EU domestic source talk

Ephedrin is a big topic. It's like Ritalin.
So it's pushes you complete body. Often you have a cooling down phase where you are complete down (fucked up).
So if you take it in the morning and then you go to the gym it can be solution. If you take it in the evening I can assure you can't sleep.

It's generally good to minimale the appetite (like every drug do), to push your body (more energy, more concentration) and to reduce fat.

There are a lot of negativ effects.
You get used to it quickly and therefore have to increase the dose quickly. High blood pressure. You can't sleep. Down phase after you use it. Ect.

Please read a lot of the topic before you use it.
Ephedrine is a rather mild stimulant, in fact.

However, the legal repercussions that come with it being a precursor are far too serious most everywhere in EU to warrant its use.

Or maybe I'm just becoming a paranoid old fart.
Ephedrine is a rather mild stimulant, in fact.

However, the legal repercussions that come with it being a precursor are far too serious most everywhere in EU to warrant its use.

Or maybe I'm just becoming a paranoid old fart.
Ephedrine = meth in the eyes of LE so that's why almost no sources have it and are willingly to deal with it.

And that's why I prefer clen or salbutamol then to risk dealing with ephedrine. Yeah it's crazy but it is what it is.
Ephedrine is a rather mild stimulant, in fact.

However, the legal repercussions that come with it being a precursor are far too serious most everywhere in EU to warrant its use.

Or maybe I'm just becoming a paranoid old fart.
Depends on the quality and the application.

Ephedrine IV 50-100mg is extremly powerful and nearly on a level with lowdose Meth (the upcoming and first steps of euphoria) yes i did ultra pure meth in the past and can compare it, meth lasts just way longer and the mental effects are kinda aggressive.
Depends on the quality and the application.

Ephedrine IV 50-100mg is extremly powerful and nearly on a level with lowdose Meth (the upcoming and first steps of euphoria) yes i did ultra pure meth in the past and can compare it, meth lasts just way longer and the mental effects are kinda aggressive.
Who the fuck would ever do ephedrine IV? A fucking junky surely not a bodybuilder lol
Who the fuck would ever do ephedrine IV? A fucking junky surely not a bodybuilder lol
Because it works and advanced bodybuilders aren't afraid of IV, most of them coached by top coaches are getting prescribed Vitamin C or B12 Injects, a serious open class bb I've known in the past is using l-glutathione infusions, besides i don't know the correct term for it, google translate call it "bloodletting", you draw your own blood with a needle to decrease your hematocrit level, thats pretty common.

These are a few examples whats real happening in bodybuilding just because your standard is pretty low doesn't mean "bodybuilders don't do that" of course they do, in competitive bodybuilding this fairly common but not openly discussed because the professional athletes aren't showing everything to everyone on Instagram, its not good promotion to draw a half liter syrup like blood into an old sprite bottle.

so have your opinion I've just tried to explain it to you in an understandable way, because in my opinion its important to talk about stuff like that because education is important even if you not even consider using something that way.
Because it works and advanced bodybuilders aren't afraid of IV, most of them coached by top coaches are getting prescribed Vitamin C or B12 Injects, a serious open class bb I've known in the past is using l-glutathione infusions, besides i don't know the correct term for it, google translate call it "bloodletting", you draw your own blood with a needle to decrease your hematocrit level, thats pretty common.

These are a few examples whats real happening in bodybuilding just because your standard is pretty low doesn't mean "bodybuilders don't do that" of course they do, in competitive bodybuilding this fairly common but not openly discussed because the professional athletes aren't showing everything to everyone on Instagram, its not good promotion to draw a half liter syrup like blood into an old sprite bottle.

so have your opinion I've just tried to explain it to you in an understandable way, because in my opinion its important to talk about stuff like that because education is important even if you not even consider using something that way.
Bloodletting ahahaha that's a fucking self plebhotomy. So you are trying to explain to me something you don't even know how to write about it. My standard is pretty low ahahah no my standard is the one of an amateur bodybuilder that's trying to gather as much information on how to do this cycling AAS thing in the most safest way possible while reaping the benefit of it.

There is a line I guess, when you start talking about injecting stuff in your veins and how ephedrine is close to meth and trying to justify these talks with: well competitive bodybuilders does that. Oh really? Are you a competitive bodybuilder? Do you earn money from your injecting stuff in your vein? I have met in real life quite few ppl with really amazing physique that I have become close acquaintance and telling you the truth they don't use half the stuff is talked regularly here, imagine IV injection of various stuff lol

Oh and one of those few have won the most famous tournament in Italy that is called DueTorri. Still a fairly small one sure, but well one I still never be able to win even after a lifetime of training and cycling... And with me a fairly big percentage of the ppl here.

so yeah let's all shoot ourself in our fucking veins so that we all can become the Ronnie Coleman of the future.
Harm reduction board right? Dafuq
Ephedrine is a rather mild stimulant, in fact.

However, the legal repercussions that come with it being a precursor are far too serious most everywhere in EU to warrant its use.

