fat newbie here looking for advice for first cutting cycle

Op all I’m saying bro is if you haven’t fucked your therapist then you’re most likely beta. Any women who specializes in that practice will just “know” if you’re the alpha or beta. She will be able to detect your test levels and determine whether or not you’re just the average patient, or that “golden ticket” to fuck.

I’ve got bad news for you man
Is it? I imagine you hear a lot of stupid shit in a day. You have certainly seen more stupid shit every time you type something.
You have it backwards beta cuck. I find it amusing the stupid shit you type and if you fuck yourself up because you are dumb, I will find that even more amusing.
You should post that pic of the hot Russian chick you slept with the other night. That’ll show op why you really are alpha. If i recall you didn’t even have to say a word to get her
You should post that pic of the hot Russian chick you slept with the other night. That’ll show op why you really are alpha. If i recall you didn’t even have to say a word to get her
the lion does not care about the opinion of sheep. but you're alpha so you already know this
When you thought they were just innocent angels who didn’t like sex...


well you were wrong when they met me

I am your arch nemesis, Op. I am your bizarro. I am the Joker as you are Batman. Every time you talk to a woman you like, you can’t help but ask yourself, “Did he fuck her already?” I will be lurking around in your head rent free every time you step out of your house. You wonder whether or not one day I’ll slowly emerge from the corner of the street or pop through that random door at your workplace. Perhaps that’s what keeps you from going to that club or bar you’ve always wanted to visit. It’s that itching thought of whether or not you’d see me there. Perhaps the feeling of my presence or the smell of my cologne, alone would make you shriek in fear.

The clock is ticking and you never know just when I might appear in your life, but you and I know it’s inevitable. Maybe I am the young strapping handsome chad to take that special position you wanted at work. Look on the bright side, my fellow beta male, I am the one to keep your ego in check. So whenever you feel like getting cocky, just know I will always be around watching, patiently waiting to swoop in like a vulture and take what you’ve always desired in your life. For every Timothy that exists there will always be a chad. It’s the circle of life, a check and balance that you must come to accept.
LOL you guys are so fucking dumb. you complain about all the trolls and all you do is "feed the trolls." also i'm ignoring the other "alpha bro" talking about about my girlfriend and shit like that because it doesn't apply to me: i fuck men. and now i want to fuck bigger men on steroids
LOL you guys are so fucking dumb. you complain about all the trolls and all you do is "feed the trolls." also i'm ignoring the other "alpha bro" talking about about my girlfriend and shit like that because it doesn't apply to me: i fuck men. and now i want to fuck bigger men on steroids
you fuck men and look like you have aids, how very 1980s

