulk up without anyone knowing. Injectable steroids are your secret agents. No one will see pills in your mouth, even if they wonder where those little bruises on your behind came from (the cushion injection effect). Discreet, right?
  • Consistency: Once in your system, injectable steroids work slowly and steadily. No roller coaster of energy and mood swings like some oral steroids. It's like the tortoise in the steroid race.
  • More bang for your buck: With a longer half-life, injectable steroids require fewer injections compared to daily pill-popping. You save your butt and your wallet.
  • Efficiency: Injectables often bypass first-pass metabolism, increasing their effectiveness. In simple terms, more beneficial substance reaches your muscles.

Now, the downsides:

  • Needles aren't for everyone: If the idea of jabbing yourself in the rear doesn't appeal to you, this route might not be for you.
  • It's not as quick: Unlike oral steroids, which can give you an almost instant boost, injectables take their time. Patience, young grasshopper!
  • Hygiene is crucial: You need to maintain rigorous hygiene to avoid infections. Nobody wants an unsightly tennis ball-sized abscess on their behind.

Chapter 2: The Pill "Persuasion"

Oral steroids - the quick and easy method. Here are their advantages:

  • Convenience: Pop a pill, and you're good to go. No need to find a private spot to inject yourself. In a world where everything is fast-paced, oral steroids are like the fast food of muscle enhancement.
  • On-demand energy: Oral steroids provide a quick energy boost, perfect for crushing that squat session or impressing your date with your boundless energy.
  • Variety: With a wide range of oral steroids available, you can choose the one that matches your goals. It's like being in a candy store but with muscles.
  • Easy to stop: If you decide you no longer want to look like Hulk, stopping oral steroids is relatively simple. They don't linger in your system like some injectables.

Now, the downsides:

  • Mood swings: The rapid onset and decline of oral steroids can leave you emotionally unstable. One moment you're the life of the party, the next you're pondering existential questions.
  • Liver toxicity: Many oral steroids can be harsh on your liver, requiring regular check-ups to ensure it's holding up.
  • Short half-life: You'll need to take these pills daily, sometimes multiple times a day, to maintain their effects. It's like having a never-ending to-do list.
  • Oral side effects: Ever heard of "roid rage" or "moon face"? These effects are often more common with oral steroids.

Chapter 3: The Verdict

So, which side of the coin do you choose? It's like choosing between the roller coaster and the merry-go-round at the fitness amusement park.

Injectable steroids are the slow and steady ride, with consistent and discreet results. But you'll need to get comfortable with needles.

Oral steroids, on the other hand, are like the adrenaline-packed roller coaster, giving you a quick boost but with wild mood swings and potential liver issues.

In the end, it's essential to consider your goals, preferences, and tolerance for side effects. Whatever path you choose, remember there's no substitute for hard work, discipline, and a balanced diet to achieve lasting gains.

So there you have it, the duel of injectable versus oral steroids. It's a decision as personal as choosing your favorite superhero - you can be the stealthy, discreet Batman (injectable) or the energetic, unpredictable Deadpool (oral). Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility - and maybe some weird mood swings.

Humatrope: The Game-Changing Boost for Your Growth

Hey friends! Today, we're going to talk about a topic that fascinates anyone who dreams of gaining a few extra inches: growth hormone injections, and more specifically, the famous Humatrope. If you're not familiar, it's a medication that contains somatropin, a synthetic version of the growth hormone naturally produced by our bodies.

Let's take a step back: Humatrope has been used since the late 80s to give a boost to children with growth delays. This can be due to small size at birth, growth hormone deficiency, or diseases such as chronic kidney failure, Turner syndrome, or Noonan syndrome.

The advantage of Humatrope is that it comes in easy-to-use cartridges, dosed at 6, 12, or 24 mg. Just inject it according to your doctor's recommendations and voila, the magic begins! But who can really benefit from it? In summary, this treatment is intended for those who have:
  1. A proven growth delay
  2. A lack of growth hormone
  3. Short bowel syndrome
  4. Muscle wasting related to HIV

Basically, Humatrope is the best friend of children who struggle to grow, whether due to Turner syndrome, a SHOX gene abnormality, or simply because they were born smaller than average and didn't catch up by age 2-4. And the good news is that it also works for some adults!