Or maybe I'm just becoming a paranoid old fart.
Primatene tablets are my go to when i need ephedrine.
Whats ephedrine like? Is it like clen? Is it hard to sleep from it?does it help burn fat or just an appetite suppressant?
And what's the difference between tabs and injectabiles?
I have adhd so stimulants put me to sleep. Ephedrine with caffeine makes me hot and i can train but not well.
Bloodletting ahahaha that's a fucking self plebhotomy. So you are trying to explain to me something you don't even know how to write about it. My standard is pretty low ahahah no my standard is the one of an amateur bodybuilder that's trying to gather as much information on how to do this cycling AAS thing in the most safest way possible while reaping the benefit of it.

There is a line I guess, when you start talking about injecting stuff in your veins and how ephedrine is close to meth and trying to justify these talks with: well competitive bodybuilders does that. Oh really? Are you a competitive bodybuilder? Do you earn money from your injecting stuff in your vein? I have met in real life quite few ppl with really amazing physique that I have become close acquaintance and telling you the truth they don't use half the stuff is talked regularly here, imagine IV injection of various stuff lol

Oh and one of those few have won the most famous tournament in Italy that is called DueTorri. Still a fairly small one sure, but well one I still never be able to win even after a lifetime of training and cycling... And with me a fairly big percentage of the ppl here.

so yeah let's all shoot ourself in our fucking veins so that we all can become the Ronnie Coleman of the future.
Harm reduction board right? Dafuq
I couldn't describe the "bloodletting" correctly because im not a native English speaker. What should i tell you more about, when your "people" are telling you that they don't take more than the poeple here, you're free to believe what you want. People who are actually paid top tier coaches can confirm that, i actually paid money myself in the past to acquire these informations, do whatever you want, i can see that your choice of words is reflecting your knowhow about these topics.

Maybe you can reflect to yourself, youre gathering here information for AAS use and state youre a competitive bodybuilder, maybe you should stop listening to "guys you know" and pay the money yourself and get some real knowledge. But since i know one or another they would ditch you relatively fast because your behavior is not suitable to work with professionals. The quality of your postings are very low and offensive, i tried to explain actual knowledge how its in practical applications and your just acting like a kid.

People who actually can select information can see thru this and im not in the mood to discuss anything more because it doesn't make any sense.
I couldn't describe the "bloodletting" correctly because im not a native English speaker. What should i tell you more about, when your "people" are telling you that they don't take more than the poeple here, you're free to believe what you want. People who are actually paid top tier coaches can confirm that, i actually paid money myself in the past to acquire these informations, do whatever you want, i can see that your choice of words is reflecting your knowhow about these topics.

Maybe you can reflect to yourself, youre gathering here information for AAS use and state youre a competitive bodybuilder, maybe you should stop listening to "guys you know" and pay the money yourself and get some real knowledge. But since i know one or another they would ditch you relatively fast because your behavior is not suitable to work with professionals. The quality of your postings are very low and offensive, i tried to explain actual knowledge how its in practical applications and your just acting like a kid.

People who actually can select information can see thru this and im not in the mood to discuss anything more because it doesn't make any sense.
If you paid money for such advice you are due a refund.
Anyone in Spain able to tell me how to get bac water within 4 days? Usually I import from UK but needing it before I leave Catalonia
There's a good chance you'll be able to make it yourself. Here we have sterile distilled water in vials for sale at the pharmacy. Produced by B Braun. And I was also able to find BA domestically.
Ephedrin is a big topic. It's like Ritalin.
So it's pushes you complete body. Often you have a cooling down phase where you are complete down (fucked up).
So if you take it in the morning and then you go to the gym it can be solution. If you take it in the evening I can assure you can't sleep.

It's generally good to minimale the appetite (like every drug do), to push your body (more energy, more concentration) and to reduce fat.

There are a lot of negativ effects.
You get used to it quickly and therefore have to increase the dose quickly. High blood pressure. You can't sleep. Down phase after you use it. Ect.

Please read a lot of the topic before you use it.

Ephedrine stays effective for fat loss even if you don't notice its stimulant effect anymore
Except clenbuterol is cardiotoxic and kills heart cells on contact. Ephedrine doesn't.
Did I say the opposite? I just said that both works even if the stimulant effect wears off after a bit.

Ephedrine is a precursor so is hard to get by at least where I live. So it's not an option.
Did I say the opposite? I just said that both works even if the stimulant effect wears off after a bit.

Ephedrine is a precursor so is hard to get by at least where I live. So it's not an option.
You are confusing ephedrine with psuedoephedrine. You aint cooking dope with ephedrine believe that.

Go to local pharmacy or walmart or whatever ask for Primatene Tablets (or Bronkaid if they dont have them) and you should be gtg.

Primatene are ephedrine hcl while bronkaid are ephedrine sulphate. Bronkaid will give you more energy/focus primatene work for longer duration.

Both should be readily available and cheap. Throw in 200mgs caffeine and you are all set.
2 primatene=25mgs but bronkaid kinda.need more i usually need 3 at a time.