First Steroid Cycle (with pictures)


New Member
Alright, so here’s a little background on me. I’m 23, about to be 24. I’ve been bodybuilding/training seriously for over 10 years now, and due to a lot of research, some amazing trainers and experienced, older lifting partners, I’ve had my training and nutrition pretty dialed in from the start. I even competed in a larger local NPC show when I was 16 and placed 5th in the novice and 6th in the Open in a class of 17-19 guys. I also work as a nationally certified personal trainer through a top organization so bottom line, even though I'm still on the younger end of the spectrum, I know my stuff.

I have run a couple of short cycles of prohormones about 2.5 years ago that gave me some pretty good strength gains but usually they were during a cut so didn’t put on more then a few pounds of muscle with them. I also tried a test only cycle the december before last, but honestly I believe the gear I was using during the first 2 months of my 12 week cycle was either totally fake or SEVERELY under dosed as the whole cycle of 500/week of test only made me gain about 5-8 pounds on a bulk where my training and diet were as good as they’ve ever been and I had almost no pain the days following injection of my first batch of test before I switched sources and definitely felt the PIP. So anyway I consider this my first real cycle. Also I’m starting this after finally getting back to where I was at at my natural peak after being in a motorcycle accident about a year and a half ago that took me out of training completely for pretty much all of last year. After almost 11 months of nothing but protein, some creatine/preworkout, eating well and training hard I’m back to about

170 around 9-10% body fat at just under 5’9”

Now FYI my strength used to be much better, when I was 17 I could deadlift 450 for 2 reps, bench 325, and rep out 315 on squat, it's never gotten back to where it was before my accident but...

I can rep 225 on bench about 5-7 times depending on the day

Squat is 315 for 2-4

Deadlift is 315 for 7 (haven’t gone heavier in a while)

I’m writing this exactly 7 days from my first pin, my cycle is

Dbol weeks 1-4 40mg

Test E weeks 1-12 500/week (1000mg front load)

arimidex .25mg EOD

pct: nolva 40-40-20-20

clomid 50-25-12.5-12.5

Diet will be to get

200-250g protein

250-350g carbs

50-100g fat

Depending on the day. (I like to do higher carb lower fat on training days, slightly higher fat lower carb on rest days.

Since It has been a week already I’ll give you an update. I went into this with an attitude of “Do everything right, but keep your expectations low” so as to not give into too much of a placebo effect and be able to give an objective report. Well so far everything has been going smoothly, and honestly, I feel great. Not much effect as far as strength or anything yet (maybe able to push for an extra rep or so here and there the last couple days) but I’m starting to FEEL amazing. I guess my body really likes what’s going into it because the last few days I’ve had a huge rise in mood as well as significantly higher energy that seems to come somewhat in waves. I’ve suffered from depression and anxiety on and off for as long as I remember and these last few days it’s become almost non-existent, and I really don’t believe it’s placebo because I was not expecting to feel so good mood wise. Anyway my weight has stayed the same even know I’m eating significantly more then a week or so ago, but I actually think I’ve leaned out and have no signs of bloat or water retention. My muscles are beginning to feel way fuller and pumps in the gym the last 2 workouts have been great. That’s about it for now guys. Here are the before pics taken 8 days ago


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Also to give u guys a bit more background and show what I've already done naturally, heres a couple pics from the day before that contest when I was 16 as well as some pics from this January right BEFORE I started training again after not being in the gym for almost a year after my accident


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Btw I know my lifts suck, but for some reason, even know my mass has come back after my motorcycle accident and my year off training, my strength hasn't. 2 years ago I could rep 225 on the incline bench for sets of 225x12 and now I struggle to get 155 for that many reps. Kinda sucks :( though to be fair I've only started lifting nice n heavy again a few months ago
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sorry to hear about your motorcycle accident i am a rider as well and that shit is no joke thankfully you’re all good now. i think most of the guys on here will tell you you’re too young to shut down your natural system. i think you could make great natty gains with diet and exercise as you probably already know. think is it worth the risk of shutdown and putting you on trt at 23/24 years old. i’m 25 on trt and pinning gets old quick. don’t get me wrong you look better than me but i am waiting for aas to be honest. you have a good base i think you fell off of your training due to whatever in your life and you think aas will get you there when in reality you should be putting in HARD WORK , best of luck
sorry to hear about your motorcycle accident i am a rider as well and that shit is no joke thankfully you’re all good now. i think most of the guys on here will tell you you’re too young to shut down your natural system. i think you could make great natty gains with diet and exercise as you probably already know. think is it worth the risk of shutdown and putting you on trt at 23/24 years old. i’m 25 on trt and pinning gets old quick. don’t get me wrong you look better than me but i am waiting for aas to be honest. you have a good base i think you fell off of your training due to whatever in your life and you think aas will get you there when in reality you should be putting in HARD WORK , best of luck

