First cycle for athlete

Some of the athletes i work with (fighters) use eq, mast ace, test prop, var or winnie. Low doses. Especially on the orals. They don't like too much of a pump. Those are some of the products. And they make a huge performance difference no doubt.
Never reccomended albuteral to anyone I don't know much about it. The bikini models I know that do use var weren't on my reccomendation either. But I get were you are coming from. He is an athlete yes but I was also, I had a full ride scholarship to a university in the states and some great prospects until an injury. I didn't get the scholarship because of size, speed, strength or power I got it from skill not even talent but skill. Hours upon countless hours of practicing my craft and there was very few who could beat me one on one that I came across because I had that skill. Would I have been better if I used juice, maybe I would have been able to power through more but that wasn't my game so didn't matter. Endurance doesn't need juice it needs work ethic, if you have the work ethic and apply it then you will go further and make more results.

As for athletes failing and them being banned absolutely it helps them and it does enhance performance for sure! I'm just saying There are probably more he can work on first, if juice is going to make the difference between NBA or not then grab a pin and bend over as I wish I could have done more to play pro, would do literally anything but steroids isn't the first thing I'd do is all I'm saying. I know he has skill and must be good he is in the NCAA but both you and I know there is lots of strength he could add to his frame naturally without risk of failing a piss test. My .02

Ping pong?
Some of the athletes i work with (fighters) use eq, mast ace, test prop, var or winnie. Low doses. Especially on the orals. They don't like too much of a pump. Those are some of the products. And they make a huge performance difference no doubt.
Are you theraphist ? i was thinking to start getting massage, it helps on bodybuilding ? also does it includes happy ending ?
Kinda po'd I didn't get tagged, I must be slacking lol
here's some guys that train similar to you or have a good understanding of similar programs:
@Leancuisine @SpartacusOmega @weighted chinup @romaleos @RodgerThat @Perrin Aybara @jaymaximus @gr8whitetrukker @strongsafety41
..and these are probably the most seasoned vets, they are who I would go to for advice
@Oregongearhead @greenddog1 @ironwill1951 @HuckingFuge

can't say any will be willing to help but maybe if you show em you did your homework ;)
Kinda po'd I didn't get tagged, I must be slacking lol
some guys are more willing to share than others, didn't want to out you, last time I called you into an mma thread you pleaded the 5th :cool::D I could have put EBK on there too but we'd see this kid in 2months and he'd be on a gram of tren :eek:.

I like how this kid ends his post with Y'all...hopefully he juices his wheels off transfers to Chapel Hill and brings my boys redemption...
some guys are more willing to share than others, didn't want to out you, last time I called you into an mma thread you pleaded the 5th :cool::D I could have put EBK on there too but we'd see this kid in 2months and he'd be on a gram of tren :eek:.

I like how this kid ends his post with Y'all...hopefully he juices his wheels off transfers to Chapel Hill and brings my boys redemption...

My kinda dude, he should just pm me. Plus we're not all genetic lucky freaks like @ebkallday. South paw game OP. Pm me
some guys are more willing to share than others, didn't want to out you, last time I called you into an mma thread you pleaded the 5th :cool::D I could have put EBK on there too but we'd see this kid in 2months and he'd be on a gram of tren :eek:.

I like how this kid ends his post with Y'all...hopefully he juices his wheels off transfers to Chapel Hill and brings my boys redemption...

Did plead the fifth. But when someone says y'all...damn. My homey TEK.
some guys are more willing to share than others, didn't want to out you, last time I called you into an mma thread you pleaded the 5th :cool::D I could have put EBK on there too but we'd see this kid in 2months and he'd be on a gram of tren :eek:.

I like how this kid ends his post with Y'all...hopefully he juices his wheels off transfers to Chapel Hill and brings my boys redemption...
Lol.... Intensity equals density brother!!.... and 800mg of fina helps a tiny bit too. ;)
Lol.... Intensity equals density brother!!.... and 800mg of fina helps a tiny bit too. ;)
Fuck man I'm on 350 now... my wife was cleaning the house earlier and i nearly beat her to death with vacuum cleaner... shit is ugly over here.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Fuck man I'm on 350 now... my wife was cleaning the house earlier and i nearly beat her to death with vacuum cleaner... shit is ugly over here.

