Experienced gh users question.

You think you're cute. I get it. You see yourself as the Eddie Haskell of Meso. He got on my nerves, too. I think you just talk to be able to go back and read it sometimes. I'm guilty of that myself. I'll be happy when you get new material to replace this generic gh is as good a pharm grade shit.
People describe moderate [if any] differences between pharma and UGL.

You're describing a huge difference (bloated as hell vs. none of that), and at double the dose of pharma.

Something seems off.
People with real experience describe the big difference because its true, for the most part. I'm sure there are exceptions. I'm also sure you're not the exception.
lilhawk and I have talked about this subject many times over the years. He's not off.
how dare you
Legitimate question. I have not honestly seen a stim tested whatsoever but I know atoms are some of the best pharma and I was so close to ordering them and still might if they’re is irrefutable proof that I will have better results on them at half the dose of generics say 3iu stims compared to 6 iu generic or even more bc I would rather not have the sides or bloat and all then benefits on less iu which cause a a lot lesss insulin sensitivity and whatnot
People with real experience describe the big difference because its true, for the most part. I'm sure there are exceptions. I'm also sure you're not the exception.
lilhawk and I have talked about this subject many times over the years. He's not off.

@lilhawk said:

4 IU UGL GH = bloated as hell
6-8 IU pharma GH = none of that

Huge difference, considering the doses. Zero side effects on twice the dose of pharma; huge side effects on half the dose of UGL.

believe what you want
@lilhawk said:

4 IU UGL GH = bloated as hell
6-8 IU pharma GH = none of that

Huge difference, considering the doses. Zero side effects on twice the dose of pharma; huge side effects on half the dose of UGL.

believe what you want
Well sounds like a theory that has to be tested individually but damn 4 II of atoms a day is like 600 month lol it better ducking be worth it
Legitimate question. I have not honestly seen a stim tested whatsoever but I know atoms are some of the best pharma and I was so close to ordering them and still might if they’re is irrefutable proof that I will have better results on them at half the dose of generics say 3iu stims compared to 6 iu generic or even more bc I would rather not have the sides or bloat and all then benefits on less iu which cause a a lot lesss insulin sensitivity and whatnot

agree, purity and also dimer on serostim, genotropin, & cinnatropin
But are sero really that good compared to price of generics that test as well as they do? Also have you seen a sero tested with results I can see? Just wandering bc awhile back I almost started to try them from a source where I know they’re legit but never pulled the trigger bc the price. Also how many iu day are talking on stims
Is it worth it? Depends on how much the Seros are costing you. At this point in my life the kids are grown.....We eat out pretty much every night...I'm not going to go backwards and start counting pennies when it comes to something that improves my quality of life as much as it does.

I've never been a drinker or narcotics user. My wife and I have introduced DMT into our nightly bedroom play. She's 12 years younger than myself. I've got TriMix if I'm over tired and the ed pills for a kick. Better living through pharmacology.

I run 6iu's ed one shot before bed. Metformin, T4, and 500mg(give or take) of Testosterone every week. I'll add 400mg of Primo for a couple of months and bump the Seros to 9iu/ed and then slin as well.

My Son In Law won his Pro Card at Nationals in Vegas last July. He's lucky to have me. I can't barely stand him myself. I thought I was self Centered. But he's family, for now. My daughter is my ex's twin. He has no idea what pain is. Its coming though. He's responsible for giving me my Granddaughter so he gets some credit.

You asked if there were any tests I can point you to? Years ago when Opti wasn't as busy as he is now....he hit me up and asked if I would send him a vial of Seros to send to Jano to test and compare his generics to. I did. I don't remember what if anything important became of the results? There are things that the results aren't going to be able to explain. @Spaceman Spiff may be able to expand on the testing some more?
Is it worth it? Depends on how much the Seros are costing you. At this point in my life the kids are grown.....We eat out pretty much every night...I'm not going to go backwards and start counting pennies when it comes to something that improves my quality of life as much as it does.

I've never been a drinker or narcotics user. My wife and I have introduced DMT into our nightly bedroom play. She's 12 years younger than myself. I've got TriMix if I'm over tired and the ed pills for a kick. Better living through pharmacology.

I run 6iu's ed one shot before bed. Metformin, T4, and 500mg(give or take) of Testosterone every week. I'll add 400mg of Primo for a couple of months and bump the Seros to 9iu/ed and then slin as well.