But how does this little miracle actually work in the body? That's where it gets interesting. Normally, it's the pituitary gland, located in the brain, that secretes growth hormone. When Humatrope is injected, it reinforces this natural production. The somatropin molecules travel through the blood and stimulate other organs, like the liver, to produce IGF-1, a super important growth factor.

And that's where the magic happens! With this IGF-1 boost, the cartilage in the long bones starts working overtime, allowing children to gain height faster. Muscles also benefit, developing in strength and volume. The result: a harmoniously slimmed and elongated silhouette, to the delight of patients!

In addition to promoting growth, Humatrope has plenty of other aces up its sleeve. It helps strengthen bone density, reducing the risk of osteoporosis later on. It also boosts the immune system and improves wound healing. Some studies even suggest that it could have beneficial effects on mood, energy, and cognitive performance!

Of course, like any medication, there can be some minor side effects like headaches, nausea, fatigue... But overall, when it's well supervised by a doctor, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. That's why Humatrope is reimbursed by Social Security in most cases!

However, be careful, I'm not saying you should rush for Humatrope at the first sign of height insecurity. It's a serious treatment that is only indicated for specific medical conditions. But for those who really need it, it can literally be life-changing!

And let's be honest, even without being a tall string bean, you can be very successful and fulfilled in life. Self-confidence can't be measured in inches! But for those who really suffer from a handicapping growth delay, knowing that a solution like Humatrope exists is heartwarming.

Well, I hope this little overview has made you want to learn more about the subject. And if you or your loved ones are affected, don't hesitate to talk to your doctor, they will guide you to the best option for you. The most important thing is to feel good in your own skin and in your own shoes!

Feel free to share your testimonials and questions, we're here to discuss them together. Take care of yourself, grow well, and see you soon for more advice! Peace!

Challenging a Protein Myth: New Perspective on Protein Absorption

In the world of sports nutrition, a belief persists: our body supposedly has a limit on protein absorption per meal. However, a recent study challenges this received idea, offering new perspectives on our understanding of protein nutrition.

The journey of proteins in our body:
When we consume proteins, they embark on a complex journey in our body. It all starts in the stomach, where they are partially broken down. Then, in the small intestine, they are split into amino acids. These amino acids cross the intestinal wall to enter the bloodstream, pass through the liver (which uses some of them), before reaching the muscles. It is crucial to distinguish this absorption process from muscle protein synthesis, which is the effective use of these proteins by the muscles.

An innovative study:
Researchers conducted an experiment involving 36 young, active men. After a resistance training session, the participants were divided into three groups, receiving 0g, 25g, or 100g of milk protein respectively. The researchers monitored various biological markers for 12 hours, notably through blood and muscle samples.

Surprising results:
  • Muscle protein synthesis remained significantly higher for 10-12 hours in the group that received 100g of protein.
  • About 85% of the absorbed proteins were used for tissue building, compared to only 15% oxidized (used for energy).
  • The anabolic response (muscle building) was clearly dose-dependent: 100g > 25g > 0g.

Implications for sports nutrition:
These results challenge the idea that protein consumption should be limited to 20-25g per meal. It seems that our body is capable of absorbing and effectively using much larger quantities, at least in the hours following intense training.

Practical considerations:
  • Total daily protein intake remains the primary factor for muscle growth.
  • The distribution of proteins throughout the day can be adapted to individual preferences and lifestyle constraints.
  • For most people, 3-4 meals containing protein remain a practical and effective approach.
  • However, this study suggests that a distribution of 1-2 protein-rich meals could also be beneficial for some.

Limitations and perspectives:
It is important to note that this study, although rigorous, remains an acute study. It doesn't tell us whether distributing protein across several small meals is more effective for long-term muscle growth than consumption in 1-2 larger meals. Moreover, an increase in muscle protein synthesis does not always directly translate into increased muscle growth.

In conclusion:
This study opens up exciting new perspectives in the field of sports nutrition. It suggests greater flexibility in our approach to protein consumption, while emphasizing the importance of total protein intake. Whether you prefer several small meals or a few larger meals, the key is to maintain sufficient protein intake to support your health and performance goals.