Sent from my SM-G920P using Tapatalk
Hahaha..... I almost blew a lung laughing so hard!!!! Take er easy Tits! Lol
Im just giving you a hard time because I feel like I know you well enough :D
There's a lot of big brothers here it was more of a blanket statement. I do think the recovery benefits alone justify the means..but I would never want anyone to piss hot.

This is a pretty interesting discussion because most athletes shroud so much in secrecy. I'm kinda wondering about running low dose prop and winny for 8 weeks and running a plyo program like Air Alert again and charting my improvements...

Bro if your gonna do that, don't do Air Alert. That's one of the worst programs out there. One of my highschool teammates bought the Jump Manual a few years back, and sent me the workouts in an email(it's a 14 day workout chart) with instructions to increase weights after every 14 days. I personally haven't used it before, but I know he got good results from it. If you want, I can probably dig that up and send it to you.
When I played my sport I did may years under many trainers and conditioning coaches, the only thing I lacked was my families genetics of being big and fast. I personally don't think steroids takes you to the next level in sports, talent and skill does. You obviously have both if you are in the NCAA with hopes of being pro (in assuming) and at 6'4 that's gotta be what you need is skill and talent. You can't teach size but you can improve work ethic. I'd ask yourself do you really need juice? You have lots of lean natural muscle you can put on as is, have you ever trained a strength specific program? Most of the time for sports you focus on explosive training which is great but at the same time if you build your strength up then condition it for your sport it will do better for you.

Let me know what your training plan is for the summer?

I do have advice on steroid use too but for sports it's the last thing I would look at in a true athlete

My bad bro, I didn't see your response till just now when I was re-reading some of the responses. To answer your questions-
-Yes I hope to become a pro within the next few years.
-I haven't actually done a strength specific program, I guess mainly because they started me off so early telling me I had to get more explosive, and quicker and stuff. I never really had a chance to focus on anything else. I've lifted weights alot, but never like a 5x5 type program or something similar where the primary focus is gaining size/strength.

Do I truly need juice? That's kind of a hard question to answer. If I was to continue training naturally, doing everything the right way, I certainly could make more natural progress, there's little doubt about it. However, if I was to train enhanced, doing everything the right way, I would become a significantly better in terms of my athletic ability and recover alot faster.

(I am just throwing these random numbers out here, not sure if this is realistic for my first cycle. But say conservatively I gained 50-60 pounds on my flat bench, 50-60 pounds on my squat and deadlift, gained a good amount of speed, and a few inches of vertical jump. That would put me at 275-285lbs on bench press(way higher than any other guard/wing player on my team. Squat 375-385, Deadlift 375-385. There would probably be one guy on the team,(a big man, who would be stronger here). Vertical jump would be at around 37-39 inches, which is considered pretty close to elite.

Training plan this summer. We have a Mon-Wed-Fri training group with a strength/conditioning coach where we have a strength day, movement day, and a foundation day. Lot of explosive compound movements, conditioning, plyometrics etc. 4-5 days a week I go up to a local university and train in a small group of 2-3 guys with a skill development coach. We also do pickup runs a couple of days a week. Sometimes,(spontaneously), myself and my younger brother,(he's early in highschool) go over to my old highschool and get extra shots up on a machine called "the gun" (it's basically a machine that rebounds and passes the ball out). That pretty much covers it. I might play in the local pro-am this summer also.

Let me know what you think
Some of the athletes i work with (fighters) use eq, mast ace, test prop, var or winnie. Low doses. Especially on the orals. They don't like too much of a pump. Those are some of the products. And they make a huge performance difference no doubt.

I'll keep that in mind brother. That's good to know, cuz I know those guys gotta have a ridiculous conditioning level.