My Son In Law won his Pro Card at Nationals in Vegas last July. He's lucky to have me. I can't barely stand him myself. I thought I was self Centered. But he's family, for now. My daughter is my ex's twin. He has no idea what pain is. Its coming though. He's responsible for giving me my Granddaughter so he gets some credit.

You asked if there were any tests I can point you to? Years ago when Opti wasn't as busy as he is now....he hit me up and asked if I would send him a vial of Seros to send to Jano to test and compare his generics to. I did. I don't remember what if anything important became of the results? There are things that the results aren't going to be able to explain. @Spaceman Spiff may be able to expand on the testing some more?
Yeah that’s a lot of stims to run a day lol shit. I don’t have that type of money now with three kids all under 12. They eat as much as me!! Source for them is on here if you search hard enough and I know you know him as you’ve been here this long. I’m pretty sure it’s like 590 a kit. I think that’s pretty decent as I haven’t found it any cheaper that’s reliable in my opinion. Would like to see what results of them look like. I feel everyone responds to every sources gh different bc people hated on godtropin back in the day and me and my bro experience was phenomenal compared to other well known sources still used today. But the pharma has always intrigued me. If anyone does have some info or test on them I would appreciate it. What about the ansomone? Never tried them either?
I have no dog in this fight but for what it's worth...I have also seen no difference in Pharma (Omnitropin) and generics. I am a hyper responder and routinely get 450+ from my 2.4 iu daily, nightime, 5/2. I actually had more hand/wrist numbness on Omnitrope than my current generics. And considering the price difference, I feel like it's Christmas every time I get kits in.

I think the difference in opinion here could relate to higher doses, where differences would become more apparent than the with the doses I use.

I do wonder though if increased sides are necessarily associated with dimer/impurities or if effectiveness AND genetics are more to blame. The clinic I used to get Pharma Omni from offered the same advice on their pharma GH - "if you start to get numbness and/or bloating just decrease the dose until these sides are gone/tolerable". So sides are also a thing even with pharma. To some extant its just the nature of the beast.

Just my opinion as a long time, low dose user.
I have no dog in this fight but for what it's worth...I have also seen no difference in Pharma (Omnitropin) and generics. I am a hyper responder and routinely get 450+ from my 2.4 iu daily, nightime, 5/2. I actually had more hand/wrist numbness on Omnitrope than my current generics. And considering the price difference, I feel like it's Christmas every time I get kits in.

I think the difference in opinion here could relate to higher doses, where differences would become more apparent than the with the doses I use.

I do wonder though if increased sides are necessarily associated with dimer/impurities or if effectiveness AND genetics are more to blame. The clinic I used to get Pharma Omni from offered the same advice on their pharma GH - "if you start to get numbness and/or bloating just decrease the dose until these sides are gone/tolerable". So sides are also a thing even with pharma. To some extant its just the nature of the beast.

Just my opinion as a long time, low dose user.
I actually agree with you on the dimer/jmpurities issue. I feel the sides more when they have dimmer in the kits than without. Might be just me but that’s my experience as well so to each his own. Thanks for the input
never posted before but read and lurk/learn a lot here from you all - you all are a tough group :) please be kind. I just wanted to add that - in case folks didn’t see it - a Jano test on seros earlier this spring came back 99% purity with an under dose of around 16ius instead of 18ius. Also, though not an experienced HGH user like many of you, I do run Seros for several months then alternate with QsC HGH for a couple months (mainly to help with cost). Rinse, repeat. Works for me. Although I only do 2ius/day, for me personally there seems to be no diff in terms of water bloat or sides between the two at this low dose. Perhaps at higher IUs the diff becomes more apparent…I will run labs soon to see what my levels look like too.
never posted before but read and lurk/learn a lot here from you all - you all are a tough group :) please be kind. I just wanted to add that - in case folks didn’t see it - a Jano test on seros earlier this spring came back 99% purity with an under dose of around 16ius instead of 18ius. Also, though not an experienced HGH user like many of you, I do run Seros for several months then alternate with QsC HGH for a couple months (mainly to help with cost). Rinse, repeat. Works for me. Although I only do 2ius/day, for me personally there seems to be no diff in terms of water bloat or sides between the two at this low dose. Perhaps at higher IUs the diff becomes more apparent…I will run labs soon to see what my levels look like too.
Thanks for letting me know your experience. Do you have the link to the test I could see and underdosed by 2 II is like 12 II a kit correct? That sucks to pay that much for pharmacy and be short ed almost 4 mg a kit. Nice to know the gh isn’t much different from generic for you but honestly if it is why even run sero. I just order 2 36 iu kits from wax on their GB bc they tested pretty well and overdosed to like 42-44 a vial.