Let's not forget that each individual is unique. It is therefore crucial to listen to your body and adapt your diet according to your needs, goals, and lifestyle. As always in nutrition, the key lies in balance and consistency over the long term.

Caloric Needs: A More Complex Matter Than It Seems

In the world of nutrition and weight loss, we often hear about magic numbers and universal formulas. However, the reality is much more nuanced. Caloric needs vary considerably from one person to another, even between apparently similar individuals. Let's explore the reasons for these differences and their practical implications.

Energy Expenditure: A Wide and Mysterious Spectrum

Contrary to popular belief, two people of the same weight can have radically different energy expenditures. A recent study conducted on more than 6,400 participants revealed that total daily energy expenditure (TDEE) can vary by more than 20%, even when taking into account factors such as muscle mass, fat mass, sex, and age.

Let's take a concrete example: an 80 kg man could have a TDEE of 2,500 kcal, while another of the same weight could reach 6,000 kcal. This variability is also observed in women. These differences can be explained by various factors, such as genetics, training history, or even the composition of the gut microbiome.

Metabolic Adaptation: When the Body Resists

During a diet, the metabolism adapts by slowing down. This is a survival mechanism inherited from our ancestors. However, the extent of this adaptation varies considerably between individuals.

A fascinating study shed light on this phenomenon. Researchers subjected a group of young, healthy men to a 50% calorie deficit for three weeks. The results showed that some participants saw their metabolism drop dramatically, while others experienced only a minimal decrease.

This variability explains why some people seem to "resist" diets, while others lose weight more easily. It's not about "cheating" or lacking willpower, but rather real physiological differences.

Energy Compensation: The Body Has More Than One Trick Up Its Sleeve

One might think that the more you move, the more calories you burn. But the human body is much more complex than that. There is a phenomenon called "energy compensation" that can counteract our efforts.

In sedentary individuals, an increase in physical activity generally results in an increase in energy expenditure. But in already active individuals, the body can compensate by reducing other components of metabolism. It's as if the body seeks to maintain an energy balance, no matter what.

This phenomenon is particularly pronounced during periods of calorie deficit. Thus, a very active person may paradoxically need to eat less to lose weight than a sedentary person, due to this compensation.

The Crucial Importance of Accurate Tracking

All these factors highlight the importance of accurately tracking one's food intake. A systematic underestimation of intake, even minimal, can have significant long-term consequences.

Imagine someone who thinks they are eating 2,000 kcal per day, but in reality, consumes 2,200. Over a week, this represents an extra 1,400 kcal, the equivalent of an entire day's worth of food for some people in the weight loss phase!

Conclusion: Individualization Is Key

Faced with this complexity, it is clear that "one-size-fits-all" approaches to nutrition are doomed to fail. Rather than comparing oneself to others or blindly following generic recommendations, it is crucial to adopt an individualized approach.

This involves being in tune with one's body, accurately tracking intake and results, and adjusting accordingly. What works for your friend or your fitness idol will not necessarily work for you.

Ultimately, the key to success lies in patience, consistency, and self-observation. Don't hesitate to consult a health professional or nutritionist to guide you in this personalized approach. Your body is unique, and your nutritional approach should be just as unique.

Reverse Dieting: Myth or Reality?

Hey team,

Today, I'd like to discuss a topic that's been getting a lot of buzz in the fitness world lately: the famous "reverse dieting". Not everyone may be familiar with the concept, so let me start with a quick explanation.

What is reverse dieting?

Basically, the idea is that after a long period of restrictive dieting, you very gradually increase your calorie intake, mainly through carbs and fats. And when I say gradually, I mean it - we're talking about adding just 50 to 100 calories per week! The goal is to slowly return to a calorie level that maintains your new weight (what we call "maintenance" level).

Why go so slowly? Proponents of this method put forward several arguments:

  1. It's supposed to minimize fat regain after the diet. Basically, the body would gently adapt to the extra calories without unnecessary storage.
  2. The metabolism would be less "damaged" by the restrictive diet if it's revived gradually like this. It could even become more efficient than before, allowing you to eat more without gaining weight in the long run!
  3. Visually, your physique would stay top-notch since you'd maintain a sort of mini calorie deficit over time.

