Experienced gh users question.

Agreed. We should petition @Millard

@Goingstronger is consistently handing out dangerous, harmful, and inaccurate statements and advice--against everything this forum was built on. New members are going to see the orange name and people are going to end up following his horrible advice and hurting themselves. Just take a gander through his posts

He's also seems to be beefing with literally everyone, including other well known members
Just wanted to echo this post in agreement.

@Goingstronger is clearly one of 2 things.
1) a simple troll rage baiting people.
2) an ignorant moron who actually believes what he's saying and believes he is informed on the subjects.

Both of these things represent serious, real harm potential since yellow names are presumed to carry some type of reputation as either knowledgeable or experienced.

Him carrying a yellow name and the 10 year member banner further contributes to the facade that he is either knowledgeable or experienced.

Neither is true and he has spent the last few weeks perpetuating absolute insane, dangerous "advice" and flagrantly wrong information while masquerading as a "vet".

@Millard I also agree with the other members sentiments that this member parading as an authority figure while being so woefully incorrect, spreading dangerous advice and false information is counter to this boards culture of harm reduction.
T4 levels came in at 1.1ng/dl (reference range 0.9-1.7). Its still technically in range, but on the lower end of the reference range which could explain some of the lethargy i get with the GH so I'm going to be adding 150mcg t4

Think its probably best to take it in the morning before my fasted workout rather than at night? Can anyone with t4 experience chime in

It says the half life is 5-7 days so it probably doesn't matter that much, but I want to min-max the timing if possible
Take T4 first thing in the morning 30 min. b4 coffee or anything else for better absorption