Big pump
New Member
Your partially right.This is the problem with these forums. People get flamed and false presumptions are all over the place. It's like anyone under the age of 25 is incompetent and doesn't have a clue how to correctly lift weights or apparently eat food. In the end, your posts can't decide what I choose to do. Although I appreciate the feedback, I would much rather prefer valid, logical reasons and let me reach my own decision instead of telling me that I'm "scared to eat food" or I'm simply not capable of keeping a strict diet and workout schedule. If I'm so wrong, shouldn't you guys help me correct myself with some solid feedback and information or at least point me in the right direction?
Not this is the problem with these forums part because when people ask basic knowledge questions they will get questions back instead of answers or get hammered for asking. Obviously you are under 25 by a good bit if you are still using high school as a baseline for your size and experience. I would assume your not eating enough to gain! That is accurate about 100% of the time cause regardless of your training, metabolism, genetics or any other factor if your intake to usage of calories is right you'll gain weight point blank. I too can fluctuate 10 to 15lbs a week depending on my diet not that it's healthy the way I do it. As for you being so wrong I agree with that part no offense meant but aas cycles aren't going to pack mass on you food is! Ok? So your diet. You say you have one that's solid and you want advice cool. Some of the others on here have gave some good advice. Go over to the nutrition forums and you should find some threads with helpful information in them. Oh yea it also helps to layout your whole plan, goals, stats (including age) not to flame you, diet, supplements, training etc.