Elbow pain on bottom/tip of elbow when pressing


Well-known Member
This is something I've dealt with off and on for several years. I get bad elbow pain on the bottom of my elbow, right around the "point" if that makes sense. Sometimes minimal, sometimes really gets in the way of training. Pressing movements I can sometimes work around it, but I'll be aware the rest of the day.

With something like cable push downs if I start super light and do a bunch of high Rep warm up sets, usually I can get it manageable. It also hurts if I were to try to get up off the floor by pushing off on that elbow.

Does anyone know specifically what that type of elbow pain would be called so I can research some ways to address it? From what I see it wouldn't be considered tennis elbow or golfers elbow.

I am currently trying to treat it with bpc 157 since it's recently been flared up due to heavy db pressing and dips. Two weeks into bpc 157 but haven't made much progress.

I'm also going to work on foam rolling and stretching my lat and tricep to see if they may be contributing.
That's the triceps tendon, pretty sure because I have it also. Triceps tendonitis maybe? I believe mine came from my muscles getting strong faster than my tendons.
That's the triceps tendon, pretty sure because I have it also. Triceps tendonitis maybe? I believe mine came from my muscles getting strong faster than my tendons.
Right on, that's definitely what hurts. What have you found as an effective way to treat it? triceps-tendon.png
Right on, that's definitely what hurts. What have you found as an effective way to treat it? View attachment 166878
I do a lot of vertical and horizontal pressing. I often have issues with my elbows. For me personally, I have realized that I need to do constant soft tissue work on my triceps and stretch my lats really well. Those two things keep my elbows serviceable
I do a lot of vertical and horizontal pressing. I often have issues with my elbows. For me personally, I have realized that I need to do constant soft tissue work on my triceps and stretch my lats really well. Those two things keep my elbows serviceable
Thats what I was thinking. Also being good about doing it very often, not just before a push workout
Thats what I was thinking. Also being good about doing it very often, not just before a push workout
When I'm really having troubles, I'll set an alarm to do my soft tissue work 3 times per day. When it is controlled, 1x/day is enough
I have the same problem right now. I couldn't lean my hand on the table. My doctor said it was a triceps attachment. He gave me an injection of corticosteroids right in that place. I didn't train for 1 week and I was very relieved. I felt the difference was already after 3 days. Today is the month, I use bpc157 to avoid French pressure on the triceps and I can train 100%. Stretching exercises for triceps only light weight.
Distal tricep tendon attachment, definitely be proactive with that fucker (coming from a guy who had a full detachment over 2 years ago)

On days you press or work triceps I’d suggest 800mg ibuprofen that morning to keep inflammation down, hit up a Chiro for ultrasound to the area 1-2x weekly consistently, on tricep press downs go high above your head rather than to the chest (it takes a good bit off the lower tendon and puts more on the tricep muscle rather than the tendon/joint)

Stay hydrated, on pressing movements it’s not a bad idea to do 3/4 reps and don’t lock out! Slower rep speeds with a moderate weight is better than max poundage’s as well.
Also, another good exercise is to do cable French presses and go behind the head and really get a good stretch to the triceps, I like an incline bench myself as it takes a lot off the tendons doing this movement. Another tip to do is to begin and end each workout where you’re pressing or doing triceps with a deep stretch holding a dumbbell (think one arm db tricep extensions only you’re simply going to grab like a 30-40 lb dumbbell and stretch as deep as possible for a minute or two with that arm
I had this issue before, and so have a few of my friends. I remember reading around and found this protocol mentioned in a few other places. It's my go to method for rehabbing cranky joints like that and it's helped the loads of people I recommend. (Think Tate and JM go into this as well with one table talk.) Basically- work the joint with light ass weight for high ass reps. That is, for your elbows, doing normal or hammer curls and pushdowns or extensions with 5-15 lbs (LIGHT) for sets of at least 20 and up to even 50 reps. For knees, it'd be extensions and curls, same protocol. The logic is to basically bring a ton of blood into the afflicted joint/tendons and stimulate it to heal/recover/strengthen. Especially being powerlifters, curls often get neglected but those are important for elbow health and providing balance/support from the other side. So now you have an extra excuse to do some curls for the girls! And also at least for me personally, on the curls, I try to focus on a full extension and try to feel the weight "stretch" the tendon.
Also, another good exercise is to do cable French presses and go behind the head and really get a good stretch to the triceps, I like an incline bench myself as it takes a lot off the tendons doing this movement. Another tip to do is to begin and end each workout where you’re pressing or doing triceps with a deep stretch holding a dumbbell (think one arm db tricep extensions only you’re simply going to grab like a 30-40 lb dumbbell and stretch as deep as possible for a minute or two with that arm
So I went to this for a long time in order to understand these obvious things, what you write, I did not do and did not understand why I had problems. I read and realized what I came to intuitively.