(Also if you’ve never posted to the introductory thread and post to be welcomed to the community)
Thanks for letting me know your experience. Do you have the link to the test I could see and underdosed by 2 II is like 12 II a kit correct? That sucks to pay that much for pharmacy and be short ed almost 4 mg a kit. Nice to know the gh isn’t much different from generic for you but honestly if it is why even run sero. I just order 2 36 iu kits from wax on their GB bc they tested pretty well and overdosed to like 42-44 a vial.
yes - I admit i sometimes wonder cost wise if I should maintain the seros…but then I think about the delta between mammalian derived HGH vs E. coli derived HGH and whether I should factor in any potential (even if slight at these low doses) for antibody generation being more possible from e-coli derived HGH…and I talk myself into at least keeping Seros in the mix. I will go see if I can pull/post the Jano result. Ok here it is - on Jano site.


  • Test Report #41698.png
    Test Report #41698.png
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yes - I admit i sometimes wonder cost wise if I should maintain the seros…but then I think about the delta between mammalian derived HGH vs E. coli derived HGH and whether I should factor in any potential (even if slight at these low doses) for antibody generation being more possible from e-coli derived HGH…and I talk myself into at least keeping Seros in the mix. I will go see if I can pull/post the Jano result. Ok here it is - on Jano site.
Thanks for the results… I kinda of see your point but then also they are both rHGH and when tested the same test is conducted for content purity and dimer so if say one generic test the same as above 99 purity no dimer couldn’t one say it is just as pure to intake?
yes - I admit i sometimes wonder cost wise if I should maintain the seros…but then I think about the delta between mammalian derived HGH vs E. coli derived HGH and whether I should factor in any potential (even if slight at these low doses) for antibody generation being more possible from e-coli derived HGH…and I talk myself into at least keeping Seros in the mix. I will go see if I can pull/post the Jano result. Ok here it is - on Jano site.
for sure re purity....my comment wasnt about purity - it was about the fact that HGH from Seros is made from mammalian cells while HGH from QSC (and almost everyone else) is made from E Coli - and the hypothesis in certain research papers that the mammalian derived HGH contributes less to possible antibody production in your body over time. So not about the purity test and not about whether or not both are HGH (obv they are)...more about that they are produced from different origin substances. And clearly diff people have diff opinions about whether this matters at all...im just sharing that its something i have considered when i consider Seros as a choice for myself vs others. I am happy as well so far with my experience on the QSC HGH (the 36iu batch that tested at 41ius).
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Cool thread! I Wanted to share my gh experience... I took gh for about 6 months. I used 2 different brands. Opti grey tops and qsc 10iu kits. It took me about 1.5 to 2 months to ramp up to 10-12iu a day. So for 4 months or a little more 10 to 12 iu a day. Everyday never missed a day. I never experienced any side effects to speak of..I did lose about a whole lot body fat during that time , but there were other factors at play. I never took anything for blood glucose. I unfortunately did not get an igf-1 baseline but during the 4 months I was at the 10iu a day I had it checked 3 times.never did get over 300. Like 279 to 290.. 1 test might have been 308 wither way not much of a response. I was experiencing a little insulin resistance so i. gonna cycle off for a while and see what happens..
I think about the delta between mammalian derived HGH vs E. coli derived HGH and whether I should factor in any potential (even if slight at these low doses) for antibody generation being more possible from e-coli derived HGH
Google returns nothing. Could you please elaborate here? Where can I find more information about this?

This is the first time I have become aware that not all of it was produced by modified bacteria.
How leaner do you guys actually feel you can stay during the offseason when running GH compared to when you ran only anabolics?
Really depends on the diet and the person so it's hard to specifically say.

What i can say is that GH adds a *significant* difference in staying lean while in a surplus. You can probably get away with larger caloric surplus as well without as much (or any) bodyfat gain, depending on how much of a surplus were talking and what the macro breakdown looks like

AAS while bulking or cutting = great
AAS + GH while bulking or cutting = game changer
Really depends on the diet and the person so it's hard to specifically say.

What i can say is that GH adds a *significant* difference in staying lean while in a surplus. You can probably get away with larger caloric surplus as well without as much (or any) bodyfat gain, depending on how much of a surplus were talking and what the macro breakdown looks like

AAS while bulking or cutting = great
AAS + GH while bulking or cutting = game changer

You're a great salesman mate haha! I was planning to try GH in next cut but if it helps by preventing fat store when in surplas it's a good point to reconsider its use.