Enhanced Testing Database

Wait I thought you weren’t the leader here yet you keep talking and trying to take control. You said a couple days ago you’re responsible for leading the testing and will be crucified if you don’t but get attacked when you do. Now you’re saying you never wanted to be the leader. You keep bouncing back and forth just like how you were going to be Shiite and take a step back then seconds later decided nah.

Please stop.

This is not making you look good now.

Look at the title of the thread.

It goes back to that and on topic only.

If you want to write him about other stuff, there is a random stuff thread out there you can tag him at OR if it is about testing, go to his other thread.

Holy fucking shit. The Chinese vendor operatives have taken over this thread and turned it into a total shit show. Fuck all you guys against additional testing. Get a life and get the fuck out of this thread. Go start a new thread called "Enhanced Chinese Vendor Dick Sucking Database" and bitch there.
Holy fucking shit. The Chinese vendor operatives have taken over this thread and turned it into a total shit show. Fuck all you guys against additional testing. Get a life and get the fuck out of this thread. Go start a new thread called "Enhanced Chinese Dick Sucking Database" and bitch there.
Let's post your tests and you post mine.
Let's post your tests and you post mine.
Uhh. Does this sentence make sense to anyone?

What do your tests have to do with the topic of this thread? How about you start a new thread to flex your tests and we'll go there to judge/praise you accordingly.

In other words, stay on topic.
Uhh. Does this sentence make sense to anyone?

What do your tests have to do with the topic of this thread? How about you start a new thread to flex your tests and we'll go there to judge/praise you accordingly.

In other words, stay on topic.
Piss off moron. No one is sucking the Chinese vendors dick.

You just came out of nowhere and said we are against testing.

You prove my point when you havent posted Jack shit.
Uhh. Does this sentence make sense to anyone?

What do your tests have to do with the topic of this thread? How about you start a new thread to flex your tests and we'll go there to judge/praise you accordingly.

In other words, stay on topic.

Everything here had quietened down.
Why you came back to reignite things, I am not sure, but you can say.
What is this for?

Holy fucking shit. The Chinese vendor operatives have taken over this thread and turned it into a total shit show. Fuck all you guys against additional testing. Get a life and get the fuck out of this thread. Go start a new thread called "Enhanced Chinese Vendor Dick Sucking Database" and bitch there.
Holy fucking shit. The Chinese vendor operatives have taken over this thread and turned it into a total shit show. Fuck all you guys against additional testing. Get a life and get the fuck out of this thread. Go start a new thread called "Enhanced Chinese Vendor Dick Sucking Database" and bitch there.

Did you even read the thread? There has been A LOT of conflict but none was to do with anyone supporting a Chinese vendor. Go away…
No one is sucking the Chinese vendors dick.
25 pages of anti-testing shit posting since Saturday (6 days ago) says otherwise.

You just came out of nowhere and said we are against testing.
Good, you're for enhanced testing now help keep this thread on topic.

You prove my point when you havent posted Jack shit.
I have nothing to add to the database (the thread topic).

Why you came back to reignite things,
I apologize. It was hard to read page after page of off topic trash.

If we are not contributing to the database, we should all shut the hell up.
Did you even read the thread? There has been A LOT of conflict but none was to do with anyone supporting a Chinese vendor. Go away…

He is just latching onto what Liter O Test has been saying, for a long time, now, in multiple threads.
25 pages of anti-testing shit posting since Saturday (6 days ago) says otherwise

people on this forum have their own motives for what they say. If you follow enough you can read between the lines. testing benefits everyone, especially additional testing the raws. I personally won't want to communicate with a number people here based off the way the carry themselves (if their points are valid or not) . I don't partake in the thumbs up/down because im not trying to take sides in petty bs.
25 pages of anti-testing shit posting since Saturday (6 days ago) says otherwise.

Good, you're for enhanced testing now help keep this thread on topic.

I have nothing to add to the database (the thread topic).

I apologize. It was hard to read page after page of off topic trash.

If we are not contributing to the database, we should all shut the hell up.
What if someone such as @Spaceman Spiff is THEIR OWN DATABASE of harm reduction and does not need to be part of any other? Some people have already shown with their PAST contributions that they have gone above and beyond but have no desire to have their username changed to ORANGE. Some people demand credibility and some people actually earn it.
What if someone such as @Spaceman Spiff is THEIR OWN DATABASE of harm reduction and does not need to be part of any other? Some people have already shown with their PAST contributions that they have gone above and beyond but have no desire to have their username changed to ORANGE. Some people demand credibility and some people actually earn it.
I've asked 3 times to post discussion items in the other thread. The scope of this thread is clear and I'd like to to get it back on topic and keep it there.

Thread to track all of the great vendor / member activities in the enhanced testing arena. The other thread covers only Projects 1 - 3 (demonstration); vendor/member activity can be found here.

Slowly a surveillance database for raw AAS and GH quality/impurities can be built for additional testing (additional to API purity, HPLC, etc ). If nothing is found then that's a great result to track as well. The data will be available for those interested.


1. Hplc Purity
3. Expanded metals list
4. Endotoxins
5. Residual solvents
6. Sterility

Please do not dilute this thread further.
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