First cycle for athlete

Bro if your gonna do that, don't do Air Alert. That's one of the worst programs out there. One of my highschool teammates bought the Jump Manual a few years back, and sent me the workouts in an email(it's a 14 day workout chart) with instructions to increase weights after every 14 days. I personally haven't used it before, but I know he got good results from it. If you want, I can probably dig that up and send it to you.
haha I might be showing my age :oops:
When I was coming through Y2K-05, we ran Air Alert and some of those other gimmick programs. Strength shoes, ankle weights and vest, air alert, jump bible, etc. Nothing worked as good as power cleans and resistance/assisted jump squats, BB walking lunges, box jumps. Back then we could still buy PH over the counter, good shit too. We were all buying andro poppers like candy @ gnc o_O

Forget the jump manual, I wanna see your programming the coaches lay out lol
haha I might be showing my age :oops:
When I was coming through Y2K-05, we ran Air Alert and some of those other gimmick programs. Strength shoes, ankle weights and vest, air alert, jump bible, etc. Nothing worked as good as power cleans and resistance/assisted jump squats, BB walking lunges, box jumps. Back then we could still buy PH over the counter, good shit too. We were all buying andro poppers like candy @ gnc o_O

Forget the jump manual, I wanna see your programming the coaches lay out lol

Lmao the PH over the counter. & Yup I got you on that, just need to write it all down, it's usually a day by day thing.
Everything plyo related. Those fast twitch fibers feed off of a high oxygen content. EQ rings s huge bell. Ding ding. Increased RBC equals increased oxygen and nutrient delivery.
EQ would help blow up fast-twitch muscles? That's like the main thing I'm looking for...How long does it stay in the system ??
maybe. Still though like 3 month detection time right? maybe more?
sounds ballsy

you know I love EQ just as much as you :D

It's my favorite. Functional strength kept. Boldenone acetate is out there but I'd rather be hit by a truck than pin it ED.
EQ would help blow up fast-twitch muscles? That's like the main thing I'm looking for...How long does it stay in the system ??
they say 4-6 months on Equipoise (undec ester)...
bold cyp I would think would clear just like test cyp- roughly 3 months.

EQ is a favorite of performance athletes because it increases red blood cell count and helps endurance athletes shuttle oxygen in their blood. It's what they give the ponies...EQ and winstrol
Boldenone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
they say 4-6 months on Equipoise (undec ester)...
bold cyp I would think would clear just like test cyp- roughly 3 months.

EQ is a favorite of performance athletes because it increases red blood cell count and helps endurance athletes shuttle oxygen in their blood. It's what they give the ponies...EQ and winstrol
Boldenone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Common TEK don't down play our favorite compound. Ponies sounds a little eehhhh. Race horses and rodeo Bulls. Yeh, that's better ;)
Anybody know anything about Ganabol? Never tried it researched it. It's an oral boldenone. Maybe that's the path you should take? Maybe?
I was in similar predicament. Make sure you still do plyojumps while on gear. I lost my ability to dunk because I got to big to fast. So I cut ten pounds and can dunk again. SO You are going to want compounds that make slow gains. Such as EQ. You can control water content easier then deca or tren. Tren would be your enemy in-season. off season is different but I will get to that. You sorta want to add muscle but lose/maintan weight. Your legs are important squats, deadolifts. lounges. But becarful becasue if you put muscle on too fast, you' ligamnets and tendonds wont be able to catch up that fast and injuries occure. Thats how it happend to me I just pulled my quad. So Winstrol is nice, even masteron, EQ would be you prime roid. Obviously some test. But kepp it semi low. Do performance exercises as you do you weight lifting. Off seaon is when you would do your weight lifting and in seaon do performance base lifting. And moderate/maintenece weight lifting. Just don;t let your body gain to much weight and ruin your vertical. Always do plyjumps, or medicine ball jumps. Make sure you don;t do legs the day before practice or gaems ( I mean haeavy legs). You can do some esasy legs so you can advoid tendonitis and sstuff like that. Stretching 1-2 times a day is the key to allow your body to adapt to the gin in muscle quickly. Also make sure you do dyanmic stretching before games to avoid injury. Look at nate robonson he is a prime example he is roided out the ass. But can still jump. He is the only player in the nba that is that jacked. You could use low dose Deca for joints. EQ for slow lean gains. Winny, you would need to use deca with it so it doesn;t dry out joints and make tendonitis. The GW 15106 is for endurance. Anavar is good for fat loss. The best would be hgh prob. Tren off seaon. Gaining quick make you don'tt know your own strength and need t get adjusted to it. SO ALWAYS PLAY SOME BBALL( SHOOITING DRILS< DRIBBLING DRILLING>PASSING DRILLS) so you get used to your new strangth and how you handle the ball. Its going to feel like a letter.(WHEN I SHOT AFTER GAINInG ALL MY MUSCLE THE BALL WENT LIKE 2 FEET OVER THE HOOP, then AFTER I GOT USED TO IT, it was fine. LOL. I WOULD ALSO GUN PASSES TO KIDS THEY BE LIIKE DDAM< SLOW THAT SHIT DOWN.) But If you are a downlow/post player it will help alot there, you wont get pushded around. But do it just right you can excell. I have increased my bball ganme fucking crazy. But I didnt practice juming so I acan;t dunk anymore. I am 6 foot. I will start jumping running and stretching while off cycle, so I can preapare better for my next cycle, and slam over niggaas.
Also make sure you shoot alot when you are gaing msuclse and dribbleing drills on cycle. You would be sureprised how the strangth you build changes your peformance." You shot could be alot longer . Good luck. ps. Everybody in the nba used steroids. Theyt dont drug test.
I really like doing a leg workout and then doing weight ball jumps. Holding a medicine ball in you hand and then jump in a stand still position. Then do plyo jumps after . Then jump rope. But only for ten minutes 2-3 times a day. Never doing these in the beginning of your workout as you legs are not warmed uo again. Knees are fragile when doingb bball jumping. If you feel any discomfrot stop. Jumps rope is amazing too. I studied exercise science in college. I have learned a lot onthis subject. I can anser litterly any qeustions you have. I am in the middle of doing the same thing you are. Make sure you only do plyojumps, medicine ball jumps, and jumprope. For a maximum of 10 minutes. It's fast twtich muscle miber work and if you do it for a longer tim. I SWAER you legsa will get injures. Mainly your knees. Also ladder agiligy drilling are amaing for foot speed. Looking some up on youtube. I also did 2 or 3 ball dribbling drillsr o focus on eye hand cordination. Or have a tennis ball in your have throw it up in the air, then do a double crosover. or a cross over bet ween the legs behind the bakck adn then catch the ball before it hits the ground. Ladder drills are the shit for sot work.I am goint o be a personal reainer for lifting and bball in 2-3 years.