Thanks for the feedback man. I have put a lot of thought into this and although I do agree I'm on the lower end of the spectrum for AAS use, I don't believe as long as I do things correctly, especially PCT, that I'm at too great of risk of my test never coming back after a 12 week cycle. Obviously with AAS there are some risks but I am aware of them and have done my research on how to avoid them, but if worse comes to worse, I will accept them if they come. Also yes I know I'm sure I do have some more natty potential, however I have been training seriously since I was 13 (no joke, I was very committed from the start and like I said, had some great mentors) and despite having to start almost from scratch after being out of the gym for a year, my goal is to compete again next year and I would like to be competitive in the NPC and unfortunately that kinda rules out being natty. I believe I have gotten my mass back to pretty much where It was before my accident, even know my strength is slow to return and I'm DEFINITELY not adverse to hard work as I have gained back 20 lbs of muscle in 11 months (Went from 155 at around 16% bf to 170 at around 9-11%. As I'm sure you know taking steroids doesn't mean you're taking the easy way out. For some, yes, but for me it's more about being able to push and train even HARDER and the fact that my goal is not to max out every last ounce of natural potential, but start competing in a sport that requires you to be way beyond limits of natural potential JUST TO PLACE in top contests let alone win. Again thought, thanks for the feedback as I'm sure it comes from a positive motive.
Alright guys so quick update, might go take a couple better photos later today or tomorrow but here's on this week.

Weight this morning: 181 (+11 or so lbs)

Definitely saw the dbol kick in for real this week. Slight water retention but not much, my face is still lean looking and can still see definition in abs. Strength has been getting better and better, starting to feel like I did before my accident but still got a ways to go. My fullness is insane and have been getting comments left and right on looking bigger. Mood and energy have been great too especially during training or at work when I'm moving fast (I'm also a server as well as a trainer) I think so far the best part of this cycle so far is that it seems to have temporarily cured my depression and anxiety which has let me be my best and people have noticed that I'm much much more on point at work, able to easily handle my shit and then help out everyone else too which has been great and gained me a lot of positive attention, plus im just in a better mood in general, I'm super happy about that side effect. It's a huge weight lifted off my shoulders not to spend half my days struggling with my mental health and instead being able to focus on my relationships, my girlfriend, as well as training/eating. Sex drive is through the roof as well which is never a bad thing hah. Anyway so far so good and no negative side effects or back pumps or anything, I'll keep you guys posted, let me know if there was anything I missed in the update or anything u wanna know


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From today/ last couple days. Unfortunately I came down with the flu or something yesterday so eating enough has been a struggle and just hit a short workout yesterday and resting today but hopefully I'll be good tomorrow


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Alright guys sorry for the little gap since last update. I ended up having bronchitis for 2 weeks and although I was able to get some good workouts in, I also had to take a significant amount of days off so I just wanted to wait. I took my last dose of Dbol yesterday. So far

Arms are at 17" and 16.5" (up 1" from a month ago)

Legs are 24" (up 2")

Calves 16"(up 1")

Strength still through the roof. Training is fun as hell, love how I feel in the gym. No side effects to speak up besides night sweats and a little nipple puffiness sometimes (tend to be gyno prone, had it as a teen never really went away) so I'm actually gonna be switching to aromasin 12.5eod n see if that helps, besides it increases igf1 and helps free test so probably a better AI anyway. This week is my heavy week (staying close to 4-5 reps on big lifts) so will give some strength updates soon.


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Keep it up. I read your other post as well. You have a great base. Best of luck on this run. I'll definitely keep an eye on this one. I quit riding once I started having kids. Decided being alive for them was more important than riding fast.