I posted this years ago on another forum. Thought I would post it here and some of these new guys could use the search function and locate it instead of asking the exact same thing over and over again. Just a generic First cycle.
There are some changes that can be made but nothing major.
My recommendations on a first cycle for beginners. This is just a simple AAS cycle with hcg and PCT.
Only a small part of the big picture while cycling. Training, Nutrition and Rest for me seem to be the biggest factors for making the gains that I desire.
First cycles in my opinion should involve one type of AAS(Testosterone). Preferably a long ester like Cypionate or Enanthate. I also encourage Frontloading to elevate blood levels faster(the plan that I lay here will actually get your blood levels up in weeks 3-4 instead of weeks 5-6. This will help with maximizing your cycle and gains.
Get pre-cycle labs done and check your LH, FSH, T and E2. 5-6 weeks into cycle. Then again after your cycle to see if you have returned to your normal levels.
This is what I would suggest for a first cycle:
Week 1 - Frontload 1000mg Test Cyp.(500mg Monday AM and 500mg
Thursday PM)
Week 2 - 10 - 500mg Test Cyp.(250mg Monday AM and 250mg Thursday PM)
Week 3-14 - 500 iu's hcg 250 iu's twice a week(same days as above for convenience)
Week 14 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 15 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 16 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 17 - 25mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 18 - 25mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED if needed.
Week 19 - off
Week 20 - off
For PCT I suggest Clomid(could be overkill for some) & Nolvadex(most could just run Nolva). A more popular course would be Clomid and Raloxifene. Most mild first cycles the user(especially younger) will recover without a PCT program or HCG. I personally wouldn't chance it knowing what I know now.
If you have any estrogen related sides you can add an AI such as Arimidex or Aromasin. Dosage would depend on E2 level. I would suggest the following: Arimidex at .5mg EOD or E3D, Aromasin 12.5mg ED. This is just what works best for me personally.
I'm not saying this is the all end all of first cycles but I've had great success with guys running this exact cycle for their first or even second and third cycle.
Please add anything that I've missed.
There are some changes that can be made but nothing major.
My recommendations on a first cycle for beginners. This is just a simple AAS cycle with hcg and PCT.
Only a small part of the big picture while cycling. Training, Nutrition and Rest for me seem to be the biggest factors for making the gains that I desire.
First cycles in my opinion should involve one type of AAS(Testosterone). Preferably a long ester like Cypionate or Enanthate. I also encourage Frontloading to elevate blood levels faster(the plan that I lay here will actually get your blood levels up in weeks 3-4 instead of weeks 5-6. This will help with maximizing your cycle and gains.
Get pre-cycle labs done and check your LH, FSH, T and E2. 5-6 weeks into cycle. Then again after your cycle to see if you have returned to your normal levels.
This is what I would suggest for a first cycle:
Week 1 - Frontload 1000mg Test Cyp.(500mg Monday AM and 500mg
Thursday PM)
Week 2 - 10 - 500mg Test Cyp.(250mg Monday AM and 250mg Thursday PM)
Week 3-14 - 500 iu's hcg 250 iu's twice a week(same days as above for convenience)
Week 14 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 15 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 16 - 50mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 17 - 25mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED
Week 18 - 25mg Clomid & 20mg Nolvadex ED if needed.
Week 19 - off
Week 20 - off
For PCT I suggest Clomid(could be overkill for some) & Nolvadex(most could just run Nolva). A more popular course would be Clomid and Raloxifene. Most mild first cycles the user(especially younger) will recover without a PCT program or HCG. I personally wouldn't chance it knowing what I know now.
If you have any estrogen related sides you can add an AI such as Arimidex or Aromasin. Dosage would depend on E2 level. I would suggest the following: Arimidex at .5mg EOD or E3D, Aromasin 12.5mg ED. This is just what works best for me personally.
I'm not saying this is the all end all of first cycles but I've had great success with guys running this exact cycle for their first or even second and third cycle.
Please add anything that I've missed.