MESO-Rx Sponsor EuPharmaqo - EU DOMESTIC

I know a good neighbor who has been ordering to his home for years - by overseas delivery with correct data.

God loves this person and he has had no problems for years.
Why still so negative? He is making an effort and with all the numerous orders still waiting, mistakes can happen.
its just the same guy with some alt accounts. he is just mad. he has been calling me a scammer for a month, and now, that everyone sees that I am shipping, he needs to find other shit to blame

just dont even read these guys, they dont bring anything good to the community
Package arrived today, but what I ordered isn't there, but there are lots of freebies.
Probably freebies around the order value.

Still grateful that at least a order arrived
what is missing? if its sustanon, I added 3 test E instead of 1 sust because I went OOS packing
Hoping my package arrives somehow, according to the tracking my package cannot be delivered because of an error in the adress :confused:
Boss, when can we expect the remaining IDs?

Should theoretically arrive tomorrow? Whether ID or not.
mail me with id, but if you did not receive it means I still dont have it. as I said if you dont get the mail means I am still waiting for it
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