OP thinks bloodwork is useless, thus everyone, including you, is just guessing what the problem is.
Let's not pretend this is a well informed thread.
Regardless we should give people good advice.
It wouldn't be hard to start out in the wrong places learning about AAS and not know what is what, I'm sure i can find posts all over the internet of people saying bloodwork is useless on masteron due to some "half truth" reasoning like it can give you low estrogen side effects while having normal estrogen, or that it can make you feel like your estrogen is range, despite having high estrogen.
Then combine this with the fact it seems like the people that are most against A.Is, and have the most controversial opinions seem to be the loudest people in some places. spamming how bad A.Is are and how you dont need to take them, and how you should take EQ/PRIMO/MAST instead or people that believe that having triple digit e2 is totally fine, giving advice out to new people. These people are the loudest and most confident (because of their estrogen) and i cant fault any new user for listening to this advice.
This is why we get so many primo and masteron questions.
We even had a guy get told to stop taking A.I despite having bloodwork that his e2 was PERFECT on aromasin, literally within 1 p/mol of his natural levels, and told to take proviron instead.
i was in a steroid discord and I merely said how much a.i I was taking, an hour later someone tagged and replied to me, spamming how toxic A.I was and im going to die, went so far as using voice messages so they can preach to me while they were at work, frantically telling me how bad it was. So i cant fault these new guys for having no idea what they are doing when there are some real weridos in this space now