You might be thinking, "wow, this sounds amazing!" Yeah, on paper it's enticing... Except, as is often the case, when you dig a little deeper, it's a bit too good to be entirely true! Let me explain.

The limitations of reverse dieting

I have three main objections to what is promised:

1. The myth of the damaged metabolism
Yes, it's true that during a prolonged calorie deficit, there's a slight decrease in basal metabolism, what we call metabolic adaptation. But as soon as you return to a normal diet, things quickly get back to normal! You don't need a super slow and complicated protocol to "repair" anything.

Side note: on this subject, I recommend Dr. Button's great article "Sluggish Metabolism: Fact or Fiction". It really sets the record straight!

2. The illusion of eating more without gaining weight
Reverse dieting advocates suggest that by increasing calories very slowly like this, the body will get used to functioning with more and more calories without gaining fat. You know, the whole "I eat 3000 calories a day and I'm still shredded" thing?

Sorry to burst the bubble, but physiologically, it doesn't really hold up... Studies have shown that even with large calorie overfeeds (like +1000 kcal/day for several weeks), metabolism only increases very slightly and briefly. So the extra 50 or 100 calories per week from reverse dieting is really peanuts in comparison!

Of course, when you increase so slowly, the scale weight doesn't skyrocket. But it's just that in the end, you stay in a form of deficit for a long time without realizing it. The body doesn't create fat mass out of thin air! It makes sense that with fewer calories than needed, you don't gain weight.

3. The unnecessary prolongation of the diet
OK, I get that some people are so happy with their new body that they want to preserve it at all costs... Even if it means cheating a bit with the diet recovery.

But honestly, after weeks or even months of dieting, I don't really feel like playing overtime for ages! If it's to increase by 50 calories per week, let me tell you that by the end of summer we'll still be at it...

Imagine: you finish your diet at 1700 kcal/day while your new stable weight is maintained around 2200 kcal/day. Well, with reverse dieting, to bridge that 500 kcal gap, expect about 2 extra months of staying more or less in restriction. That's a long time!

The benefits nonetheless

Look, I'm not going to completely dismiss it either. Despite its flaws, I think reverse dieting has had the merit of drawing attention to a real issue: how to properly manage the post-diet period so as not to waste all your efforts.

It's true that the "yesss I've reached my goal, I can finally indulge in food" reflex can do some damage... Watch out for the yo-yo effect! Many underestimate the fact that after significant weight loss, caloric needs are no longer the same as before the diet. So if you start eating as if nothing happened, it's bound to get out of hand...

So yes, you need to calculate your new maintenance calorie level based on your new stable weight. And it's in your best interest not to go from restriction to maintenance overnight.

My transition method

For this, I advise my clients what I call a "transition diet", which allows them to return to a normal diet in a controlled way, without extending the diet for weeks. The principle is very simple:

  1. Calculate your new maintenance calories based on your new weight (using a basic TDEE calculator). For example, let's say 2200 kcal.
  2. Find the difference between this target level and the average calories consumed at the end of the diet. For example, you finish at 1700 kcal, so the gap is 500 kcal.
  3. Divide this gap in half, and add half in the first post-diet week (so 250 kcal more here). Then the other half the second week. And there you have it!

In just 15 days, you've reacquainted yourself with your new maintenance calorie intake, at your own pace, without prolonging the restriction phase. Of course, you should expect a small fluctuation on the scale at first, it's normal: more food on the plate = more water in the body. But it stabilizes very quickly.

After that, everyone does it a bit their own way! If you're in a real hurry, you can also go straight to maintenance in one step. I just advise to go easy on rich and dense foods the first few days, so as not to "surprise" the body too much at once! But it's totally manageable.

There you have it folks, I hope this little overview will have given you some food for thought if you too were wondering about this famous method! Feel free to tell me what you think in the comments. Have you already tried reverse dieting? A post-diet transition method that has convinced you? I'm curious to hear about your experiences!

Good luck to all those finishing their cut, enjoy being able to FINALLY eat properly again without guilt! You've earned it!!