MESO-Rx Sponsor EuPharmaqo - EU DOMESTIC

Same here!

My adress was not correct and it was missing a few things, so i had to call them and ask to change it and explain it

It was supposed to be arriving for the past 3 days but no luck, after a call again today they now lost my package internally as the adres provided by the sender was not done properly in the first place

Been told that they will start an internal investigation which takes about 14 workdays minimum. No updates on tracking and sometimes the tracking doesnt work either

This whole process is so frustrating, never had these issues with any other source really and this is going to make it 4 months now waiting for the stuff

I just want my stuff, placing a new order is probably even faster than this
Not sure if I wanted delivery services investigate too deeply considering the content. Was it already in the destination country and past customs (if you can tell), if I may ask?
I hope it will end well for everyone.
Not sure if I wanted delivery services investigate too deeply considering the content. Was it already in the destination country and past customs (if you can tell), if I may ask?
I hope it will end well for everyone.

Its basically at the delivery center next city but they cannot find the adress as the adress provided by the shipper is wrong, after asking them to drop it off at a new location the package got "lost"

It will now be investigated internally there where the package ended up, 50/50 chance is that it will be just sent back as they still cannot find the right adress or the package is lost.

Either way, it makes me frustrated as fuck as its now 4 months in total waiting for my stuff
@EuPharmaqo besides the waiting time, I got nothing to complain. Bubble wrapped so it wouldn't break. Yes, it was duck taped, but as long as it gets shipped I'm happy. Will let you know once I get around to use it.
Enjoy your holiday in the Bahamas with your rolex and our money
what about the bitches
Anyone else having problems with dpd?
I could track my package with the ID and it supposed to arrive today. But now it can’t even find the package in the system
mail me. lets see what we can do. but the best thing is always to contact nearest DPD workstation with the tracking
Hello guys,

The eagle has landed. One week after receiving T&T code. Thanks EuPharmaqo
Order received form him
Yes. The idiot delivered the package to the wrong house and so I went down the street knocking on doors till I found my parcel. Adres on package was correct. Lazy dpd driver I quess
Order received

thanks for taking a minute to post that everything arrived !!
Its basically at the delivery center next city but they cannot find the adress as the adress provided by the shipper is wrong, after asking them to drop it off at a new location the package got "lost"

It will now be investigated internally there where the package ended up, 50/50 chance is that it will be just sent back as they still cannot find the right adress or the package is lost.

Either way, it makes me frustrated as fuck as its now 4 months in total waiting for my stuff
Thanks. Maybe they can also simply put it to a near shop that offers services for the delivery company, if you would be willing to pick it up there. Like a gas station.
Mine is still in transit in the country of origin.
Thanks. Maybe they can also simply put it to a near shop that offers services for the delivery company, if you would be willing to pick it up there. Like a gas station.
Mine is still in transit in the country of origin.
Asked for that already but since they cannot find the package internally its not possible at the moment, they started to trace the package back but this kind of investigation takes quite some time they say, a bunch of national holidays coming up as well here so that will delay it further
will arrive. relax bud. the same way its arriving for everyone
I would love to chill out. If I finally knew when I would receive my parcel, let alone be able to locate it using a tracking ID. Sayings don't help me there either. I'm sorry.

If everything goes smoothly and promptly, I'll be happy to give you great feedback and recommend you to other people I know.
Let's get serious. If all the parcels were sent on Thursday, then it should arrive today at the latest, shouldn't it?

That's 4 working days. If I am wrong, please correct me.
The delivery person, after I asked for my parcel ...


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hey guys need a new supplier for my trt. since i am used to enantate, are there any reports of pip regarding your test e 300? i am asking because there are many reports of pip when it comes to enantate from several suppliers.
would like to do a test order.
Well guys, I've been reading this post for a while but I never wanted to give my opinion, and the truth is that with everything I was reading I was getting a little nervous, but luckily on several previous occasions I had already spoken with @EuPharmaqo and I was 90% clear that he was not a scammer. Exactly 2 days ago I received the email with the tracking number and just today I received the package, so I can only say that now that 90% becomes a 100% security with this seller and even more seeing that I had previous customers who were already happy with him.

I understand that most of the people here have distrusted or even still distrust the simple fact that initially it was going to be a few weeks the transfer of the warehouse and in the end it has been months, but guys, think that this is not just a warehouse move, think that we are facing a serious issue of black market that lately is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY watched by the authorities, so I can perfectly understand that this process has been delayed so much in time but beware and the fact that @EuPharmaqo did not answer you quickly but think of the thousands of people who would be contacting him daily.

For my part, I am very happy and everything is fine, nothing more to add.

WhatsApp Image 2024-05-29 at 14.06.55.jpeg
I can tell you all white capped vials I had in the past were underdosed ,Sustanon 230mg ,Test E 270mg ,Mast E 95mg ,Tren E 160mg.