First cycle for athlete

By far the biggest boost in your performance will come from increasing that squat by 100 lbs. Whatever your protocol ends up being make sure you squat heavy and perfect the form! it translates into EVERYTHING. Vertical, sprinting speed, agility and hip strength, overall mass. every area you need to improve.
@jJjburton You really think Nate Rob is on AAS? That's wild you mention him lol. I brushed shoulders with him a couple summers ago when he came to workout in my strength/conditioning group. He seems like a genetic freak, I remember even when he was skinny in hs he was athletic as shit. He wasn't all built like he is now. I figured playing for football for Washington and doing NBA level training for 10 years with his genetics could be why he got so jacked.

I have heard that the NBA testing policy is outdated though, so you're probably right about that shit. I think if you gotta think someone is on AAS, what about LeBron? His FFMI is way over the "natural limit" and he isn't even training to get super big. Never seen someone put 7 footers on their ass going to the rim. 6'8, huge wingspan, 265, 40+ inch vert...hard for anyone to compete with that.

To answer your questons.

-I am currently doing and will be doing a combination of plyometrics, strength training, and conditioning after I begin my cycle. I'll continue this through the off-season till I get back to school. At that point in pre-season we usually do a lot of conditioning, sometimes on the track and in trails and stuff early in the morning. Also strength 3-4 days a week, depending on what else is going on.

-I spend alot of time doing skill work so I think I'll be able to make a pretty quick adjustment. Even if it temporarily affects me, I'd trade a big strength/athleticism increase for a few skill workouts with sub-par shooting any day of the week. Cuz I know with repitition, that'll come back.

-I'm a wing. But I usually get assigned to defend point guards. Biggest thing for me is to get my quickness and vertical to an elite level so I can get to the point where I can finish over the top of big men. I've caught a few soft big men in hs before, but they weren't really that good compared to the bigass mofos I see in that paint now.

Do you think that Test Prop & Anavar combo is a solid bet to increase my athleticism and strength for this cycle? I'm not trying to use a ton of different compounds my first go-around. If this goes well though, next year around this time I will be definitely looking to do this again, possibly with different compounds.
By far the biggest boost in your performance will come from increasing that squat by 100 lbs. Whatever your protocol ends up being make sure you squat heavy and perfect the form! it translates into EVERYTHING. Vertical, sprinting speed, agility and hip strength, overall mass. every area you need to improve.

That makes sense bro, thanks
Footwork lader drills 15 min everyday. And yes lebron is on roids too. So is westbrook. deandre jordae, ALOT of them. I would say 100 pecent of some type(of AAS, peptide, Blood dopging). You can;t get that good without it, Jeff Greene, (maybe not klay thomppson lol, but wouldnt be surprised). Andre iguadalo. Kobe tore hisachillies and was back in 4 weeks. He must have used everything under th e sun. There is no way the arent on stuff. Derrick rose too. Thats why they get injured so fast. That build up to fast after they just heal from injuries.
@jJjburton You really think Nate Rob is on AAS? That's wild you mention him lol. I brushed shoulders with him a couple summers ago when he came to workout in my strength/conditioning group. He seems like a genetic freak, I remember even when he was skinny in hs he was athletic as shit. He wasn't all built like he is now. I figured playing for football for Washington and doing NBA level training for 10 years with his genetics could be why he got so jacked.

I have heard that the NBA testing policy is outdated though, so you're probably right about that shit. I think if you gotta think someone is on AAS, what about LeBron? His FFMI is way over the "natural limit" and he isn't even training to get super big. Never seen someone put 7 footers on their ass going to the rim. 6'8, huge wingspan, 265, 40+ inch vert...hard for anyone to compete with that.

To answer your questons.

-I am currently doing and will be doing a combination of plyometrics, strength training, and conditioning after I begin my cycle. I'll continue this through the off-season till I get back to school. At that point in pre-season we usually do a lot of conditioning, sometimes on the track and in trails and stuff early in the morning. Also strength 3-4 days a week, depending on what else is going on.

-I spend alot of time doing skill work so I think I'll be able to make a pretty quick adjustment. Even if it temporarily affects me, I'd trade a big strength/athleticism increase for a few skill workouts with sub-par shooting any day of the week. Cuz I know with repitition, that'll come back.

-I'm a wing. But I usually get assigned to defend point guards. Biggest thing for me is to get my quickness and vertical to an elite level so I can get to the point where I can finish over the top of big men. I've caught a few soft big men in hs before, but they weren't really that good compared to the bigass mofos I see in that paint now.

Do you think that Test Prop & Anavar combo is a solid bet to increase my athleticism and strength for this cycle? I'm not trying to use a ton of different compounds my first go-around. If this goes well though, next year around this time I will be definitely looking to do this again, possibly with different compounds.
I think that t prop is good, for quick in and out. Anavar is fat loss and other benefits. EQ, is the bomb. for endurance I do not get tired on that shit. But If they test you then maybe not. Wnstrol many athletes use for speed. For fast twtich fibers. Deca joint reliefe low dose.

For a first cycle Test P and anavar sounds nice. 1-6 weeks of each
test P at 75 ed. Or if you reaseach better doses
Anavar at 40 ed. Or if you research other doses.

If you don;t get testeed..... EQ EQ EQ EQ Use that shit.
Squating and deadliftings. Made my knees very sdurable. Also declind squats with light weight. You your toes are opoints at a 20 percent lievel down. This puts pressure on your petella tendon. Allows it to toughen up, and prevent the number one tendonitis knee injury in bball.
After 6 months of suqats and then medicinince ball jump squats your feel like you fly when you jump. Also do one leg step ups on a bench thentake that other knee to your chest then bacmk down. Depending if you jump off one leg or two. Becuase if you just focues on two leg jumping, your one leg jumping will go to shit. Which is what happend to me,. I used to ducnk on one leg. That negleted one leg exercise, and now can only dunk off two legs.
bball and steroids
Dwight Howard
Hedo turkalu
metta worldpeace

The Short History of Steroid Incidents in the National Basketball Association

Everything you just verbally shit all over this thread makes no sense.
I've never done a single exercise you listed and my vertical is pretty fuckin high. I'll get a video tomorrow.

Just because Ben Johnson pissed hot for winny doesn't mean it's what made him faster.
Steroids don't make you faster. I would out run every juice head in my old unit. Out jump them. They could bench squat and deadlift more than me, but athletically I topped every one of them.

It comes down to how you train. Steroids help with recovery.