Hey guys, I've decided to run a Test-E only cycle starting next week. Let me know what you think.
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 155 (Very lean at the moment to prepare for cycle)
Training consistently for 4 years
Goals: 175-185lbs by summer
Alright, I hope to gain a lot of mass during this cycle while staying lean and keeping water retention to a bare minimum. My diet will consist of 3500 Calories/day 250g Protein/day 375g Carbs/day 85g Fat/day. Also, I am going to minimize the sodium intake due to water retention and aim to drink 1-2 gallons of water a day.
Test E Cycle - 10 Weeks
Weeks 1-10: 400mg Test E/Week @ 2x 200mg Injections per week (Mondays and Thursdays)
Weeks 3-10: 500iu HCG/Week @ 2x 250iu injections per week (Mondays and Thursdays)
Weeks 1-10: .5mg Arimidex EOD
Weeks 12-14: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Weeks 12-14: Clomid 100/100/50/50
Intense Lifts 5-6 Days a week
Intense Cardio 3-4 Days a week
What are the best supplements to take to maximize results from my cycle?
How much fat should I expect to gain on this cycle?
Should I add any anabolics or growth hormones to this cycle?
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 155 (Very lean at the moment to prepare for cycle)
Training consistently for 4 years
Goals: 175-185lbs by summer
Alright, I hope to gain a lot of mass during this cycle while staying lean and keeping water retention to a bare minimum. My diet will consist of 3500 Calories/day 250g Protein/day 375g Carbs/day 85g Fat/day. Also, I am going to minimize the sodium intake due to water retention and aim to drink 1-2 gallons of water a day.
Test E Cycle - 10 Weeks
Weeks 1-10: 400mg Test E/Week @ 2x 200mg Injections per week (Mondays and Thursdays)
Weeks 3-10: 500iu HCG/Week @ 2x 250iu injections per week (Mondays and Thursdays)
Weeks 1-10: .5mg Arimidex EOD
Weeks 12-14: Nolvadex 40/40/20/20
Weeks 12-14: Clomid 100/100/50/50
Intense Lifts 5-6 Days a week
Intense Cardio 3-4 Days a week
What are the best supplements to take to maximize results from my cycle?
How much fat should I expect to gain on this cycle?
Should I add any anabolics or growth hormones to this cycle?