New Member
We were asked to post here by request of a member from your board. We have been providing US domestic analytical services for AAS for a few years now and other substances for much longer, working primarily on SST and with vendors from various DNMs.
We primarily use HPLC/MS, but we also have the ability to perform SEC and other analytical methods. We ask that you please send blind samples unless you absolutely want to label them for some reason, but we much prefer you give us as little information about the substance as possible to avoid doubt.
Here are some examples of the results you would receive: .
Links to recent blind sample tests:
Checkmate Labs Test E
Southern Compounding Aromasin Energy Control
EC Analytical - SoCo's Test E 400mg/mL - 396mg/mL
Texas Mass Tren Ace Lab Analysis by EnergyControl - 126mg/mL
Anadrol from AG February/March by Energy Control
Your results are always guaranteed. If there is ever doubt and you provide an identical sample to have tested by a different analytical services that we approve, upon receipt of results and proof of prior purchase with us we will completely refund our test, because we are that confident in our results and know it will only serve to propagate trust in our abilities.
Until 05/31/2018, vendors may supply us a sample of Oxandrolone (Anavar) for 1/2 price to prove they are selling legitimate product.
Prices and additional information can be found here: .
All the best,
We were asked to post here by request of a member from your board. We have been providing US domestic analytical services for AAS for a few years now and other substances for much longer, working primarily on SST and with vendors from various DNMs.
We primarily use HPLC/MS, but we also have the ability to perform SEC and other analytical methods. We ask that you please send blind samples unless you absolutely want to label them for some reason, but we much prefer you give us as little information about the substance as possible to avoid doubt.
Here are some examples of the results you would receive: .
Links to recent blind sample tests:
Checkmate Labs Test E
Southern Compounding Aromasin Energy Control
EC Analytical - SoCo's Test E 400mg/mL - 396mg/mL
Texas Mass Tren Ace Lab Analysis by EnergyControl - 126mg/mL
Anadrol from AG February/March by Energy Control
Your results are always guaranteed. If there is ever doubt and you provide an identical sample to have tested by a different analytical services that we approve, upon receipt of results and proof of prior purchase with us we will completely refund our test, because we are that confident in our results and know it will only serve to propagate trust in our abilities.
Until 05/31/2018, vendors may supply us a sample of Oxandrolone (Anavar) for 1/2 price to prove they are selling legitimate product.
Prices and additional information can be found here: .
All the best,
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