ExpressPCT- US and international generic pharma

If you are based in EU we can assist, we have stock we are selling at the price we bought it for. It is Hilma and another brand.

I am based in the EU. But I can't see any testosterone in either the Express EU shop or the European Pharmaceuticals shop.

I'd like to buy ... but how?

Got same issues with no order confirms or updates etc, emailed Rick, did reply initially but not heard back since.

Your post makes it appear I have ignored you for multiple days.

You waited 15 hours from my last reply before posting this and expected assistance on a Sunday. At which point am I able to take my own break or stop working?

These are the unrealistic expectations of customer support in this industry, a typical company would assist Mon-Fri, 9-5 and reply within 1-2 working days.

The same applies to our business, we ask for 1-2 business days to reply, not an expectation that we will assist on a Sunday with 24/7 customer support. We are humans and not robots.

Please trust we will get back to you but we will operate similar to a normal company.

Your post makes it appear I have ignored you for multiple days.

You waited 15 hours from my last reply before posting this and expected assistance on a Sunday. At which point am I able to take my own break or stop working?

These are the unrealistic expectations of customer support in this industry, a typical company would assist Mon-Fri, 9-5 and reply within 1-2 working days.

The same applies to our business, we ask for 1-2 business days to reply, not an expectation that we will assist on a Sunday with 24/7 customer support. We are humans and not robots.

Please trust we will get back to you but we will operate similar to a normal company.
Hi fair enough was more just to flag my email comms here as well in case you were monitoring this but not seeing in mailbox. Wasn't intention to mislead, can confirm it has only been overnight yes.

Hi fair enough was more just to flag my email comms here as well in case you were monitoring this but not seeing in mailbox. Wasn't intention to mislead, can confirm it has only been overnight yes.

It is okay, it is just a stressful position!

I will reply very soon but I can confirm there is nothing to worry about.
I haven't been keeping up to date on this thread for quite a few pages. Last I knew, Rick was closing shop. Did he reopen?

We will try to get Clenbuterol, T3 is not so popular.

My personal opinion, they say Clen is bad for you. I don't really care because I love the way it feels and the results it gives.

T3 is very effective, but for me it comes with more sides than Clen. Sweating being a big one.

Any idea when the clen will be back in stock for the India warehouse?

You missed it by a few days, it was just in stock
Has anyone used the soma from express? This shit gives me alot of euphoria which I didn't think would happen. Makes you sleepy as hell though.
Has anyone used the soma from express? This shit gives me alot of euphoria which I didn't think would happen. Makes you sleepy as hell though.
Bro. Good call on the soma. I don't use any rec drugs at all. I like them to much. I think soma would be great for sleep and a little something to take this edge off while on Tren.